Page 64 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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                  up” (v. 3). Shock will  succeed shock, till  she is utterly   was spoken,  and  had  seen no fulfillment,  it  was not
                  desolate; “and  they  shall  destroy  the walls  of  Tyrus,   forgotten; and the event declared that it was His word
                  and break down her towers; I will also scrape her dust   whose judgments, though they may linger  long, come
                  from her, and make her like the top of a rock” (v. 4).  surely, and fall at last with resistless might.
                  Previous  to the fall of their ancient city, the Tyrians had   I have dwelt upon this instance simply as an example
                  removed the bulk of their treasure to an island in their   of the kind of evidence  we are able to bring forward.
                  possession, half a mile from the  shore. Taught now by   Indubitable  though  the  prophecy  is,  I  press  for  no
                  bitter experience,  they resolved to trust themselves no   conclusion  from  its  fulfillment.  It  is  of  the   utmost
                  more  within  walls,  which  had  not  round  them  the   importance,  in  this  inquiry,  to  place  it  beyond  the
                  defense  of a watery  girdle.  Tyre was  mistress of  the   possibility of doubt that we  are  dealing with veritable
                  sea,  and could defend herself there.  The  old city was   prophecies, and that the prediction is separated from
                  therefore  deserted,  and  no  attempt  was   made  to   the  event  by  such  an  interval  as  must  exclude  the
                  rebuild it after the Babylonia  army had retired. So far   possibility  of  human  foresight.  It  could  be  proved
                  the prophecy had been fulfilled,  but only so far.  Tyre   satisfactorily  to most  minds  that the book  of  Ezekiel
                  was  overthrown  and spoiled;  the  noise of  her  songs   was in existence long before the time of Alexander; but
                  had ceased; the sound of her harps was no more heard   still  doubt might  creep  in.  The  suggestion  might  be
                  (v.  13);  the  great  and  joyous  city  was  abased  and   made  that  this  particular  prediction  was  added,  or
                  desolate.  But the  ruins still  stood.  The words  which   amended, by a later hand.
                  declared that the stones and the  timber should be  cast   We  shall  therefore  limit  the present inquiry  to those
                  into  the  sea,  and  the very  dust be  scraped from  the   prophecies,  regarding  whose   pre-existence  to  the
                  city’s site, had not  been fulfilled; and it seemed most   events of which they speak, there can,  in no mind,  be
                  improbable  that  they  ever  would be.  What  could  the   any doubt whatever. I enter into no argument as to the
                  words  mean?  Nebuchadnezzar  had  taken  a  full   age of  the O.T.  Scriptures.  I ask  no  admission  to  be
                  vengeance, but he had never  thought of this.  Even in   made  in  regard  to  the  antiquity  of  any  one  of  the
                  his  case,  furious  though  he   might  be  at  the  long-  prophetical books.
                  continued  resistance,  it  would  have  been  the   very   We  shall come down to a  time later than any that has
                  frenzy of revenge. Who then would be  found to wreak   been named for their origin,  and  our  argument shall
                  such  unheard  of  vengeance  upon  the   unoffending   stand  or  fall  by  the  prophecies  which  have  been
                  ruins?                                           fulfilled since  then.  Everyone  is satisfied that all  the
                  More  than  240  years  rolled  on,  and  there  was  no   Books  of the  O.T. were in existence before the time of
                  answer.  For  two and a half centuries those words of   our Lord. It is also known, that since that time, the O.T.
                  Scripture seemed  a vain  menace.  Then  the fame  of   has been in a twofold custody.
                  Alexander’s swift and all-conquering career sent a thrill   It  has   been  in  the   hands  of  both  the  Jews  and
                  of  alarm  through the  East.  The  Tyrian  ambassadors,   Christians, between whom there could be no collusion.
                  who hastened to meet him, were favourably received.   There   is  therefore  absolute   certainty  that  the
                  It seemed as  if this storm  cloud were about  to pass   prophecies are as old as the coming of Christ, and that,
                  harmlessly  over  them,  but  suddenly  the  conqueror   as they existed then, we possess them now. If then we
                  expressed a desire  to worship within their  city.  They   take  only such predictions as have been fulfilled at, or
                  knew  only  too  well  what  that  request  meant.   since,  the beginning of the  Christian era, every doubt
                  Alexander  would  not  enter  alone;  and,  once  there,   will be  removed and every cavil prevented in regard to
                  those   who  came  as  worshipers   would  remain  as   the interval between the  prophecy and the event; and
                  masters. The  Tyrians resolved to abide  the issue  of war,   within  these  limits  we  shall  confine   our  present
                  rather  than  tamely  hand  over  their  city  to  the   argument.
                  Macedonian  king.  Alexander’s  army  marched  to  the
                  seashore,  and there,  with  half a mile of  blue  waters   We   have  spoken  of  Tyre.  There  is  one  part  of  the
                  between them and it,  stood the  city they had come  to   prophecy which falls within the  limits we have now set
                  attack.  How  could it  be taken? Alexander’s plan was   ourselves.  We  read  Eze.  26:13-14:  “I  will  cause  the
                  speedily  formed.  He  determined  to construct  a solid   noise of thy songs to cease; and the sound of thy harps
                  causeway through the  sea, over which his forces  might   shall  be no more heard .  . .  Thou shalt be BUILT NO
                  advance  to the assault. And now this word, which had   MORE.”
                  waited so long, was at last LITERALLY FULFILLED.  This   sentence  of  the  divine   judgment  stands   as  a
                  The walls, and the  towers, and the  ruined houses, and   challenge to all time. It has been unanswered,  save  by
                  palaces,  and temples,  of the  ancient city were pulled   the silence of generations. It is unanswered still. Palae-
                  down, and the stones and the timber of Tyre were laid   Tyrus,  the  continental  Tyre,  which  was  captured  by
                  “in the midst of the water.” Her mounds of ruins  were   Nebuchadnezzar,  and the ruins of which were cleared
                  cleared  away;  and  so  great  was  the  demand  for   away  by  Alexander,  has NEVER  BEEN REBUILT.  The
                  material  in  this vast undertaking,  that  the very  dust   site remains today without even a  mound to mark  it,
                  seems to have been scraped from the  site and laid in   and  has  to  be  determined  solely  by  the  notices  in
                  the sea.  Though centuries had passed after  the word   ancient writers  which give its distance from the island
                                                                   Tyre (John Urquhart, The Wonders of Prophecy).

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