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               Christianity. He is  called “a Christian philosopher of the   determine the text of Scripture. The following example
               Stoic sect” (McClintock & Strong Cyclopedia).     is  from  The Causes  of the Corruption  of the  Traditional
                  Clement  of  Alexandria  (his   full  name  was   Titus   Text of the Holy Scriptures by John  Burgon and Edward
               Flavius   Clement)  (115-215  A.D.),  a  student  of   Miller (1896): “In this Commentary Origen, the leading
               Pantaenus,  taught  at  Alexandria  from  about  190-202   Christian  critic of antiquity, gives  us  an insight into  the
               A.D. Clement also intermingled Christianity with pagan  arbitrary  and  highly  subjective  manner  in  which  New
               philosophy;  he  was   one  of  fathers  of  purgatory;  he  Testament textual criticism was carried on at Alexandria
               taught baptismal regeneration; he taught that most men  about  230 AD. In  his  comment  on  Matthew  19:17-21
               will be saved; he accepted apocryphal books  as  divinely  (Jesus’ reply to the rich young man) Origen reasons  that
               inspired;  he  believed  that  men  could  become  God.  Jesus  could  not  have  concluded  his   list  of  God’s
               Clement  “saw  Greek  philosophy  as  a  preliminary  commandments  with  the  comprehensive  requirement,
               discipline, a schoolmaster, to  point the pagan world the  Thou shalt love thy neighbor as  thyself. For the reply of
               way  to  Christ”  (Sightler,  Tabernacle  Essays  on  Bible  the young man was, All these things have I  kept from
               Translation, 1992, p. 7).                         my  youth  up,  and  Jesus   evidently  accepted  this
                  Another  heretic  associated  with  Alexandria  was   statement as  true. But if the young man had  loved his
               Origen (185-254 A.D.), who succeeded Clement. He laid   neighbor  as himself, he would  have been  perfect,  for
               the  foundation  for  modern  versions  with  his   Paul  says  that  the  whole  law  is  summed  up  in  this
               commentaries  and  textual  changes.  Philip  Schaff   saying,  Thou  shalt  love  thy  neighbor  as  thyself.  But
               admitted that Origen’s  “predilection for Plato (the pagan   Jesus answered,  If  thou wilt  be perfect  etc., implying,
               philosopher)  led  him into many  grand  and  fascinating   that  the  young  man  was  not  yet  perfect.  Therefore,
               errors.”  The  Lutheran  historian  Johann  Mosheim   Origen argued, the commandment, Thou  shalt love thy
               describes him as  “a compound  of contraries, wise and   neighbor  as  thyself,  could  not  have  been  spoken  by
               unwise, acute and stupid, judicious  and injudicious; the   Jesus on this occasion and was not part of the original
               enemy  of  superstition,  and  its  patron;  a  strenuous   text  of  Matthew.  The  clause  had  been  added, Origen
               defender of Christianity, and its corrupter; energetic and   concluded, by some tasteless scribe.” Thus, Origen made
               irresolute; one to whom the Bible owes  much, and from   crucial  textual  decisions  based  on  his  own  faulty
               who  it  has  suffered  much”  (An  Ecclesiastical  History,   reasoning. Contrary to  Origen’s claim, it is  very obvious
               Ancient  and  Modern,  from  the  Birth  of  Christ  to  the   that the Lord Jesus did not accept the rich young ruler’s
               Beginning of the Eighteenth Century, 1840).       profession that he had kept the law from his  young up,
                  Origen  held  the  following  doctrinal  errors,  among   for the simple reason that no man has done such a thing
                                                                 (Ro. 3:19-23; Ga. 3:10; Ja. 2:10-11). In His  reply to the
               others. He denied the infallible inspiration of Scripture.   rich  young  ruler,  the  Christ  was  exposing  the  sinful
               He rejected  the literal history  of  the  early  chapters in   condition  of  the  young  man’s  heart  and  his  deceit  in
               Genesis and of Satan taking the Lord Jesus up to a high   thinking that he was righteous. Christ was using the law
               mountain and  offering him the kingdoms of the world   for  its  divinely-intended  purpose,  which  is  to  reveal
               (Will Durant, The Story of Civilization, Vol. III, p. 614).   man’s sin and to lead him to  repentance and faith in the
               He  accepted  infant  baptism  and  taught  baptismal   Gospel.
               regeneration  and  salvation  by  works.  He  believed  the
               Holy  Spirit was possibly  a created  being  of some sort.   Origen brazenly tampered with the text of Scripture.
               He believed  in  a  form of  purgatory  and  universalism,   Consider  the  testimony  of Presbyterian  scholar  Robert
               denying the literal fire of hell and  believing that  even   Dabney:
               Satan would be saved eventually. He believed that men’s   “Origen  exercised  a  powerful  influence  over  the
               souls are preexistent and that stars  and planets  possibly   transmission  of  the Greek  text  in  the  period  before
               have souls. He believed that Jesus  was a created  being   some of the most ancient copies  now in existence were
               and  not  eternal.  He  denied  the  bodily  resurrection,   written.  ...  HE  WAS  THE  GREAT  CORRUPTER,  AND
                                                                   THE  SOURCE,  OR  AT  LEAST  THE  CHANNEL,  OF
               claiming  that  the resurrection  body  is  spherical,  non-  NEARLY  ALL  THE  SPECULATIVE  ERRORS  WHICH
               material,  and  does   not  have  members.  Origen   PLAGUED  THE  CHURCH  IN  AFTER  AGES.  Nolan
               allegorized  the Bible saying, “The Scriptures have little   asserts  that  the  most  characteristic   discrepancies
               use to those who understand them literally.”        between the  common Greek text and the texts current
                  Origen  was   the  first  textual  critic.  “To  Origen  is   in  Palestine  and  Egypt  in  Origen’s day  are  distinctly
               attributed  the  earliest  substantial  work  in  the  field  of   traceable to a Marcionite  or  Valentinian  source,  and
               textual criticism” (Kenneth I. Brown, The Church Fathers   that  ORIGEN’S  WAS  THE  MEDIATING  HAND  FOR
               and the Text of the New Testament, p. 21). He produced   INTRODUCING  THESE  CORRUPTIONS  INTO  THE
                                                                   LATTER  TEXTS.  IT  IS  HIGHLY  SIGNIFICANT  THAT
               the Hexapla, which consisted  of six translations  of  the   IMPORTANT  TEXTS BEARING ON  THE TRINITARIAN
               Old  Testament.  Origen  used  his  own  faulty  reason  to   DOCTRINE,  WHICH  APPEAR  IN  THE  GREEK  AND

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