Page 47 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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               hundred each, with an officer over each hundred called   Ro. 6:4 and Col. 2:12. There is  no N.T. support for  the
               a centurion. The “Italian band” (Ac 10:1) was  a body of   practice of sprinkling or pouring. Both of these practices
               strictly Roman soldiers  from Italy. “Augustus’ band” (Ac.   corrupt the proper symbolism of the ordinance.
               17:1) was one of the five cohorts stationed at Caesarea   What Is  the Meaning of Baptism?  Water baptism is  a
               (Clow). (2) Bound with  a cord (Job 39:10; Da. 4:15).   picture and  public testimony  of spiritual  realities. It  is
               (3) To band together (Ac. 23:12). [See Military.]   called  a “figure” in 1 Pe. 3:21. (1)  Baptism is  a public
                  BANDS. The name applied  to one of the two staves   testimony  of  repentance  and  faith  in  Christ  (Ac.
               which symbolized the Lord’s covenant  with  Israel (Ze.   8:34-38; 16:30-34; 2:37-38). (2) Baptism identifies one
               11:7, 10, 14). “One staff was called  Beauty;  the other,   with Christ and depicts salvation—dying with Christ and
               Bands,  or  Concord.  They  spoke  of  the  pastoral  care   being  raised  to  eternal  life  with  Him  (Ro.  6:3-6).
               Israel is  yet to  know, when, with the beauty of the Lord   Baptism  shows   the  Gospel—the  death,  burial,  and
               her  God upon her, she shall dwell in unity and concord   resurrection of Jesus Christ.
               as   one  nation  in  the  land  covenanted  to     What Is the Purpose of Baptism? It is not for salvation,
               Abraham” (Ironside).                              but is a public  testimony of faith in Christ and a picture
                  BANI (built). 2 Sa. 23:36.                     of the gospel. To interpret the Bible properly, the Bible
                  BANQUETING,  BANQUETINGS.  To  partake  of  a   teacher must “compare spiritual things  with spiritual” (1
               banquet,  in  the  worldly,  immoral  sense;  drinking   Co. 2:13). The false teacher, though, takes verses out of
               alcoholic beverages; carousing; reveling (1 Pe. 4:3). The   context and uses  isolated  verses to overthrow the clear
               term “banqueting” in itself  can  be positive or negative,   teaching of the Bible as  a whole. He puts  one definition
               depending on the context. It is used  in a positive sense   on a Bible word and then forces  that definition into  all
               in Song of Solomon 2:4.                           passages, regardless of the context. That is  what those
                  BAPTISM -  FIRE. The baptism by  fire is  one of  the   do who  teach that  baptism is a part of  salvation. False
               distinctive  teachings  of  the  Pentecostal/Charismatic   teachers  use John 3:5 to teach  the heresy  of baptismal
               movement.  Some  Pentecostal  groups  have  named   regeneration, claiming that to be “born of water” refers
               themselves  such  things as  “Fire  Baptized  Holy  Ghost”   to salvation. For  the following reasons, we know this is
               people. The  idea of being  baptized  by  the Holy  Spirit   not true: (1) The passage says absolutely nothing about
               and  fire  is  also  seen  in  the titles of  books  about  the   baptism. (2) Jesus is  contrasting the natural birth  with
               Pentecostal movement, such as that of Roman Catholic   the spiritual birth.  Thus  “born  of  water”  refers  to the
               Ralph  Martin  entitled  Fire  on  the  Earth  published  in   tiny  unborn  baby  enclosed  in  a  sack  of  water  in  his
               1976. The concept of being baptized by the Holy  Spirit   mother’s womb; and  when  the water breaks  he is born
               and  fire  comes   from  John’s   prophecy  in  Matthew   of  water.  (3)  In  this  same passage, Christ  taught that
               3:11-12. Pentecostals  believe the baptism of fire was  a   salvation  is  by  faith  alone and  not  by  ritual or  works
               baptism of power, but they  ignore the context. John the   (Jn.  3:14-18,  36).  False  teachers  use  Acts   2:38  to
               Baptist was speaking to  the Jews. Those who believed in   overthrow  all  of  the  rest  of  the  New  Testament’s
               Christ were baptized with the Holy  Spirit on the day of   teaching about baptism and salvation. How do we know
               Pentecost, but  those who  reject Christ will be baptized   that Acts  2:38 is not saying that baptism removes sins?
               with  the fire of  judgment. See also Is. 66:15, 16;  Mal.   First  of  all, we must  understand  that  “baptism for  the
               3:2  -  4:1;  1  Th.  1:9-11;  Re.  19-20.  Praise  God  that   remission of sins”  can  mean  one of two things:  it can
               because of the blood of Christ no  true Christian will ever   mean baptism  “in  order  for” sins  to be remitted, or  it
               be baptized by  fire. [See Charismatic Movement, Hell,   can  mean  baptism  “because  of”  sins already  remitted
               Holy Spirit, Prophecy.]                           (Lk.  5:13-14).  In  other  words,  Acts  2:38  could  mean
                  BAPTISM - IMMERSION.                           that  baptism takes away  sin  or  it  could  just  as easily
                                                                 mean  that  baptism  merely  follows  the  forgiveness of
                  What  Is  the  Requirement  for  Baptism? The   sins. How do we know that it is the latter? (1) We know
               requirement  for baptism is repentance and  faith in  the   Peter  was saying baptism follows  the remission  of sins
               Lord Jesus Christ (Acts 8:36-37; 2:38-41).        because  the  rest  of  the  book  of  Acts  shows  baptism
                  What  Is  the  Proper  Mode  of  Baptism?  In  the  N.T.,   following  faith  and  forgiveness  (8:35-38;  10:43-44, 47;
               baptism always means immersion in water except when   16:30-33). (2) We know this  because Peter himself said
               the  passage  refers   to   Spirit  baptism.  (1)  The  early   baptism is not salvation but is a figure of salvation (1 Pe.
               Christians  baptized  by  going  down  into  the  water  and   3:20-21). (3) We know this because Paul said baptism is
               coming  up  out  of  the  water  (Ac.  8:38-39).  John  the   not the gospel  (1 Co. 1:17; 15:1-4). It is  the gospel that
               Baptist needed much water for baptism (Jn. 3:23). Jesus   is  the power  of God unto  salvation  (Ro. 1:16). (4) We
               Christ came up out of the water (Mt. 3:16). (2) The word   know this  because Mark 16:16 says  that God’s  judgment
               baptism means to immerse or dip and is called “burial” in   comes  because  of  unbelief rather than because of lack of

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