Page 63 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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sin (Pr. 28:9). Hungrily (Ps. 119:131). Zealously (Pr. Many of them were viciously persecuted and killed for
2:1-5; 8:34; Ps. 119:147, 148). Earnestly (He. 2:1-3). (A the testimony they held. They were not enriched by the
portion of the previous outline is from Old Testament prophecies they gave. Far from it; many were
Survey by Roy Gingrich.) impoverished. Moses, the author of the first five books
THE BIBLE’S PROOF. In the final analysis, a man of the Bible, chose to live a life of terrific hardship and
must accept that the Bible is the Word of God by faith, struggle in the service of God as opposed to the
for “without faith it is impossible to please him: for he millionaire’s life he could have lived as the adopted son
that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he of Pharaoh. Many Bible writers made similar choices.
is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him” (He. Their motivation certainly was not covetousness and
11:6). At the same time, Bible faith is not a blind leap worldly advantage. These were not perfect men, but
into the dark. It is confidence in a believable Record that they were holy men. They all claimed that God had put
God has given, for “faith cometh by hearing, and His hand upon them to speak His Word. The lives they
hearing by the word of God” (Ro. 10:17). The writers of lived, and the testimonies they held, and the deaths they
the Bible explain to us that they were not delivering died gave mighty evidence that they were telling the
cunningly devised fables, but an inspired record based truth.
on “many infallible proofs” (Ac. 1:3; 2 Pe. 1:16). (4) Fulfilled prophecy proves the Bible to be the Word
Following are some of the objective, time-proven of God. The Bible contains a vast amount of prophecy,
reasons why we can have complete confidence in the much of which has been fulfilled. The predictions are
Bible: precise and detailed, and the fulfillment is exact. For
(1) Christ’s resurrection proves that the Bible is the example, compare 1 Ki. 13:2 with 2 Ki. 23:15, 16; 1 Ki.
Word of God. His resurrection was witnessed by 13:22 with 2 Ki. 23:17-18; 1 Ki. 21:19 with 1 Ki. 22:38;
hundreds of people (1 Co. 15:5-7). Were they all lying? 1 Ki. 21:23 with 2 Ki. 9:36.
At times, the resurrected Christ was seen by many Prophecies pertaining to Jesus Christ. Jesus’ entire life
people at one time. They talked with him, touched him, was prophesied before he was born. These prophecies
walked with him, and ate with him (Luke 24:36-43). described his birthplace (Micah 5:2), virgin birth (Isaiah
Before the resurrection, the apostles were fearful and 7:14), sinless life (Isaiah 53:9), miracles (Is. 35:5),
were hiding from the authorities (John 20:19). After wonderful speech (Isaiah 50:4), rejection by the Jewish
they saw the resurrected Christ with their own eyes, nation (Isaiah 53:2), crucifixion (Psalm 22:16), burial in
they became bold and fearless and were willing to lay a rich man’s tomb (Isaiah 53:9), and resurrection
down their lives for the Gospel. It took a powerful event (Psalm 16).
to cause such a change in their lives. Prophecies of ancient nations. The Bible contains
(2) The Bible’s unique construction proves that it is the prophecies about many ancient nations, including
Word of God. The Bible was written by 40 different Babylon, Egypt, Medo-Persia, and Greece. Everything
authors representing some 19 different occupations the Bible said about these nations has come true in
(shepherd, farmer, fisherman, tax collector, medical every detail. Consider, for example, the prophecies
doctor, king, etc.) who lived during a period of some about Tyre:
1,600 years. That is approximately 50 generations. The Tyre’s doom is predicted in the twenty-sixth chapter
first 39 chapters of the Bible were written in the Hebrew of Ezekiel. A graphic picture is drawn of its siege
language over a period of about 1,000 years. There was and capture by Nebuchadnezzar (vv. 7-11). The
then a 400-year gap when no Scriptures were written. powerful fleet of Tyre swept the sea, and prevented
After that, the last 27 chapters of the Bible were written the complete investment of the city; but, after a
in the Greek language during a period covering roughly siege of thirteen years, it was at last taken by the
Chaldean army. With this part of the prophecy,
50 years. The writers could not have collaborated, however, we do not concern ourselves. ...
because they did not even live at the same time. The More, however, was predicted. After describing the
product is one book that fits together perfectly and vengeance which the king of Babylon will inflict, the
contains no contradictions or errors. There is nothing prophecy proceeds: “And THEY shall lay thy stones,
else like this in all of man’s history. and thy timber, and thy dust in the midst of the
(3) The confidence and sincerity of the Bible’s authors waters” (verse 12). Let the change of person be noted.
prove that it is the Word of God. The Bible testifies that Having spoken of what Nebuchadnezzar will do, it is
“holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy added, “And they shall,” etc., as if others were to be
Ghost” (2 Pe. 1:21), and an examination of the lives of joined with him in the work of destruction. Light is
the Bible’s writers rings true to this testimony. These thrown upon this distinction in the third and fourth
verses. God will cause many nations to come up
were serious men. They came from all walks of life. against Tyre, “as the sea causes his waves to come
They were men of good reputation and sound mind.
Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible & Christianity 63