Page 69 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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                  (9) The Bible’s invitations prove it is the Word of God.  information about Bible versions should be understood
               The  Bible  invites the hearer  to partake  of  its spiritual   by every Christian.
               realities and  thus prove for oneself its  genuineness: “O   WHY THE BIBLE VERSION ISSUE MUST BE FACED
               taste and  see that the Lord is good” (Ps. 34:8);  “come   1. The Bible version  issue must be faced BECAUSE IT

               unto me  all  ye that  labor  and  are  heavy  laden”  (Mt.   IS FOUNDATIONAL  (Ps.  138:2).  The  Bible  is  the  sole
               11:28); “whosoever  will, let  him take the water of life   authority  for  faith  and  practice.  Nothing  is  more
               freely” (Re. 22:17); “ho, every one that thirsteth, come   important than the issue of to what degree we can have
               ye  to the waters  ... come ye,  buy  and  eat”  (Is.  55:1);   confidence  in  the  Bible  that  has  come  down  to  us
               “look  unto  me,  and  be  ye  saved,  all  the ends of  the   through the centuries. Many are saying that this is a side
               earth: for I am God, and there is  none else” (Is. 45:22).   issue, a non-essential, but nothing could be farther from
               The Bible promises  that “he that believeth on the Son of   the truth.
               God  hath  the witness  in  himself...” (1  Jn. 5:10).  God   2. The Bible version issue must  be faced  BECAUSE

               will prove Himself to the sincere seeker.         THERE ARE THREE COMPETING GREEK        NEW
                  A  TESTIMONY  TO  THE  BIBLE’S PERFECTION.  “This   TESTAMENTS TODAY. There is the Greek Received Text
               volume is  the writing of the living God: Each letter was   underlying the King James Bible and other  Reformation
               penned  with  an  Almighty  finger;  each  word  in  it   translations.  The Received Text is published today by
               dropped  from the everlasting  lips;  each  sentence  was   the  Trinitarian  Bible  Society,  the  Dean  Burgon  Society,
               dictated  by  the  Holy  Spirit.  Albeit,  that  Moses   was   and others. Then there is the Critical Greek text based
               employed  to write his  histories with his fiery pen, God   on  the  Westcott  and  Hort  Greek  New  Testament  of
               guided that pen. It may  be that David touched his  harp   1881.  This is published  by  the  United  Bible  Societies
               and let sweet Psalms  of melody  drop from his  fingers,   and others.  Consider  some  facts  about  this  New
               but God moved his  hands  over  the living strings  of his   Testament  as compared  with  the  Received  Text:   It  is
               golden harp. It may  be that  Solomon sang canticles of   shorter  than  the  Reformation  Greek  text  by  2,886
               love, or  gave forth words  of  consummate wisdom, but   words,  which  is the equivalent  of  the omission  of  the
               God directed his  lips and made the preacher eloquent. If   entire books of 1 and 2 Peter. It omits or questions 45
               I follow the thundering Nahum, when his  horses  plough   entire verses -- Mt. 12:47; 17:21; 18:11; 21:44; 23:14;
               the  waters,  or  Habakkuk,  when  he  sees  the  tents of   Mk.  7:16;  9:44;  9:46;  11:26;  15:28;  16:9-20;  Luke
               Cushan in affliction; if I read Malachi, when the earth is   17:36; 22:43-44; 23:17; Jn. 5:4; John 7:53--8:11; Acts
               burning  like an  oven;  if  I  turn  to the  smooth  page of   8:37; 15:34;  24:7;  28:29; Ro. 16:24; and  1 Jn. 5:7. In
               John, who  tells of love, or the rugged, fiery chapters  of   addition  it  omits  significant  portions  of  147  other
               Peter, who speaks  of fire devouring God’s  enemies; if I   verses. It weakens the doctrine of Christ’s deity (e.g., it
               turn to  Jude, who launches  forth anathemas  upon  the   omits “who is in heaven” from Jn. 3:13; it omits “God”
               foes of God—everywhere I find God speaking. It is  God’s   from  1  Ti.  3:16)  and  other  key  doctrines.  In  these
               voice, not man’s; the words  are God’s  words, the words   studies we  will  show  where  and  when  the  “shortened
               of the Eternal, the Invisible, the Almighty, the Jehovah   New Testament” of the Critical Greek Text originated.
               of  this   earth”  (Charles   Haddon  Spurgeon).  [Bible   3.  The Bible version issue must be faced BECAUSE OF
               Chronology see Chronology  - Bible.] See Bible Versions,   THE  ONSLAUGHT  OF MODERN VERSIONS IN THE  LAST
               Chapter,  Inspiration,  Isaiah,  Masoretic   Text,   50  YEARS.  These include  the Revised  Standard  Version
               Preservation, Prophecy, Red Sea, Revelation, Star, Tyre,   (1952),  New  American  Standard  Bible  (1960),  New
               Verses, Zidon.]                                   English  Bible  (1960),  The  Living  Bible  (1962),  the
                  BIBLE CHRONOLOGY. [See Chronology - Bible.]    Amplified Bible (1965), the Jerusalem Bible (1966), the
                  BIBLE INSPIRATION. [See Inspiration.]          New  American  Bible  (1970),  the  New  Internatioal
                  BIBLE  TRANSLATION. [See Bible Versions, Dynamic   Version  (1973),  Today’s  English  Version  (1976),  the
               Equivalency.]                                     New King James Bible (1979), the Revised English Bible
                  BIBLE  VERSIONS. Nothing is  more important in the   (1989), the New  Revised  Standard  Bible  (1990), The
               Christian  life and church than the Bible. And since we   Message (1993), Contemporary  English Version (1995),
               do not  have the original writings  of the Prophets  and   New  International  Reader’s Version  (1995),  The  Bible
               Apostles, and since very  few of us are fluent in Hebrew   for  Today’s Family  (1996), the New  Living Translation
               and  Greek,  we  are  dependent  upon  translations.  Of   (1996), Today’s New International Version  (2002), and
               these, one biographer of the King James  translators said,   the Holman Christian Standard Bible (2004).
               “For while a good translation is the best commentary on   It  is important to understand  that  the Bible version
               the original Scriptures, the originals  themselves are the   issue did  not  really  “heat  up” for  fundamentalists until
               best  commentary  on  the  translation”  (Alexander   the 1970s. There were modern  texts and  versions prior
               McClure,  Translators  Revived,  p.  65).  The  following   to this,  going back  to the 1800s, but  they  were  never

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