Page 65 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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                  The  statistician  Peter  Stoner, using  the  principle of   shall  live.  And I  will  lay  sinews  upon  you,  and  will
               probability,  assigns this  prophecy  a  one-in-seventy-five   bring up flesh upon you, and cover you with skin, and
               million chance of fulfillment. The modern city of Sur is   put breath in you, and ye shall live; and ye shall know
               located near the ancient city of Tyre, but Tyre itself has   that I am the Lord” (Ezekiel 37:4-6).
               indeed never been rebuilt.                          In  verses   11-14,  Ezekiel  states   that  this   vision
                  Prophecies about Israel                        pertains  to the restoration  of Israel to  her  land  and to
                  The continued existence of  Israel is  one of  history’s   her  repentance toward  God. First  the bones  are given
                                                                 sinews  and flesh, and next God breaths upon these dead
               most amazing stories, and it was  prophesied in Scripture   bones and they live.
               in great detail.
                                                                   The  first  part  of  the  prophecy  has  been  fulfilled.
                  Israel’s   history  was  prophesied  by  Moses   and   Israel has been back in her land as  a nation since 1948,
               recorded in the book of Deuteronomy about 4,000 years   but  she  is  there  in  unbelief  and  spiritual  death.  She
               ago. God warned that if Israel broke His  law she would   continues to reject her Messiah, Jesus  Christ. She has no
               be “plucked from off the land” and scattered “among all   temple and priesthood and no true worship.
               people,  from  the  one end  of  the earth  even  unto  the
               other” (De. 28:63-64). There the Jews would  “find no   But  she  is   back  in  the  land  just  as  the  Bible
               ease, neither shall the sole of thy foot have rest: but the   prophesied. In 1800 there were only  six thousand Jews
               Lord shall give thee there a trembling heart, and failing   in Palestine,  but  by  2000 there  were over  five million
               of eyes, and sorrow of mind: And thy life shall hang in   (John Ecob, Amillennialism Weighed and Found Wanting,
               doubt  before thee; and  thou shalt  fear  day  and  night,   Herald of Hope, p. 44-45).
               and  shalt  have  none  assurance  of  thy  life”  (De.   During  the  Great  Tribulation  God  will  grant
               28:65-66).  This  is  an  accurate  description  of  Israel’s   repentance unto Israel and will breathe spiritual life into
               history  from the first century until now. Jerusalem was   her and she will live.
               destroyed in  70 A.D. by the Roman armies under  Titus   The  continued  existence  of  Israel  is  a  very  great
               and then  in  135 A.D. Jerusalem was  plowed under  on   miracle  and  an  irrefutable  evidence  of  the  divine
               the order of Emperor Hadrian in response to  the Jewish   inspiration of the Bible.
               rebellion led  by  Bar  Kochbar. The Jewish  people were   (5) The Bible’s  truthfulness proves  that it is the Word
               scattered  to the ends of  the  earth  and  found  no rest.   of God. Everything the Bible says  is  true and factual. The
               They  were  hated  by  the  Muslims  and  hounded  and   Bible  says man  is  a sinner, and  that is not  difficult to
               persecuted  by  the  Greek  Orthodox  and  the  Roman   confirm.  Just  look  at  the  world!  The  Bible  is  not  a
               Catholic Church  for  a  thousand  years.  Hitler’s regime   scientific  manual, but it  is  scientifically  accurate, even
               tried  to  destroy  them.  Giving preference to the Arabs,   from  its  earliest  pages.  Following  are some examples,
               England tried to  keep them from returning to their land   beginning  with  statements  from  the  pages   of  Job,
               after  World War II. They  are the object of  hatred  until   probably  the  oldest  book  in  the  Bible  and  written  at
               this  very day. Most of the world is  opposed to  Israel and   least  3,500 years  ago. The late scientist  Henry  Morris
               the reporting  in secular  publications about  the Middle   said:
               East crisis is generally slanted against her.       “These  references  are  modern  in  perspective,  with
                  But  Bible  prophecy  foretold  that  Israel  would  be   never  a  hint  of  the mythical exaggerations and  errors
               brought back into her land and that she would remain a   characteristic  of  other  ancient  writings  ...  perhaps of
               nation  even  after  all of this, and  that  is exactly  what   even greater significance is  the fact that in a 4000-year-
               happened  in  1948. Never  before  in  the history  of  the   old  book  filled  with  numerous  references   to  natural
               world  has  a  race of  people been  scattered  throughout   phenomena,  there  are  no scientific  mistakes  or
               the  world  and  persecuted  for  2,000  years  and  then   fallacies” (The Remarkable Record of Job).
               come  back  together  as  a  nation  with  their  ancient   Job says  the  earth  is hung upon nothing  (Job  26:7).
               language intact.                                  This  is  obvious to  our  modern  generation, as we have
                  Bible prophecy  describes  the restoration  of Israel in   seen  the actual pictures of the earth hanging in space,
               two  parts.  First,  she  would  return  to  the  land  in  a   but to  previous  generations it was not obvious  and there
               position of unbelief. Then she would be converted. The   were many commonly-held myths  about the earth riding
               amazing prophecy  in  Ezekiel  37:1-14 describes  Israel’s   on the back of Atlas or a turtle or elephant, etc.
               restoration  in  these  two stages.  She  is  described  as  a   Job says the air has weight (“the weight for the winds,”
               valley of bones that are resurrected.             Job  28:25).  It  was  not  until  the  17th  century  that
                  “Again he  said unto me,  Prophesy  upon these  bones,   Galileo discovered that atmosphere has weight, and the
                  and say  unto them,  O  ye  dry bones, hear  the  word of   modern  science  of  aerodynamics   is  based  on  this
                  the LORD. Thus saith the Lord God unto these bones;   scientific  fact. Further, the weight of air  is  important in
                  Behold,  I  will  cause  breath  to enter  into  you and ye

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