Page 85 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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               that  is   backed  by  no  evidence  but  was  devised   We  would  also  point  out  that  the  principles   of
               specifically to support the Alexandrian text.     modern  textual  criticism  are  very  complicated.  They
                  Bengel developed  this  principle because he believed   involve such  things as  conflation, recension, inversion,
               orthodox  Christian  scribes  tended  to  simply  difficult   eclecticism,  conjectural  emendation,  intrinsic  and
               texts.  Thus  he  believed  that  orthodox  Christians   transcriptional  probability,  interpolation,  statistical
               corrupted  their  own  New  Testament!  This  flies  in  the   probability,  harmonistic  assimilation,  cognate  groups,
               face of the love that Bible-believing Christians have for   hypothesized  intermediate  archetypes,  stemmatic
               the Scriptures  and  their  fear  of  tampering  with  God’s   reconstruction,  and  genealogical  methods.  It  is
               Word  (De.  4:2;  Pr.  30:6;  Is.  66:2;  2  Th.  2:17;  Re.   impossible  to reconcile this scholarly  complexity  with
               22:18-19).                                        the simplicity that is  in Christ (2 Co. 11:3) and with the
                  The Bible warns that it is the devil that corrupts the   scriptural  fact  that  God  has  chosen  the  weak  of  this
               simplicity of God’s truth (2 Co. 11:3).           world  to   confound  the  mighty  (Mt.  11:25;  1  Co.
                  This  theory ignores the fact that there were countless   1:20-29).
               heretics   tampering  with  manuscripts  and  creating   Modern textual criticism has  resulted in uncertainty in
               spurious  ones   in  the  2nd  and  3rd  centuries.  Wilbur   the Biblical text.
               Pickering observes, “In any case, the amply documented   Whereas  prior  to   the  late  19th  century  the  vast
               fact  that numerous  people in  the second century made   majority  of  Bible-believing  Christians  were  confident
               deliberate changes  in the text, whether  for doctrinal or   that the Masoretic Hebrew and the Greek Received texts
               other  reasons,  introduces   an  unpredictable  variable   were the preserved Word of God, today there is  no  real
               which invalidates  this  canon. Once a person arrogates to   certainty where textual criticism has  been accepted. The
               himself the authority to alter the text there is nothing in   Masoretic Hebrew has been challenged by the Dead Sea
               principle to keep  individual caprice  from  intruding  or   Scrolls, the Septuagint, and other  sources, so that some
               taking over--we have no way  of knowing what  factors   twenty  to  thirty  thousand  textual  changes  have  been
               influenced the originator of a variant (whoever he was)   suggested  for  the Old  Testament.  The  Greek Received
               or whether  the result would appear  to us to be ‘harder’   Text  has  been  replaced with  a constantly  changing so-
               or ‘easier.’ This canon is  simply inapplicable” (Pickering,   called  “eclectic” text. Note the following statements  by
               The Identity of the New Testament Text, chapter 4).   prominent textual critics of the last 100 years testifying
                  This   theory  ignores   the  fact  that  many  Egyptian   to the  gross uncertainty  produced  by  modern  textual
               manuscripts  contain nonsensical readings  created by the   criticism.  For  more of  these  see Faith  vs. the  Modern
               carelessness  and  ineptitude of  the scribes.  The papyri   Bible Versions.
               are notorious  for  this. A nonsensical reading  would  be   “[The New Testament text is more unsettled] than ever,
               the harder  reading, but  it  is foolish  to  think  that it  is   and PERHAPS FINALLY, UNSETTLED” (Rendel  Harris,
               correct.                                            Side Lights on New Testament Research, 1908, p. 3).
                  We see that the principles  of modern textual criticism   “The  ultimate text, if there ever was one  that deserves
                                                                   to be  so called,  IS FOR EVER  IRRECOVERABLE” (F.C.
               are strange and unscriptural.                       Conybeare, History of New Testament Criticism, 1910, p.
                  Note that the modern textual critic’s rules are loaded   129).
               in favor of his theories.                           “In spite of the  claims of Westcott and Hort and of von
                  “You  will  not  have  to  look  at  these ‘rules’  for  long   Soden, WE DO NOT KNOW THE ORIGINAL FORM OF
                  before   realizing  that  they  are  ‘weighted’  in  the   THE GOSPELS,  AND  IT  IS QUITE  LIKELY  THAT  WE
                  direction of  their  own pre-determined preference for   NEVER  SHALL” (Kirsopp Lake,  Family 13,  The  Ferrar
                  the Alexandrian Text.  For example, if the Alexandrian   Group,  Philadelphia: University  of Pennsylvania Press,
                  Text is shorter than the  Traditional, then one  firm rule   1941, p. vii).
                  is  ‘The  shorter  reading  is  to  be   preferred.’  And,  if   “... it is generally recognized that THE ORIGINAL TEXT
                  ninety  percent  of  the  manuscripts  support  the   OF  THE  BIBLE  CANNOT  BE  RECOVERED”  (R.M.
                  Traditional Text and the remaining  ten percent must be   Grant, “The Bible of Theophilus of Antioch,” Journal of
                  divided  between  the  Alexandrian,  Western  and   Biblical Literature, vol. 66, 1947, p. 173).
                  Caesarean  texts,  then  of  course,  ‘numerical   “...the optimism of the  earlier editors has  given way to
                  preponderance counts for nothing, the  Traditional Text   that  SKEPTICISM  WHICH  INCLINES  TOWARDS
                  is  merely  one   of  four  competing  text  types.’  And,   REGARDING  ‘THE  ORIGINAL  TEXT’  AS  AN
                  should it be  pointed out that  the  Alexandrian Text is   UNATTAINABLE MIRAGE”  (G.  Zuntz,  The  Text  of  the
                  less distinct  doctrinally: then  it is an established fact   Epistles, 1953, p. 9).
                  that ‘there are  no signs of deliberate  falsification of the     “The  primary  goal  of  New  Testament  textual  study
                  text for doctrinal  purposes during  the early centuries.’   remains   the  recovery  of  what  the  New  Testament
                  And  on  it  goes!”  (Jack  Moorman,  Early  Manuscripts   writers  wrote.  We  have  already  suggested  that  TO
                  and the Authorized Version, A Closer Look, 1990, p. 6).

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