Page 53 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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BARTHOLOMEW (son of Talmai). One of the 12 handle bound in that part to prevent splitting. The blade
Apostles (Mt. 10:3; Mk. 3:18; Lk. 6:14; Ac. 1:13). [See was shaped like the segment of a circle and made of
Apostle.] bronze or steel. The poleax was about three feet in
BARTIMAEUS (son of Timaeus). Mk. 10:46. length, with a large metal ball, to which the blade was
BARUCH (blessed). Je. 36:1-8. fixed” (People’s Bible Encyclopedia). [See Military.]
BARZILLAI (made of iron). 2 Sa. 17:27-29. BATTLE BOW. A bow used in battle (Ze. 9:10; 10:4).
BASE. (1) A stand (1 Ki. 7:31; Ezr. 3:3) (2) Lowly; [See Bow, Military.]
humble (2 Sa. 6:22; 2 Co. 10:1). (3) Inferior; BATTLEMENT. A ledge surrounding the flat roofs of
dishonorable (Job 30:8; Ac. 17:5). (4) The opposite of houses to prevent accidents. Sometimes it is used to
nobility; lowly in social standing (1 Co. 1:28). This describe the defensive ledges around city walls (De.
Greek word (agenes) is defined by Strong as “without 22:8; Je. 5:10) (Analytical).
kin, i.e. (of unknown descent, and by implication) BAY. From “strong, sharp,” and hence a bright color,
ignoble.” [See Humble.] perhaps “reddish brown” (Ze. 6:3, 7) (Concise).
BASEMATH (fragrance). Ge. 26:34. BAZILITH (asking). Ezr. 2:52.
BASHAN (fertile, smooth land). A fertile pasture BDELLIUM. A precious substance listed with gold
land located to the east of the Jordan river in the and onyx as products of the land of Havilah (Ge. 2:12).
northern part of Israel (Jos. 12:5). It was famous for its Manna resembled it in appearance (Nu. 11:7)
large cattle and trees (Ps. 22:12; Eze. 27:6; 39:18; Mi. (Analytical). It has been interpreted as a white
7:14; Ze. 11:2). transparent oily gum, and a white pearl. It is possible
BASIN. A container (Ex. 24:6; 2 Sa. 17:28). for either substance to fit the Bible description.
BASTARD. A person born out of wedlock (De. 23:2; BEALOTH (mistresses). Jos. 15:24.
He. 12:8). BEAM. A large board or timber, used in the
BAT. A small flying creature which comes out of construction of houses and buildings. Beams supported
hiding at night (Le. 11:13,19). walls, ceilings, and gates in city walls (1 Ki. 6:9, 36; 2
BATH. [See Weights and Measures.] Ch. 3:7; Ne. 2:8; 3:3, 6; Song 1:17). The “weaver’s
beam” was the heavy bar around which the warp cords
BATHRABBIM (daughter of many). Song 7:4. were wrapped in a loom (1 Sa. 17:7; 1 Ch. 11:23)
BATHSHEBA (daughter of an oath). The woman (Revelle). The beam Jesus spoke of in Mt. 7:3-5 would
with whom King David committed adultery. She was the be something like a rafter in a house!
wife of Uriah, one of David’s best warriors (2 Sa. 11:3-4; BEAR RECORD. To testify; give evidence (Jn. 8:14; 2
12:24; 1 Ki. 1:11). After having Uriah killed, David later Co. 8:3; 1 Jn. 5:7).
married Bathsheba, and she bore Solomon. [See BEAR WITNESS. To testify; give evidence (1 Ki.
Adultery, David, Uriah.] 21:10; Jn. 1:7; Ac. 23:11).
BATHSHUA (daughter of riches). 1 Ch. 2:3. BEARD. Facial hair (Le. 13:29-30; 14:9; 19:27; 21:5;
BATTERING RAM. A large instrument used by 1 Sa. 17:35; 21:13; 2 Sa. 10:4-5; 19:24; 20:9; Ezr. 9:3;
armies in ancient times to demolish the walls of cities Ps. 133:2; Is. 7:20; 15:2; Je. 41:5; 48:37; Eze. 5:1). The
and fortresses (Eze. 4:2; 21:22). “The ram was a simple Israelites always cultivated the beard, and highly valued
machine, consisting of a metal head affixed to a beam, it. The law forbade them to “mar the corners of their
which might be long enough to need one or two beards” (Le. 19:27) and a priest was forbidden to shave
hundred men to lift and impel it. When it was still off the corner of his beard as a sign of mourning (Le.
heavier it was hung in a movable tower and became a 21:5). These were practices connected with paganism
wonderful engine of war. Its object was to make a and idolatry. King Hanun inflicted a sore indignity when
breach in the wall of a beleaguered town” (People’s he marred the beards of David’s ambassadors (2 Sa.
Bible Encyclopedia). “In its essence it was a stout pole, 10:4). Ezra, in great grief at the sin of the people,
probably with a metal ferule or head, worked with a plucked off the hair of his head and of his beard (Ezr.
motion which was half a fall half a thrust against the 9:3; cf. Je. 41:5). God’s judgment on Israel is compared
wall. Protection for the workers was supplied by placing to the beard being consumed by a razor (Is. 7:20), and
it under a roofed shed or in a tower. The whole machine they were to be scattered as hair that is cut off (Eze.
was often brought forward on wheels” (Hastings). [See 5:1-2, 12). Of Moab it is said, every beard should be cut
Engine, Military.] off (Is. 15:2; Je. 48:37) (Concise). Isaiah prophesied
BATTLE AXE. A war ax (Je. 51:20). “The Egyptian that Christ’s beard would be plucked out (Is. 50:6).
battle-ax was about two or two and one-half feet long, BEAST. In the O.T. there are primarily two Hebrew
with a single blade secured by bronze pins, and the words translated “beast” in the KJV: (1) chay (Ge. 1:24,
Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible & Christianity 53