Page 72 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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               the Trinity, the Virgin Birth, the Atonement, Inspiration,   solve a problem of divergent textual readings  by prayer
               or  Preservation); we only  have to believe God’s Word.   or by the inner illumination of the Holy Spirit; but only
               Our faith must therefore be in God, not in man (i.e., not   by  an  extensive  knowledge  and  skill  in  the science of
               in  human  scholarship,  in  the  KJV  translators,  in   textual  criticism”  (Ladd,  The  New  Testament  and
               Erasmus, or in  John Burgon or  some other defender of   Criticism, 1967, p. 81). This  is an unbelieving position.
               the traditional Reformation text).                The  Bible  is   a  supernatural  and  spiritual  Book  and
                  7. I  believe  in  trembling  before  God’s  Word  (Ps.  nothing  about  it  can  be  known  apart  from  the
               138:2; Pr. 30:6; Is. 66:2; Re. 22:18-19). The Scripture is   application of spiritual tools.
               not an ordinary book; it is  the Word of the Living God   Though some evangelicals  and fundamentalists who
               and  as  such  one  must  exercise  extreme  caution  in   use  textual  criticism  might  claim  that  they  also   are
               handling it. Even to tamper with the words  of a human   following  the  Holy  Spirit,  the  principles  of  textual
               author is  a serious  matter and there are laws  against it,   criticism are contrary to  this. David Sorenson  observes:
               but  how  much  more  serious is  it  to tamper  with  the   “Some proponents  of the critical text may claim that the
               words of Almighty God! I have read dozens of books  by   Holy Spirit has  led them as  well. However, the working
               textual critics, and there simply is  no fear of God in their   editors of  the  critical  text  are  steeped  in  rationalistic
               approach  to  the words  of Scripture. The textual  critic   philosophy  and  scientific  reconstruction  of  the  text.
               approach  is  strictly a matter of  human  scholarship and   Their  entire philosophical base is not inclined to such a
               the Bible is simply another book.                 Fundamentalist  notion  of  seeking  the  leading  of  the
                  8. I believe in the necessity of the Holy Spirit (1 Co.  Holy Spirit” (Touch Not the Unclean Thing, p. 58, f 30).
               2:12-16;  1  Jn. 2:20, 27).  Apart  from the Holy  Spirit,   WHY WE HOLD TO THE KING JAMES BIBLE
               nothing  about  the  Bible  can  be  properly  understood.   1. WE HOLD TO THE KING JAMES BIBLE BECAUSE
               Unregenerate men who lack the Spirit are not qualified   THE MODERN CRITICAL TEXT  CAME FROM EGYPT, A
               in this  field. The book From the Mind of God to the Mind   HOTBED OF THEOLOGICAL HERESY.
               of Man claims  that it doesn’t matter if textual critics are   The Greek text underlying the modern  versions can
               skeptics. “… a textual critic may be an unbeliever when   be traced  to Egypt  in the early  centuries  following the
               it  comes  to  the  Bible’s doctrinal  truths.  But  when  it   death  of the apostles. It  is  called  the Alexandrian  text
               comes  to the Bible’s  text--to this question of the Bible’s   after the Egyptian city of Alexandria, which was  a center
               words--a  textual  critic  is  initially  little  more  than  a   of learning during the early centuries of the church age.
               reporter” (From the Mind of God to the Mind of Man, p.   The article “Textual Criticism and the Alexandrian Text”
               71). In his mistitled book “The Truth of the King James   at  the  web  site  summarizes  the
               Only  Controversy,”  BJU  professor  Stewart  Custer   standard view of modern textual criticism as follows:
               uncritically  cites   the  following  men  in  his   “Select
               Bibliography”  --  Bruce  Metzger,  Kurt  Aland,  Eberhard   “This  text arose in Egypt and is  generally conceded
                                                                   to  be the most  important one. Westcott  and Hort,
               Nestle, Alexander Souter, B.F. Westcott, and F.J.A. Hort.   who  named  this   the  Neutral  Text,  thought  that
               He does  not think it is important that his  readers know   Codex  Sinaiticus   and  Codex  Vaticanus   had
               that to a man these critics blatantly denied the infallible   preserved  a pure form of  the Alexandrian type of
               inspiration of Scripture. This  approach  is  wrongheaded   text.” Jacobus  Petzer admits: “… the vast  majority
               in  the  extreme!  A  wise  position  was  that  of  Joseph   of  textual  scholars  today  agrees   that  the
               Philpot, Fellow of Worcester College, Oxford, and editor   Alexandrian  text  is   most  probably  the  closest
               of  The  Gospel  Standard.  In  1857  he gave  six  reasons   representative  of  the  original  text  available
               against  a revision  of  the KJV, the first  being that  the   today” (Petzer, “The History  of the New Testament
               biblical  scholars  of  that  day  were  “notoriously  either   Text,”  New  Testament  Textual  Criticism,  Exegesis
               tainted  with  popery  or  infidelity”  (Joseph  Charles   and  Church  History,  edited  by  B.  Aland  and  J.
                                                                   Delobel,  1994, p.  25). And  Peter  van  Minnen, in
               Philpot, “The Authorized  Version  of  1611,” The Gospel   Dating  the  Oldest  New  Testament  Manuscripts,
               Standard, April 1857). That was  true then and it is  even   concludes:  “It  is   to  be  noticed  that  all  the
               truer  today. Philpot then asked an  important rhetorical   manuscripts  listed  above  come  from  Egypt.  The
               question,  “And  can  erroneous men,  dead  in  trespasses   papyri … Sinaiticus  … B [Vaticanus] … We owe the
               and  sins,  carnal,  worldly,  ungodly  persons,  spiritually   early  Egyptian  Christians  an  immense
               translate  a  book  written  by  the  blessed  Spirit?”  The   debt”  (
               biblical answer is NO!                              %20as%20Literature%20documents/
                  Modern textual criticism, which gave us the modern   content2.htm).
               Bible  versions, is not  founded  upon  dependency  upon   Egypt  is not the place where the Spirit of God gave
               faith  or  the Holy  Spirit  or  any  of  the  aforementioned   the New Testament Scriptures. God chose to the deliver
               things. Textual critic George Ladd wrote: “One does  not   the  Scriptures   to   churches   in  Palestine,  Syria,  Asia

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