Page 80 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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               Bible  (Jack  Moorman, Missing  in  Modern  Bibles: Is  the   of Isis  and  Mercury. The “Cathedra Petri” or  “Chair  of
               full  Story  Being  Told,  Bible  for  Today, 1981). Modern   Peter” contains  woodcarvings  that represent  the labors
               textual criticism removes  or  questions  dozens  of entire   of  Hercules. The  massive obelisk  in  the  center  of  St.
               verses:                                           Peter’s  Piazza  is  a  pagan  object  from Egypt. Near  the
                  Matthew 17:21; 18:11; 23:14                    main altar of St. Peter’s  is  a bronze statue of Peter sitting
                  Mark 7:16; 9:44, 46; 11:26; 15:28; 16:9-20     in a chair. It is  reported that  this  statue was  originally
                  Luke 17:36; 23:17                              the pagan god Jupiter that was  taken from the Pantheon
                  John 5:4; 7:53-8:11                            in Rome (when it was  a pagan temple) and moved into
                                                                 St. Peter’s  Basilica and renamed Peter! Jupiter was  one
                  Acts 8:37; 15:34; 24:7; 28:29                  of the chief  gods  of ancient  Rome and  was called  the
                  Romans 16:24                                   “pater” (father) in Latin. One foot of the statue is made
                  1 John 5:7                                     of silver  and  Catholic  pilgrims  superstitiously  touch  or
                  It further  removes a significant portion of 147 other   kiss  it. In fact, the Vatican is one gigantic idol. The great
               verses.                                           altar  over  the  supposed  tomb   of  St.  Peter  is
                  Modern  textual  criticism  was  not  popular  until  the   overwhelmed by massive, golden, spiraling columns  that
               publication of the Westcott and Hort Greek N.T. in 1881.   look  like  coiling  serpents.  One  can  almost  hear  the
                  The first two English versions of any influence based   sinister  hiss.  The  Vatican  is also  a graveyard. Beneath
               on  this  text  were the English  Revised  Version  of 1881   “St.  Peter’s”  Basilica  are  rows   of  marble  caskets
               and the American Standard Version of 1901.        containing dead Popes! A life-size statue of each Pope is
                  Modern textual criticism favors A FEW GREEK UNCIAL   carved in  marble and  reclines  on the lid  of his casket.
               MANUSCRIPTS  (e.g.  Sinaiticus  and  Vaticanus)  and  a   Candles  and  incense  are  burning  profusely.  In  the
               small  number  of  other  manuscripts  of  similar  character   supposed tomb  of Peter, 99 oil lamps  are kept burning
               over the vast majority of the 5,471 Greek manuscripts and   day and  night. For those familiar with pagan religions,
               lectionaries extant.                              such  as  Hinduism  and  Buddhism,  the  origin  of  such
                  Writing in 1883, John Burgon observed, “...especially   things is obvious. The place is as eerie and pagan as any
                                                                 temple in darkest India. Pitifully deluded Catholics light
               B [Vaticanus] and  Aleph  [Sinaiticus], have within  the   their  pagan  candles in  a vain  attempt  to merit  God’s
               last  twenty  years established  a  tyrannical  ascendancy   blessing after  the fashion of benighted Hindus. There is
               over  the imagination  of  the Critics, which  can  only  be   no  biblical  authority  for  any  of  it.  The  Lord  Jesus
               fitly  spoken  of  as  a  blind  superstition”  (The  Revision   warned  the  Pharisees,  “Full  well  ye  reject  the
               Revised,  p.  11).  Since  the  discovery  of  the  Egyptian   commandment  of  God,  that  ye  may  keep  your  own
               papyri in  the 20th  century, the number  of  Alexandrian   tradition”  (Mark  7:9).  The  Vatican  is one of  the  last
               manuscripts  has  increased;  but  compared  to the  vast   places on earth one would  expect to find the preserved
               number  that  support  the  Traditional  text,  they  still   Word of God.
               represent a very tiny and “eccentric” minority.
                                                                   Westcott  and  Hort  preferred  the  Vaticanus
                  The  Vaticanus  (B)  Greek  manuscript  gets  its name   manuscript as  their chief authority above all other Greek
               from its  location, which is  the Vatican Library. Its history   manuscripts. It was “their  touchstone” (Aland, The Text
               is  unknown prior to  1475, when it first appeared in that   of the New Testament, p. 14).
               library’s  catalog. It is thought to  date from the mid-4th
               century  and  to  have  originated  in  Egypt    (Frederic   The  Vaticanus  is  very  strange  and  corrupt.  It  was
               Kenyon, The Text of the Greek Bible). The home of Codex   corrected  by  revisers   in  the  8th,  10th,  and  15th
               Vaticanus is  unholy  and  is  certainly  not  the place one   centuries  (W. Eugene Scott, Codex Vaticanus, 1996). The
               would  expect  to  find  the  preserved  Word  of  God.  I   entire manuscript has been mutilated.
               toured the Vatican in 1992 and again in 2003 and 2005   “...every letter has been run over with a pen,  making
               and  was  astounded  at  how  pagan  the  place  is.  It   exact  identification  of  many  of  the   characters
               reminds me  of  the  many  idolatrous  temples  we  have   impossible”  ( Va t i c a n u s  a n d  S i n a i t i c u s -
               visited  during  our  years of  missionary  work  in  Asia.   ww.waynejackson.  /v2.htm).  This
                                                                   was probably done  in the  10th or 11th century. All  of
               Fitting to the home of the man who claims  the titles  and   the  revision  and  overwriting  “makes  precise
               position of Jesus  Christ and who  accepts  adulation, the   paleographic   analysis  impossible”  (Scott,  Codex
               Vatican  is  a monument  to idolatry  and blasphemy  and   Vaticanus). Dr.  David Brown observes: “I question the
               man’s shameless rebellion to God’s  revelation. There are   ‘great witness’ value  of any manuscript  that has been
               statues  and  paintings of  all  sorts  of  pagan  gods and   overwritten, doctored, changed and added to for more
               goddesses; there are statues  of Mary and the Popes  and   than 10 centuries” (The Great Uncials).
               the  “saints”  and  angels   and  the  infant  Jesus  and   Missing  portions  were supplied in  the 15th  century
               crucifixes. The Vatican  Library  contains large paintings   by  copying  other  Greek  manuscripts.  This   segment

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