Page 57 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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               that Belshazzar offered Daniel the position as  third ruler   BEROTHAH (wells). 2 Sa. 8:8.
               in the kingdom (Nabonidus  being  first and  Belshazzar   BERYL.  The  first  stone  of  the  fourth  row  on  the
               the second) (Dan. 5:29).                          breastplate of  the  high  priest  (Ex. 28:20;  39:13;  Eze.
                  BELTESHAZZAR  (maintainer  of  the Lord, Belus hid   1:16; Da. 10:6). Also the eighth foundation  of the wall
               his  glory). The name give to Daniel by  his  Babylonian   of  the  New  Jerusalem  (Re.  21:20)  (Analytical).  The
               captors (Da. 1:7). [See Daniel.]                  Hebrew word, tarshish, signified a golden-yellow stone.
                  BEMOAN. To lament (Je. 15:5; Na. 3:7).         The beryl of the N.T. is the green stone which we call by
                  BEN (son). 1 Ch. 15:18.                        that name today (Revell).
                  BENAIAH (Jehovah hath built). 2 Sa. 23:20.       BESEECH. To entreat; to implore; to ask or pray with
                  BENAMMI (son of my people). Ge. 19:38.         urgency  (Webster).  The  two  Greek  words   most
                                                                 commonly  translated  “beseech”  are  deomai  (Lk. 5:12;
                  BENDEKER (son of Deker). 1 Ki. 4:9.            8:28)  and  parakaleo (Mt.  8:5).  Deomai is  further
                  BENEVOLENCE.  Kindness;  good  will.  The  phrase   translated  “pray”  12  times   (Mt.  9:38)  and  “make
               “due  benevolence”  in  1  Co.  7:3  refers  to  the  loving   request”  (Ro.  1:10).  It  is used  of  Christ’s  prayer  that
               attitude one is to  have toward one’s  marriage partner in   Peter’s  faith fail not  (Lk. 22:32) and of the prayer that
               sexual matters, the attitude which desires  to meet his  or   caused the early  Christian meeting house to  be shaken
               her  physical  needs.  The  same Greek  word  (eunoia)  is   (Ac. 4:31) and of Paul’s prayers (“praying exceedingly”)
               translated “good will” in Ep. 6:7. [See Home.]    for the Thessalonian Christians (1 Th. 3:10). Parakaleo,
                  BENGEBER (son of Geber). 1 Ki. 4:13.           which  means   “to  call  near,  i.e.  invite,  invoke  (by
                  BENHADAD  (son  of  Adad,  a  god  of  Syria). (1  Ki.   imploration or consolation),” is translated “call for” (Ac.
               15:18-21; 20:1-34; 2 Ki. 6:8 - 7:20; 8:15; 2 Ch. 16:1-6).  28:20),  “comfort”  (Lk.  16:25),  “desire”  (Mt.  18:32),
                  BENHAIL (son of strength). 2 Ch. 17:7.         “exhort”  (Ac.  2:40),  “intreat”  (1  Co.  4:13),  and
                                                                 “pray” (Mk. 5:17). [See Prayer.]
                  BENHANAN (son of a gracious one). 1 Ch. 4:20.    BESIDE. (1)  In  addition  to (Ge. 26:1; Ex. 12:37; 2
                  BENHESED (son of Hesed). 1 Ki. 4:10.           Pe. 1:5). (2) Beside of; near; over; under; next  to (Ex.
                  BENHUR (son of Hur). 1 Ki. 4:8.                29:12; Le. 1:16). (3) Other than (De. 4:35).
                  BENJAMIN (son  of the right hand). Youngest son of   BESIDES.  “Beside”  and  “besides”  were  probably
               Jacob,  and  the  father  of  the  tribe  by  his  name  (Ge.   identical and employed indifferently (Bible Word Book).
               35:16-20;  43:1-34;  46:21;  Nu.  26:38-41;  Jos.   [See Beside.]
               18:11-28).                                          BESIDE  OURSELVES, BESIDE  THYSELF. To  appear
                  BENJAMITE. A member of the tribe of Benjamin (Ju.   to be out of one’s mind; to be beyond the bounds of that
               3:15).                                            which  is  considered  reasonable  (Mk.  3:21).  In  2  Co.
                  BENO (his son). 1 Ch. 24:26.                   5:13  the  Apostle is  not  saying  that  he was out  of  his
                  BENONI (son of my sorrow). Ge. 35:18.          mind or unreasonable; he was  referring to the way  the
                  BENZOHETH (son of Zoheth). 1 Ch. 4:20.         world looked at him and his self-denying zeal for Christ
                  BEOR (shepherd). Ge. 36:32.                    (compare Ac. 26:24). [See Mad.]
                  BERA (gift). Ge. 14:2.                           BESODEIAH (in the intimacy of Jehovah). Ne. 3:6.
                                                                   BESOM. A broom. Besom is  used symbolically for the
                  BERACHAH (blessing). A valley in the mountains  of   sweeping  judgments  of  an  army  (Is.  14:23).  “In
               Edom  south  of  the  Dead  Sea.  It  was   here  that  the   Devonshire the  name  bisam or  bassam  is  given  to the
               Israelites  rejoiced  over  God’s  defeat  of  the  armies of   heath  plant,  because it is used  for  making besoms, as
               Ammon  and  Moab in  the  days of Jehoshaphat  (2  Ch.   conversely as  a besom is called broom, from being made
               20:22-27).                                        of  broom-twigs  of  the  broom  plant” (The  Bible  Word-
                  BERAIAH (Jehovah has created). 1 Ch. 8:21.     Book).
                  BEREA. A city  made famous in the N.T. by  the wise   BESOR (cool). 1 Sa. 30:9-10.
               attitude  of  its   people  toward  Paul’s  preaching.  They   BESTEAD.  Pressed  (Is.  8:21).  “Hardly  bestead”
               “searched  the  Scriptures  daily,  whether  those  things   means  hard  pressed,  difficult  in  situation  or
               were so” (Ac. 17:10-12).                          circumstance.
                  BERECHIAH (Jehovah hath blessed). 1 Ch. 6:39.    BESTOW. To expend;  to confer;  to give;  to impart
                  BERED (hail). Ge. 16:7.                        (Ex.  32:29;  De. 14:26).  (2) To stow  away;  dispose of
                  BERIAH (unfortunate). Ge. 46:17.               (Lk. 12:17; 1 Co. 13:3).
                  BERITH (a covenant). Ju. 8:33.                   BETAH (trust). 2 Sa. 8:8.

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