Page 52 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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through faith alone; (3) the eternal security of the distinguishes our doctrinal position which is set forth
believer; (4) the autonomy of the local church (Baptists in the N.T. and identifies us with a host of saints who
reject all hierarchical structures of church polity); (5) have believed the same precious truths and were
the priesthood of the believer (Baptists reject any identified with the same denominator.
separate priesthood in the church); (6) a regenerate The premise that first century Christians were Baptists
church membership (only those who profess Christ and runs counter to the Roman Catholic claim that the first
give evidence of salvation can join the church); (7) the church was Roman Catholic. To this we need only
Bible is the sole authority for the church; (8) separation point out that the first church was organized by Christ
and His Apostles, and those Apostles became the
of church and state (the churches should not be united nucleus of the church at Jerusalem, not Rome, and
with or supported by the secular government). While James was its leader, not Peter. We also contend that
there are a great many different groups of Baptists with the bishop of Rome did not win primacy over other
widely differing doctrines and practices, most hold to bishops until the fourth century, and that it wasn’t until
these distinctives. Gregory ascended the episcopal throne in 590 A.D.
THE HISTORY OF THE BAPTISTS is given in the that the Roman bishop began to claim his supremacy
following summary by Curtis Whaley: over other bishops. Thus we see that Roman
Catholicism dates back to the fourth century at the
Baptists do not trace their heritage to the Protestant earliest. [See Church, Roman Catholic Church.]
Reformation, but back to Jesus Christ and the apostolic While we do not contend that only Baptists are going
churches, as we see in the following overview by Curtis to heaven, we do contend that the first church was
Whaley: organized according to principles historically
Though many Baptist groups sprang up during the maintained by Baptists, and that Baptists have existed
Protestant Reformation, according to Collier’s since that day. First called Christians, then by other
Encyclopedia, the Baptists have ‘descended from some names down through the centuries until they received
of the evangelical “sects” of the preceding age during the name that has distinguished them from Protestant
which the Roman and Orthodox Churches dominated and Catholic groups alike (Curtis Whaley, Who Are the
all of Europe and suppressed all dissent.’ A Catholic, Baptists?).
Cardinal Hosius, President of the Council of Trent [See Baptism - Immersion, Baptism - Infant, Church,
(1545-1563), wrote during the early years of the
Reformation period, ‘Were it not that the Baptists have Church Discipline, Lord’s Supper, Pastor, Prophecy,
been grievously tormented and cut off with the knife Roman Catholic Church.]
during the past twelve hundred years, they would BARABBAS (son of a father). The criminal who was
swarm in greater numbers than all the reformers.’ This released in Jesus’ place (Mt. 27:15-26). Barabbas was a
should convince anyone that the Baptists are not a by- rebel against the government and a thief and murderer
product of the Reformation, and are not even (Mk. 15:7; Jn. 18:40; Ac. 3:14). His release vividly
Protestants in the popular sense of the term. illustrates how Jesus died in the place of sinners (2 Co.
If the Baptists did not begin with the Reformation, 5:19-21; Is. 53).
when did they begin? We will let a great American and
world historian answer. John Clark Ridpath BARACHEL (God has blessed). Job 32:2, 6.
(1840-1900), a Methodist by denominational BARACHIAH (Jehovah has blessed). Mt. 23:35.
conviction, wrote, ‘I should not readily admit that there BARAK (lightning). Ju. 4:1—5:12; He. 11:32.
was a Baptist church as far back as 100 A.D., although BARBARIAN. A foreigner (Ac. 28:4; 1 Co. 14:11).
without doubt there were Baptist churches then, as all
Christians were then Baptists.’ Yes, all Christians were The Greek word means one whose speech is strange.
then Baptists, because the doctrines that Baptists [See Heathen.]
believe and teach today are the same as those taught BARBAROUS. A foreigner (Ac. 28:2). This is the
by the Lord Jesus Himself, by Peter, John, Paul, and all same Greek word translated “barbarian.” [See
the Apostles. Barbarian.]
We have not always been called ‘Baptists.’ The name is BARIAH (fugitive). 1 Ch. 3:22.
not a self-chosen one. Following what we believe to be
apostolic precept and example, the Baptists rejected BARJONA (son of Jona). Jn. 1:42.
infant baptism, insisted on a ‘regenerate membership,’ BARKOS (partly-colored). Ezr. 2:53.
and baptism sought intelligently by the candidate as a BARLEY. A grain used for animal feed and for bread
condition for church membership. For these reasons (Le. 27:16; Ruth 2:17).
they were stigmatized as ‘Anabaptists,’ ‘Cata-baptists,’
and sometimes as simply ‘Baptists.’ This was to say BARNABAS (son of consolation). A leader in the
they were [called by their enemies] ‘rebaptizers, early churches and sometimes co-worker with Apostle
perverts of baptism,’ or, as unduly emphasizing Paul (Ac. 4:36-37; 9:27; 11:19-30; 13:1-14; 15:1-2, 12).
baptism and making it a reason for schism, simply
‘baptizers.’ We are proud of the name, because it
52 Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible & Christianity