Page 46 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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2:4). (3) It is failing to walk in the light in fellowship BAKEMEATS. Baked goods (Ge. 40:17). The term
with God (1 Jn. 1:5-9). “meat” is used generically, referring not only to flesh but
The seven downward steps of backsliding. No one also to bread and fruit and other edibles.
backslides suddenly. It is true that we may be shocked BALAAM (foreigner, not of the people). The prophet
by the sudden outward manifestation of terrible sin, but hired by the king of Moab to curse the Israelites (Nu.
the truth is that many little things have entered in and 22-24). He was later slain by the Israelites (Nu. 31:8).
undermined the life. The story of Lot’s backsliding The N.T. speaks of Balaam as an evil man (2 Pe.
illustrates the seven downward steps. (1) Covetousness 2:15-16; Jude 11; Re. 2:14). Balaam’s sins were (1)
(Ge. 13:10). Many a man has made the mistake of covetousness, and (2) teaching God’s people to
fixing his eyes on the wrong objects. (2) Choosing too compromise and disregard God’s command of
low (Ge. 13:11; 19:17). Lot chose the plain instead of separation. Balaam taught God’s people to mingle with
the mountain. Christians are to aim high—at heavenly the world (contrast 1 Co. 10:7-8; Ja. 4:4; 1 Jn.
things (Col. 3:1-3), at the most excellent things (Ph. 2:15-17). Balaam’s life portrays an amazing and fearful
1:9-10). Christians injure their spiritual lives when they condition. Though he professed to love the truth, he
choose less than God’s perfect will in areas of actually served money and prestige; to man he appeared
friendship, entertainment, literature, occupation, etc. righteous; to God, perverse (Nu. 22:7, 17-35). His love
(3) Compromise (Ge. 13:12013). Lot pitched his tent for material gain and the honor of man darkened his
toward wicked Sodom. Christians are to flee youthful heart so that it is possible that he actually thought he
lusts (2 Ti. 2:22), avoid all appearance of evil (1 Th. was right with God even while disobeying God. His
5:22), have no fellowship with evil works (Ep. 5:11). unholy desires caused him to reinterpret and to question
(4) Captured by the enemy (Ge. 14:11-12). Those who God’s plain commands (Nu. 22:5-21). It is obvious that
do not have on the whole armor of God will be captured Balaam honored man (Nu. 22:14). Balaam typifies the
by the enemy, who is walking about seeking whom he worldly modern preacher: (1) He desired to have the
may devour (Ep. 6:10-19; 1 Pe. 5:8). (5) Carnal (Ge. reputation of holiness, but he was inwardly perverse.
19:1, 16). Lot loved Sodom and its excitement. He was (2) He loved material gain and the honor of man. (3)
a saved men, and his heart was grieved at the gross He reverenced man’s position. (4) He taught God’s
wickedness (2 Pe. 2:7); but still he loved Sodom. Lot people to intermingle with the world. [See Apostasy,
had no powerful testimony because he lived primarily Church, Roman Catholic Church, Separation, Timothy,
for the things of the world (Ge. 19:14). Many Christians World.]
love the evil things of this world that God hates and is BALAC. The same as Balak. [See Balak.]
going to judge (1 Jn. 2:15-17; Ja. 4:4). (6) Spiritual BALADAN (a son has been given). 2 Ki. 20:12.
weakness (Ge. 19:8). Lot was willing to give his
daughters into sin. Because of his backsliding, he had no BALAK (waster). The Moabite king who hired
spiritual power. (7) Carousing (Ge. 19:33-38). Here we Balaam to curse Israel (Nu. 22:2). [See Balaam.]
find Lot drinking wine and committing immorality. His BALANCES. Scales similar to those now used; they
first wrong choices led him deeper and deeper into sin consisted of a crossbeam which turned upon a pin at the
and farther and farther from God’s fellowship. top of an upright piece of wood. Supported from each
The remedy for backsliding. Re. 2:4-5—Return, end of the crossbeam was a hook or pan which held the
repent, confess, renounce, and perform the first works. objects as they were being weighed. The Scriptures
[See Holy, Repentance, Sanctification, Separation.] employ the balance figuratively to convey the idea of
equity, fairness (Job 31:6; Ps. 62:9; Pr. 11:1). The
BADGER. The skin of this animal was used as the handwriting on the wall in the palace of Babylon
outer covering for the Tabernacle (Ex. 26:14; 36:19). declared that Belshazzar was weighed in balances and
The unattractive, dark-skinned badger was a common found wanting (Da. 5:27) (Analytical).
animal of Palestine, typifying the fact that Jesus Christ
was physically ordinary in His earthly life (Is. 53:2). As BALM (balsam). An ointment for wounds (Je. 8:22;
the badgers’ skins hid the lovely and expensive interior 46:11; 51:8).
of the Tabernacle, so Jesus’ earthly state hid his divine BAMAH (high place). Eze. 20:29.
glory. [See Jesus Christ, Tabernacle.] BAMOTH (high places). Nu. 21:19.
BAJITH (house). A slighting reference to the temple BAMOTH-BAAL (high places of Baal). Jos. 13:17.
of Moabitish gods (Is. 15:2) (Analytical). BAND. (1) A body of soldiers (1 Sa. 10:26; 2 Ki.
BAKEN. Baked (Le. 2:4; 1 Ki. 19:6). 13:21). The Roman band was composed of the tenth
part of a legion, and containing from four hundred to
six hundred men (Mt. 27:27; Jn. 18:3; Ac. 21:31). The
band was divided into centuria or companies of a
46 Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible & Christianity