Page 60 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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The Baptist Philadelphia Confession of Faith, 1742, Scriptures are called holy. This means set apart,
says the 66 books of the Bible were “immediately different. The Bible cannot in any way be compared
inspired by God, and, by his singular care and with other books. It is holy. (2) The Bible came from
providence, kept pure in all ages, are therefore God (v. 16). This verse says that the Scriptures are God-
authentical; so as in all controversies of religion the breathed. Though the Bible was written by men, it came
church is finally to appeal unto them.” from God. (3) The Bible came from God in its entirety
To question the authority of any biblical book is to fly (v. 16). “All scripture is given by God...” (4) The Bible
in the face of the testimony of the Bible itself and of 19 came from God in its smallest detail (v. 15). The word
centuries of pious faith. Yet many Bible teachers today for Scripture in this verse is gramma. This means a
question the Pentateuch, Job, Jonah, Isaiah, Daniel, letter, bespeaking the fact that even the smallest details
Timothy, Peter, and many other books of the Bible. of the Bible are from God and are perfect. (5) The Bible
THE DIVISIONS OF THE BIBLE. The Bible contains 66 has an all-encompassing theme: Salvation in Jesus
books; 39 in the Old Testament and 27 in the New. The Christ (v. 15). The Bible is not just a body of unrelated
Bible was divided into chapters by Stephen Langton in religious writings on various subjects. It is one Book
the 13th century, and into verses in the 16th century. which was planned and given by God for the purpose of
The first Bible to be printed in the modern chapter-verse teaching man the way of salvation in Jesus Christ (Lk.
format was Stephanus’ Latin Bible of 1555. The first 24:44-45; Jn. 1:45; 5:39; Ep. 3:11). (6) The Bible can
English Bible to incorporate these divisions was the protect Christians from error (vv. 13-15). If the Bible
Geneva English Bible of 1557. The King James Bible has contains myths, mistakes, and untrue claims, it certainly
31,173 verses, 774,746 words, and 3,566,480 letters. is not a book which can give protection from false
The longest chapter is Psalm 119. The shortest is Psalm teachings! (7) The Bible is able to make Christians
117. The longest verse is Esther 8:9; the shortest, John complete and mature (v. 17).
11:35. The middle verse in Scripture is Psalm 118:8—“It THE BIBLE’S SUFFICIENCY (2 Ti. 3:15-17). (1) It is
is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in sufficient for salvation, (2) for protection from error, (3)
man.” for teaching, (4) for Christian living, (5) for Christian
THE OLD TESTAMENT: (1) Holy Scripture given by maturity. [See Perfect.]
inspiration of God (2 Ti. 3:16). (2) Prophecy given by THE BIBLE’S COMPLETENESS. It is obvious that the
God through holy men (2 Pe. 1:21). (3) Prophecy of the Apostles viewed the Scriptures as sufficient for faith and
grace, sufferings, and glory of Christ (1 Pe. 1:10-11). (4) practice (2 Ti. 3:15-17). The term “perfect” in 2
Things concerning Christ (Lk. 24:25-27). (5) Shadow of Timothy 3:17 is not used in the sense of sinless
good things to come (He. 10:1; Col. 2:17). (6) Written perfection, but in the sense of completion and
for our learning, example, admonition, and comfort (Ro. sufficiency. The question which follows is how do we
4:23-24; 15:4; 1 Co. 9:10; 10:1-11; 2 Ti. 3:17). (7) A know that the Bible, with its 66 books, contains the
schoolmaster to reveal sin and to lead to Christ (Ga. 3; complete Scriptures which are able to make the man of
Ro. 3). God perfect?
THE BIBLE’S AUTHORITY. (1) The Scriptures are to First, the Apostles were promised inspiration for the
be received as God’s Word (1 Th. 2:13; Ja. 1:21). (2) completion of Scripture. The Lord Jesus Christ promised
The Scriptures are not to be added to or subtracted from the Apostles that the Holy Spirit would lead them into
(Re. 22:18-19). (3) The Scriptures are the absolute all truth and that He would shew them all the things
standard of truth. All beliefs are to be tested by the they needed to know about Christ (Jn. 16:12-15). In
Bible (Is. 8:20; Je. 8:9; Ps. 119:104, 128, 142). (4) The fulfillment of Christ’s promise the New Testament
Scriptures must be obeyed above human tradition (Mk. revelation was completed by the Apostles under the
7:9-13). (5) The Scriptures are magnified above God’s inspiration of the Holy Spirit. The apostolic writings
name (Ps. 138:2). (6) The Scriptures cannot be broken which formed the New Testament Scriptures were
(Jn. 10:35). This refers to the power and authority and accepted as Scripture by the first century churches. The
absolute truth of the Bible. Everything it says, even the Apostle Peter, speaking to the Christians about Paul’s
most seemingly obscure statements, is absolutely true writings, referred to them as Scripture and placed them
and binding. The Bible is like a chain; if even one link on par with the Old Testament prophets (2 Pe. 3:15,
breaks the chain is rendered useless. The Bible contains 16). The Apostles knew that the Lord had promised
no weak links. them inspiration (Jn. 16:12-15), and they knew that
THE BIBLE: GOD’S PERFECT WORD. 2 Timothy they were receiving revelation. Consider, for example,
3:13-17 contains a synopsis of what the Bible claims Paul’s statement to the churches in Galatia (Ga.
about itself as to its perfect inspiration: (1) The Bible is 1:11-12). Consider the words of Paul to the church at
set apart from all other books (v. 15). Here the Thessalonica (1 Th. 2:13). The Thessalonian believers
60 Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible & Christianity