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               came for  these reasons. The Book of Revelation—Christ   truth  without  admixture of  error  (Ep. 1:13).  (7)  It  is
               is coming again.                                  called  the  word  of  life because  it  imparts  life  to  the
                  THE BIBLE’S THEME. The main theme of the Bible is   believer  (Ph. 2:16).  (8) It is called  the  word  of  grace
               Jesus Christ and salvation  through Him. This  is proven   because it  makes known  God’s unmerited  kindness  to
               by  key  statements  (1  Pe. 1:10-11;  Ep.  1:10;  3:11;  Jn.   the  lost  (Ac.  14:3).  (9)  It  is  called  the  word  of
               1:45; 5:39;  Lk. 24:44,45; He. 10:7). This  is  proven  by   reconciliation  because it  tells  of  a  God  reconciled and
               Christ’s genealogy  which is woven  throughout  the O.T.   reconciling the world unto  Himself (2 Co. 5:19). (10) It
               This  is  proven by  the prophetic  theme woven into the   is  called the word of salvation because it shows  the way
               O.T. (the Seed—Ge. 3:15; the Star of Jacob—Nu. 24:17;   and the only  way  by which men are saved (Ac. 13:26).
               the Prophet—De. 18:15; the Redeemer—Job 19:25; the   (11)  It  is  called  the  word  of  righteousness because
               Messiah—Is.  53;  Ps.  16:10;  110:1;  Mi.  5:2).  This  is   therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith
               proven  by  the  O.T.  types  of  Christ.  [See  Generation,   to faith  (He. 5:13). (12) It  is  called  the faithful word
               Jesus Christ, Type.]                              because it is credible and unchangeable (Tit. 1:9). (13)
                  THE BIBLE’S CHARACTER.  Eternal and indestructible   It is called the word of prophecy because it alone shines
               (Ps.  12:7;  111:7-8;  119:152, 160; Is.  40:8). Pure  (Ps.   through the gloom and reveals what lies in the future (2
               12:6;  119:140). Perfect  (Ps.  19:7;  Ja. 1:25).  Life  (Jn.   Pe. 1:19).
               6:63). Truth  (Jn. 17:17; Ps. 119:142, 160). Spirit  (Jn.   No wonder  the Apostle writes:  “For  this cause  also
               6:63).  Righteous   (Ps.  119:172).  Very  faithful  (Ps.   thank  we  God  without  ceasing,  because,  when  ye
               119:138).  Magnified  above  God’s   name  (Ps.  138:2).   received  the  word  of  God  which  ye  heard  of  us,  ye
               Prosperous  (Is.  55:10-11;  Je.  23:29).  Living  and   received it not as the word of men, but as it is  in truth,
               powerful (He. 4:12). Good  (He. 6:5). Incorruptible (1   the word of God, which effectually  worketh also in you
               Pe. 1:23). Sincere (1 Pe. 2:2). Tried (2 Sa. 22:31). Food   that believe” (1 Th. 2:13).
               (Job 23:12). Invaluable (Ps. 19:10). Sure (Ps. 93:5).  “Can it be that such a word is  the work of men and a
                  SYMBOLS  FOR  THE  BIBLE.  Light  (Ps.  43:3;  2  Pe.   partaker of their  ignorance and  errors? No! It  is as far
               1:19).  Hammer  (Je.  23:29).  Fire  (Je.  23:29).  Sword   above  them,  both  in  thought  and  expression,  as  the
               (He. 4:12;  Ep.  6:17). Lamp (Ps. 119:105).  Water  (Ep.   heavens  are  higher  than  the  earth.  For  thousands of
               5:26). Honey  (Eze. 3:3). Seed  (Lk. 8:11;  1  Pe. 1:23).   years  God’s Word  has  been  read  and  studied,  prayed
               Mirror (Ja. 1:23-25). Milk (1 Pe. 2:2).           over  and  wept  over.  Thousands   and  hundreds  of
                  THE  POWER  OF THE  BIBLE. (1)  By  it  we are born   thousands of volumes  have been constructed out of it—
               again  (Ja. 1:18; 1  Pe. 1:23). (2) By  it we grow (1  Pe.   and  today,  it  remains  as  fresh  and  unexhausted  and
               2:2). (3) By it we are cleansed (Jn. 15:3). (4) By it we   inexhaustible as  ever. Unlike any book in the world, the
               are sanctified (Jn. 17:17). (5) By it we are built up  (Ac.   more  it  is  searched,  the  more  profound  becomes  its
               20:32).  (6)  By  it  we  are  defended  against  spiritual   meaning. There is  literally no end of its  new disclosures
               enemies  (Ep.  6:17).  (7)  By  it  we  are  washed  (Ep.   of  truth  to those who  descend  into the depths  of  the
               5:25-26). (8) By  it  we are kept from the paths  of  the   riches both of its  wisdom and knowledge. However well
               destroyer  (Ps. 17:4). (9) By  it our  path  through  life is   any  one  of  us   may  know  the  Bible’s   most  familiar
               lighted up  (Ps. 119:105). (10) By  it we are warned (Ps.   passage,  there  is  more  for  us to learn  from that  one
               19:11). (11) By it the secrets  of hearts  are revealed (He.   passage  than  has  been  discovered  thus far  by  all  the
               4:12). (12) By  it the seed  is  scattered  (Lk. 8:11). (13)   scholars” (F.H. Brookes).
               By  it men are judged  (Lk. 16:31; Jn. 12:48). “This is  a   HOW TO USE THE BIBLE. Believe it (He. 11:6). Read
               mere glance at  some of the things the Word  of God is   it  (De.  17:18-  19;  Re.  1:2).  Desire  it  (1  Pe.  2:2).
               able to do. When we consider our relation to it and our   Meditate upon it (Ps. 1:2; Jos. 1:8). Hear  it (Re. 1:2).
               dependence upon  it at every step through  life and  into   Memorize it (Job  22:22; Ps. 119:11). Obey it (Ps. 119:4;
               eternity,  it  is  amazing  that  men,  professing  to  be  its   Ja. 1:22-24). Receive it (Ja. 1:21). Teach it (De. 6:7-8).
               friends,  can  rise  up  and  propose  to  catalogue  its   Preach  it  (2  Ti. 4:2).  Sing  it  (Col.  3:16;  Ps.  119:54).
               errors” (F.H. Brookes).                           Speak it (Ps. 119:46, 172). Love it (Ps. 119:127).
                  THE NAMES OF THE BIBLE. (1) It is called the word   HOW  TO  STUDY  THE  BIBLE.  Through  the  Spirit  of
               of  God  because God  is  its  author  (Ac. 13:5). (2) The   God (1 Co. 2:12-16; Jn. 2:27). Obediently (Ja. 1:22-27;
               word  of  the  Lord.  (3)  It  is called  the  word  of  Christ   Ps.  119:133;  Lk.  11:28;  Ro.  6:17;  1  Pe.  2:1-2).
               because it sets  forth the anointed One in His person and   Believingly  (He.  3:1-2).  Prayerfully  (Ps.  119:33-40).
               offices  (Col.  3:16). (4)  It  is  called  the oracles  of  God   Daily  (Ac.  17:11;  Pr.  8:33-34).  Humbly  (Ja.  1:21;  Je.
               because it is  the word which God spoke (Ro. 3:2). (5) It   13:15).  Reverently  (Ps.  119:120,  161;  Is.  66:2).
               is  called  the word of  faith  because it  is  to be believed   Persistently  (Jn.  8:31-32;  Ja.  1:25).  Thoroughly  (Ac.
               (Ro. 10:8). (6) It is called the word of truth because it is   20:27; 2 Ti. 3:16-17). Sincerely (2 Co. 2:17). Confessing

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