Page 59 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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His call. As Bezaleel was personally called by God (Ex. Acts of the Apostles: The history of the establishment
31:2), so the leaders of the churches are today (Ac. and spread of the churches
13:1-3). His equipment. As God equipped Bezaleel with From Romans to Philemon: Paul’s Epistles, written to
everything he needed for the task at hand (Ex. 31:3), instruct various churches
He so equips the saints today (1 Co. 12; Ro. 12; Ph. From Hebrews to Jude: Called the “general epistles,”
4:13). His appointment. Bezaleel did not choose his these were written for Christians in general
calling, and neither does the Christian choose his Revelation: Prophecy about the end of the world
position in the Lord’s harvest (Lk. 6:13-16; Ro. 12:6-8; 1 O.T. N.T.
Co. 12:7-11; Ep. 4:10-11). His instruction. Bezaleel and
his helpers were given exact instructions regarding what Promise Fulfillment
they were to build for God; likewise Christian leaders Types Reality
have been given exact instructions for the work of God Preparation Presentation
in the N.T. age (1 Co. 11:2; 1 Ti. 6:13-14, 20). The Foundation The Building
BEZEK (breach). Ju. 1:4. THE BIBLE’S AUTHOR. (1) The Bible has about 40
BEZER (strong). De. 4:43. human authors, who wrote during a period spanning
BIBLE. The Christian Scriptures. The word “bible” is 1,600 years. (2) The Bible has one divine Author—God
from the Greek word biblios, which means a book. (2 Ti. 3:16; 2 Pe. 1:20-21).
Though there are 66 individual books in the Bible, it is HOW DID THE BIBLE COME TO US? (1) Inspiration—
one Book divided into two major sections—the Old and the divinely-guided writing of the original manuscripts
the New Testaments. (2 Ti. 3:16; 2 Pe. 1:21). (2) Preservation—the
“Testament” means covenant or agreement. The Old providential keeping of the original text from loss and
Testament is God’s covenant with man through the alteration (Ps. 12:6-7; 100:5; 119:152, 160; Is. 40:8;
Mosaic law, in preparation for the coming of Jesus 59:21; Mt. 5:18; 24:35; 1 Pe. 1:25). (3) Recognition—
Christ. The New Testament is God’s covenant with man the acknowledgment by God’s people of the original
through the salvation purchased by Christ. The Old manuscripts as being divinely inspired. (4) Collection—
Testament was written primarily in Hebrew. The New the gathering of the original manuscripts into a Canon
Testament was written primarily in Greek. called The Holy Scriptures. [See Canon, Inspiration,
Preservation, Sundry.]
The OLD TESTAMENT describes man’s creation and
fall and contains the record of God’s preparations for THE BIBLE’S CANON. Canon means a rule. It refers to
and prophecies of the coming of the Saviour, Jesus testing something by a set rule. The Lord Jesus Christ
Christ. promised that the Holy Spirit would guide the
Christians “into all truth” (Jn. 16:7-15; see also 1 Jn.
It can be divided into the following categories: 2:27
From Genesis to Deuteronomy: Creation of heaven Old Testament Canon. The Old Testament was
and earth and man; the beginnings of the Jewish collected by the Jews (Ro. 3:1). All 39 books of the Old
nation; the Law of God (including the 10 Testament are thought to have been finished by the time
Commandments) of Ezra (Lk. 11:51).
From Joshua to Esther: The history of Israel, the New Testament Canon. The N.T. was written by the
Jewish nation apostles (Jn. 16:13). The N.T. was completed during the
From Job to the Song of Solomon: The Poetic books, days of the apostles (Jude 3). The N.T. was received by
dealing with profound questions of life and the worship the believers in the early churches (Jn. 10:27; 1 Th.
of God 2:13).
From Isaiah to Malachi: Prophecies concerning Israel In A.D. 367 Athanasius, a well-known defender of
and mankind as a whole and of Jesus Christ the faith, published a list of Old and New Testament
The NEW TESTAMENT contains the accounts of books which he said were “handed down and believed
Christ’s birth, life, death, resurrection, return to heaven, to be divine.” This list contained all of the 27 books
and the teachings of Christ’s followers, as well as which are in our N.T. today.
prophecies of the future. All of the Reformation confessions of faith upheld the
It can be divided as follows: 66 books of the Bible as divine Scripture. This included
From Matthew to John: The four Gospels giving the the Reformed Confession of 1534, the Helvetic
Birth, Life, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus Confession of 1536, the Belgic confession of 1561, and
Christ the Westminster Confession of 1643.
Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible & Christianity 59