Page 58 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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BETEN (height). Jos. 19:25. 1 Sa. 16:1, 4; Mi. 5:2; Mt. 2:5; Lk. 2:11). [See City of
BETHABARA (place of passage). Jn. 1:28. David, David, Jesus Christ.]
BETHANATH (house of echo). Jos. 19:38. BETHMAACHAH (place of oppression). 2 Sa. 20:14.
BETHANY (house of dates). A town frequented by BETHMARCABOTH (place of chariots). Jos. 19:5.
Jesus (Mt. 26:1-13; Mk. 11:1; 14:3; Lk. 19:29; Jn. 11:1; BETHMEON (place of habitation). Je. 48:23.
12:1). Bethany was about two miles from Jerusalem at BETHNIMRAH (place of flowing water). Nu. 32:36.
the Mt. of Olives and was the home of Mary, Martha, BETHPAZZEZ (place of destruction). Jos. 19:21.
and Lazarus. BETHPEOR (house of the opening). De. 3:29.
BETHARABAH (house of the desert). Jos. 15:6. BETHPHAGE (house of figs). Mt. 21:1; Mk. 11:1; Lk.
BETHARBEL (house of God’s ambush). Ho. 10:14. 19:29.
BETHAVEN (house of vanity, nothingness). A name BETHRAPHA (place of fear). 1 Ch. 4:12.
God gave to Bethel, the center of idolatry in Israel (Ho.
4:15; 5:8; 10:5). Bethel, the “house of God,” had BETHREHOB (roomy place). Ju. 18:28.
become bethaven, the “house of vanity or BETHSAIDA (place of nets). Mt. 22:21.
nothingness.” [See Bethel, Idolatry.] BETHSHAN (house of security). 1 Sa. 31:10.
BETHBARAH (fording place). Ju. 7:24. BETHSHEAN (house of security). Jos. 17:11.
BETHCAR (house of a lamb, place of pasture). 1 Sa. BETHSHEMESH (house of the sun). Jos. 15:10.
7:11. BETHSHITTAHP (place of acacia). Ju. 7:22.
BETHDAGON (house of Dagon). Jos. 15:33. [See BETHTAPPUAH (place of fruit trees). Jos. 15:53.
Idolatry.] BETHUEL (dweller in God). Ge. 22:22.
BETHDIBLATHAIM (house of fig cakes). Je. BETHUL (dweller in God). Jos. 19:4.
48:21-22. BETHZUR (place of rock). Jos. 15:58.
BETHEL (house of God). The place where Abraham BETIMES. Early; seasonably; in a short time; before
first pitched his tent after arriving in Palestine (Ge. it is too late (Ge. 26:31; Job 8:5; 24:5; Pr. 13:24).
13:3). It was here that Jacob had the dream about the
ladder (Ge. 28:10-19). Jeroboam, the first king of the BETONIM (heights). Jos. 13:26.
northern tribes of Israel, built idols in Bethel, and it BETROTH. To contract to anyone for a future
became a center of idolatry (1 Ki. 12:29-33; 13:1-32). marriage; to promise or pledge one to be the future
Bethel is located about 12 miles north of Jerusalem. spouse of another (Webster) (Ex. 21:8-9; 22:16; Le.
BETHEMEK (house of the valley). Jos. 19:27. 19:20; De. 20:7; 22:23-28; 28:30; Ho. 2:19-20). [See
BETHER (place of divisions). A craggy place in Home.]
Palestine (Song 2:17). BETTERED. Profited; advantaged (Mk. 5:26).
BETHESDA (house of mercy). A pool with five BETWIXT. Between (Ge. 31:37).
porches at Jerusalem (Jn. 5:2, 4). BEULAH (married). A name for the land of Israel
BETHGADER (house of a wall, walled place). 1 Ch. when Christ returns and blesses it (Is. 62:4). The land
2:51. will then be married to Israel, and Israel to the Lord.
BETHGAMUL (house of reward). Je. 48:23. [See Covenant, Ishi, Israel, Kingdom of God,
Millennium, Prophecy.]
BETHHACCHEREM (place of the vineyard). Ne. BEWAIL. To weep or mourn (Le. 10:6; De. 21:13; Ju.
3:14. 11:37-38; Is. 16:9; Lk. 8:52; 23:27; 2 Co. 12:21; Re.
BETHHARAN (mountain house). Nu. 32:36. 18:9).
BETHHOGLAH (house of the partridge, house of BEWITCH. To deceive (Ac. 8:9, 11; Ga. 3:1).
magpies). Jos. 15:6. BEWRAY. To uncover; to make evident (Is. 16:3; Pr.
BETHHORON (house of the hollow). Jos. 16:3. 27:16; 29:24; Mt. 26:73). The same Hebrew word
BETHINK. To call to mind; to recollect (1 Ki. 8:47; 2 translated “bewray” in Pr. 27:16 (qara) is translated
Ch. 6:37). “crieth” in Pr.1:21, “proclaim” in Pr. 20:6, “publish” in
BETHJESHIMOTH (place of desolations). Nu. 33:49. De. 32:3, and “pronounce” in Je. 36:18.
BETHLEBAOTH (place of lionesses). Jos. 19:6. BEYOND MEASURE. [See Measure.]
BETHLEHEM (house of bread). The city of David BEZAI (shining, high). Ezr. 2:17.
and birthplace of Jesus Christ (Ru. 1:19; 4:9-11, 21-22; BEZALEEL (God is protection). Ex. 31:2. A Jew God
equipped to oversee the construction of the Tabernacle.
58 Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible & Christianity