Page 75 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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                  LATIN  ARE  LACKING  IN  THE  OLD  MSS  OF  THE   Alexandria under editorial care…” (The Text of the Greek
                  PALESTINIAN  AND  EGYPTIAN.  The  disputed  texts   Bible, pp. 151, 208).
                  were designed to condemn and refute the  errors of the   The  Codex  Sinaiticus  was   corrected  in  the  Old
                  Ebionites and  Gnostics,  Corinthians and  Nicolaitanes.   Testament  according  to  Origen’s   work  (Alexander
                  It is not surprising that the influence of Origen should
                  result  in  the  suppression  of  some  of  these authentic   Souter, The Text and Canon of the New Testament, p. 23).
                  testimonies  in  the  Greek  copies,  while  the  old  Latin   Eusebius  (270-340  A.D.)  was  another  influential
                  which  circulated  in  areas  not  much  affected  by   name in Alexandria. He collected the writings  of Origen
                  Origen’s influence,  should preserve such a reading as   and promoted his  false teachings. “Eusebius worshiped
                  that  found  in  1  John  5:7”  (Robert  Dabney,  “The   at  the  altar  of  Origen’s teachings.  He claims to  have
                  Doctrinal  Various  Readings  of  the   New  Testament   collected eight hundred of Origen’s  letters, to have used
                  Greek,” Southern Presbyterian Review, April 1871).   Origen’s  six-column  Bible, the Hexapla, in  his Biblical
                  Of  Origen’s  textual  efforts,  Frederick  Nolan  makes   labours.  Assisted  by  Pamphilus,  he  restored  and
               the  following  important  observation:  “…  HE   preserved  Origen’s  library”  (Jack  Moorman,  Forever
               CONTRIBUTED TO WEAKEN THE AUTHORITY OF THE        Settled, p. 130). Eusebius  “founded at Caesarea a library
               RECEIVED TEXT  OF  THE  NEW  [TESTAMENT]. In  the   of  biblical  and  patristic writings on  papyrus rolls,  the
               course  of  his Commentaries,  he  cited  the  versions of   nucleus  of  which  consisted  of  Origen’s   voluminous
               Aquila, Symmachus, and Theodotion, on the former part   writings,  especially  his editions  and  interpretations  of
               of the Canon, he appealed to the authority of Valentinus   biblical books” (Alexander Souter, The Text and Canon of
               and Heracleon  on the latter. WHILE  HE THUS RAISED   the New Testament, p. 23).
               THE CREDIT OF THOSE REVISALS, WHICH HAD BEEN        Eusebius  produced 50 Greek Bibles  for  Constantine,
               MADE  BY  THE  HERETICKS,  HE  DETRACTED  FROM    father  of  the  church  state.  These  copies were  to “be
               THE  AUTHORITY  OF  THAT  TEXT  WHICH HAD BEEN    written  on  prepared  parchment  in  a  legible
               RECEIVED BY THE ORTHODOX. Some difficulties  which   manner” (Geisler and Nix, A  General Introduction to the
               he found himself unable to  solve in the Evangelists, he   Bible, p. 181). It is  possible that Vaticanus  and Sinaiticus
               undertook to remove, BY EXPRESSING HIS DOUBTS OF   are  two  of  these  Bibles.  This   was   believed  by
               THE  INTEGRITY  OF THE  TEXT.  In  some  instances he   Constantine Tischendorf, F.J.A. Hort, Alexander  Souter,
               ventured to impeach the reading of the New Testament   Edward  Miller,  Caspar  Gregory,  and  A.T.  Robertson,
               on the testimony of the Old, and to convict the copies of   among others. T.C. Skeat of the British Museum believed
               one Gospel on the evidence of another: thus giving loose   that  Vaticanus   was  a  “reject”  among  the  50  copies
               to his fancy, and indulging  in many  wild conjectures, HE   (Metzger, The Text of the New Testament, p. 48).
               OR  COMMON EDITION, as well  in the New as in the Old   Frederick Nolan  and other  authorities  have charged
               Testament”  (emphasis  added)  (Nolan,  Inquiry  into the   Eusebius   with  making  many  changes  in  the  text  of
               Integrity of the Greek Vulgate, 1815, pp. 432-34).  Scripture. Nolan charged Eusebius  with removing Mark
                  Origen’s  textual  work  is  used  to  support  the   16:9-20 and John 8:1-11, among other things.
               Alexandrian text preferred by modern textual critics. He   “As it is thus apparent that Eusebius wanted [lacked]
               is  treated  by  them with great respect. He is mentioned   not the power, so it may be shewn that he  wanted not
                                                                   the will,  to make those alterations in the sacred text,
               repeatedly and favorably  by  modern  textual critics. For   with  which  I  have  ventured  to  accuse  him.  ...  The
               example,  he  is  mentioned  on  12  pages  of  Kurt  and   works  of  those  early  writers  lie  under  the  positive
               Barbara Aland’s  The  Text  of the  New  Testament and  on   imputation of being corrupted. The  copies of Clement
               four  pages   of  Bruce  Metzger’s   The  Text  of  the  New   and  Origen  were   corrupted  in  their  life  time;  the
               Testament: Its  Transmission, corruption, and Restoration.   manuscripts from which Tertullian’s works have been
               These prominent textual critics  see Origen in a positive   printed  are   notoriously  faulty;  and  the  copies   of
               light rather than as  a corruptor of God’s Word. Kurt and   Cyprian  demonstrate  their  own  corruption,  by  their
               Barbara Aland call him “the most significant and widely   disagreement among themselves,  and their  agreement
               influential Greek theologian of the early Church...” (The   with  different  texts  and  revisals  of  Scripture.  It  is
               Text  of the New  Testament,  p. 181).  They  call Origen’s   likewise  indisputable,  that  these  fathers  not  only
                                                                   followed  each  other,  adopting  the  arguments  and
               Alexandrian School “most impressive” (p. 200). Metzger   quotations of one another; but that they  quoted from
               calls   him  “one  of  the  most  assiduous  and  erudite   the heterodox as well as the orthodox. They were thus
               scholars of  his  age” (The Text of the New  Testament, p.   likely  to  transmit  from  one   to  another  erroneous
               151).  Frederic  Kenyon  testified  that  the  Alexandrian   quotations,  originally adopted from sources not  more
               family  of manuscripts “makes it first appearance in  the   pure  than  heretical  revisals  of  Scripture.  ...  New
               writings  of  Origen”  and  that  it  “is  now  generally   revisals of  Scripture  were  thus  formed,  which  were
               regarded  as  a text produced in  Egypt and  probably  at   interpolated  with  the  peculiar  readings  of  scholiasts
                                                                   and  fathers.  NOR  DID  THIS  SYSTEMATIC

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