Page 67 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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The Bible says plants and animals reproduce after their Matthew Fontaine Maury, Superintendent of the U.S.
kind (Genesis 1). This is in perfect harmony with Navy’s Depot of Charts and Instruments in Washington,
everything that can be observed and tested by modern D.C., observed, “There is a river in the ocean: in the
science. There is great variety within kinds, all sorts of severest droughts it never fails, and in the mightiest
different roses and trees and frogs and dogs, but there is floods it never overflows; its banks and its bottom are of
no reproduction between kinds, between roses and trees cold water, while its current is of warm; the Gulf of
or frogs and dogs. Mexico is its fountain, and its mouth is in the Arctic
The Bible says the heavens cannot be measured and the Seas. It is the Gulf Stream” (Maury, The Physical
stars are without number (Genesis 22:17; Jeremiah Geography of the Sea, 6th ed., 1856, p. 25).
31:37). Before the invention of the telescope, man could The Bible says the stars differ in glory (1 Corinthians
see only a few hundred stars at the most with the naked 15:41). “J. Bayer, in 1603, devised a method or system
eye. Yet today we know that the stars are innumerable to indicate their brightness or magnitude. No
and that space is seemingly infinite. There are 300 astronomer today will deny this fact. Stars are now
billion stars in our Milky Way galaxy alone. In 1999, known to differ in size, color, light emitted, density, and
observations by NASA astronomers, using the Hubble heat. Our sun, which is a star, is over 1,000,000 times
Space Telescope, suggested that there are 125 billion the size of our earth, yet there are some stars at least a
galaxies in the universe. The most up-to-date star count million times as large as our sun, and some smaller than
was announced in July 2003 as 70 sextillion observable the planet Mercury” (World’s Bible Handbook).
stars (70,000,000,000,000,000,000,000). This was the (6) The Bible’s candor proves that it is the Word of
conclusion of the world’s largest galaxy study, the Two- God. When men write biographies of their heroes, they
Degree Field Galaxy Redshift Survey, which is commonly omit or whitewash their faults; but the Bible
considered 10 times more accurate than previous ones. exhibits its divine quality by showing man as he is. Not
The team of scientists did not physically count the stars. only is the Bible true; it is candid. Even the best of men
Instead they used some of the world’s most powerful in the Bible are described with all their faults. We are
telescopes to count all of the galaxies in one region of told plainly of Adam’s rebellion, Noah’s drunkenness,
the universe and then to estimate how many stars each David’s adultery, Solomon’s apostasy, Jonah’s pity party,
galaxy contained by measuring its brightness. They then Peter’s disavowal of his Master, Paul and Barnabas’
extrapolated these figures out to the whole universe strife, and the disciples’ unbelief in the face of Christ’s
visible through telescopes. This massive figure, of resurrection. The Bible was written by Jews, yet it
course, probably covers only a tiny percentage of the candidly describes the faults of the Jewish people: their
actual stars. stubbornness and unbelief that caused them to have to
The Bible says the life is in the blood (Leviticus 17:11). wander in the wilderness for 40 years, their idolatry
This was not understood until very recent times. Even in during the period of the judges, their rebellion that
the 19th century, doctors were using “blood letting” as a caused them to be rejected from the land and scattered
healing method. George Washington, America’s first throughout the earth for two millennia.
president, probably died because of this bogus practice. (7) The Bible’s indestructibility proves that it is the
Modern medicine has learned what the Bible has taught Word of God. The following is from the Christian Home
all along, that the life of the flesh is in the blood. Bible Course:
The Bible describes the circuit of the winds The Greek writer, Porphyry, tried to destroy the
(Ecclesiastes 1:6), but this was not discovered until credibility of the BIBLE back in 304 A.D. In the process
modern times. “As the land in the equator heats up, it he wrote fifteen books against the BIBLE and
causes the hot air to rise. In the upper atmosphere, the Christianity in general. Did he succeed? Apparently not.
air flows away from the equator. Cooler air will move The BIBLE is still around (even stronger than before).
along to replace it. This produces six major wind belts And as for Porphyry, well, let’s put it this way; can you
around the world” (Y.T. Wee, The Soul-Winner’s Handy name his fifteen books? Can anybody name just one?
Guide). Can anyone even pronounce his name? Porphyry is just
The Bible says the earth is a circle (Isaiah 40:22). In one of the many people who, throughout history, have
past centuries many have believed that the earth is flat, tried to ban, burn, destroy, outlaw, restrict, ridicule or
but the Scriptures have always been scientifically discredit the BIBLE. Another example is a Greek writer
accurate in this matter. of satire, by the name of Lucian, who wrote two books
The Bible says there are paths in the sea (Isaiah in the second century to ridicule the BIBLE. These books
43:16). Since the 19th century the ocean currents or were named The Dialogue of the Gods and The Dialogue
paths have been charted and ships travel these paths of the Dead. There’s an extremely good chance that you
just as trucks travel on roads. Writing in the mid-1800s, don’t have a copy of either of these two books in your
Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible & Christianity 67