Page 55 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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Pe. 2:12). This refers to animals such as pigs and BEDAD (separation). Ge. 36:35.
chickens which are made for man’s eating pleasure. BEDEIAH (servant of Jehovah). Ezr. 10:35.
Animals Illustrate Man’s Salvation: Animals were used BEELIADA (whom the Lord knows). 1 Ch. 14:7.
by God to illustrate salvation to the human race. In the BEELZEBUB. [See Idolatry.]
Garden of Eden, when the man and woman had sinned,
God made “coats of skins, and clothed them” (Ge. 3:21). BEER (a well). Nu. 21:16-18; Ju. 9:21.
Where did God get those coats of skins? From innocent BEERELIM (well of heroes). Is. 15:8.
animals that died that man might have a covering for BEERI (man of a well). Ge. 26:34.
his sinful condition. And note that it was God who BEERLAHAIROI (the well of him that liveth and
provided the covering. God must provide salvation. Man seeth me). Ge. 16:7.
cannot earn it himself. Salvation is a gift of grace, “not BEEROTH (wells). Jos. 9:17
of works, lest any man should boast” (Ep. 2:9). From BEERSHEBA (well of the oath). Wells were dug here
Eden to Calvary, the blood of animals was shed to by Abraham (Ge. 21:22-32; 26:1-33; 46:1-5; Jos. 15:28;
illustrate salvation. Man is a fallen sinner who must 19:1-2; 1 Sa. 8:2).
have salvation from sin’s penalty, and that salvation was
purchased by Jesus Christ on the Cross. There He shed BEESHTERAH (temple of Astarte). Jos. 21:27.
His blood and died for payment for man’s sin. Those BEEVES. Cattle (Lev. 22:19).
who trust Him receive eternal life. This is the Gospel BEFORETIME. Before; in time past (De. 2:12; 1 Sa.
which was preached so eloquently by the animal 9:9; Ac. 8:9).
sacrifices. “Behold the Lamb of God which taketh away BEGET. To procreate, to bring forth. The term
the sin of the world” (Jn. 1:29). That is what John the “beget” is used to trace the lineage of Christ (Ge. 4:18;
Baptist said of Christ. The Bible enjoins us to Look and 5:3-32; 10:8-26; 11:10-27; 1 Ch. 1:34—9:43; Mt.
Live. “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt 1:2-16). It is also used to describe the new birth (Phile.
be saved” (Ac. 16:31). Man is the crown of creation, but 10; 1 Pe. 1:3; Ja. 1:18; 1 Jn. 5:1,18). The terms “only
he is fallen and cannot be what God intended him to be begotten” and “first begotten” refer to Jesus Christ. [See
until he is born again through the blood of Christ.[For Born again, Genealogy, Generation, Only begotten,
the “Beast” of Re. 13:1 see Antichrist.] Gospel.]
BEATETH THE AIR. Shadow boxing; striking at the BEGOTTEN AGAIN. Born again (1 Pe. 1:3). [See
air without actually hitting anything (1 Co. 9:27). [See Born Again.]
Castaway.] BEGOTTEN, ONLY. [See Only begotten.]
BEATITUDE (blessing). Though not contained in the BEGUILE. To delude; to deceive; to impose on by
Bible, “beatitude” is a term commonly used to refer to artifice or craft (Webster) (Ge. 3:13; 29:25; Nu. 25:18;
the blessings Jesus described in Mt. 5:3-11. Jos. 9:22; 2 Co. 11:3; Col. 2:4, 18). Every N.T. usage of
BEAUTY. An assemblage of graces, or an assemblage this word is a warning as to the deceiving character of
of properties in the form of the person or any other false teachers (2 Co. 11:3; Col. 2:4, 18; 2 Pe. 2:14).
object, which pleases the eye; pleasing; lovely; elegant [See False Teaching.] [See also Cunning, Deceit,
in form; pleasing to the eye (Webster) (Ge. 29:17; 1 Sa. Dissemble, Dissimulation, Doubletongued, Entice, Feign,
16:12; 25:3; 2 Sa. 11:2; 2 Sa. 15:25; 2 Ch. 3:6; Es. 2:7; Flattery, Guile, Hypocrisy, Sincere, Sleight, Subtil,
Ps. 27:4). (1) God is to be worshipped in “the beauty of Unfeigned, Wilily, Winketh.]
holiness,” reminding us that that which pleases God is BEHALF. (1) For; in the place of; in the stead of (Ex.
holiness and righteousness, not physical beauty (1 ‘Ch. 27:21; 2 Sa. 3:12; Ph. 1:9). (2) For this cause (1 Pe.
16:29; 2 Ch. 20:21; Ps. 29:2; 96:9). (2) Satan’s fall was 4:16).
connected with his beauty (Eze. 28:17). Warnings
about the beauty of a woman: Beauty in a woman is a BEHAVE. To conduct oneself (De. 32:27; Ps. 101:2; 1
blessing that God has given to men, but because of the Co. 13:5).
Fall it is also a dangerous thing. The Bible gives the BEHEMOTH. A large land creature described in Job
following warnings: (a) Do not lust after (Pr. 6:25). (b) 40:15-24. No one is certain exactly which animal this is.
It is vain (Pr. 31:30). (c) It is worthless unless Some have tried to identify it with the elephant,
accompanied by wisdom (Pr. 11:22). (d) It is easily used hippopotamus, or rhinoceros, but no existing animal fits
for evil (Eze. 16:15). [See Glory, Holy, Satan, Strange the description given by Job. Henry Morris, in The
Woman.] Remarkable Record of Job, says, “The reason
BECHER (young camel). 1 Ch. 7:6. commentators are unable to identify this mighty animal
is that it is now extinct. ... Job and his contemporaries
BECORATH (firstborn). 1 Sa. 9:1. could easily have seen many kinds of animals that later
Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible & Christianity 55