Page 81 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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               (pages  1519-1536)  of  the  manuscript  “is  catalogued   unparalleled, but happily  rather  unusual in documents
               separately  as  minuscule 1957” (Aland,  The  Text  of the   of first-rate importance.’ On many occasions 10, 20, 30,
               New Testament, p. 109).                           40 words  are dropped through very carelessness. Letters
                  In the Gospels it leaves  out 749 entire sentences and   and words, even whole sentences, are frequently written
               452  clauses,  plus  237  other  words,  all  of  which  are   twice over, or  begun  and immediately cancelled;  while
               found in hundreds of other Greek manuscripts. The total   that gross blunder, whereby a clause is omitted because
               number  of  words omitted  in B in the Gospels  alone is   it  happens  to   end  in  the  same  words  as  the  clause
               2,877  as compared  with  the  majority  of  manuscripts   preceding, occurs no less than  115  times  in  the New
               (Burgon, The Revision Revised, p. 75).            Testament”  (John  Burgon,  The  Revision  Revised).  It  is
                  Vaticanus omits  Mark 16:9-20, but a blank  space is   clear that the scribes  who copied the Sinaiticus were not
               left for that section of Scripture. John Burgon first wrote   faithful  men  of  God  who treated  the  Scriptures  with
               about  this  in  The Last  Twelve Verses of the  Gospel  of St.   utmost reverence. The total number of words omitted in
               Mark Vindicated, 1871, pp. 86-87.                 Aleph in the Gospels  alone is  3,455 compared with the
                  Vaticanus  identifies  itself  as   a  product  of  gnostic   Greek Received Text (Burgon, p. 75).
               corruption in John 1:18, where “the only begotten Son”   Mark 16:9-20 is omitted in the Sinaiticus, but it was
               is  changed  to  “the  only  begotten  God,”  thus   originally there and has been erased.
               perpetuating the ancient Arian heresy that disassociates   Like  the  Vaticanus,  the  Sinaiticus  exhibits  gnostic
               the  Son  of  God  Jesus   Christ  from  God  Himself  by   influence upon its  face by  changing “the only  begotten
               claiming that  the  Word  was  not  the  same as  the Son.   Son” to “the only begotten God” in John 1:18.
               John’s  Gospel identifies the Son directly with the Word   These  manuscripts  bear  evidence  of  being  corrupt
               (John 1:1, 18), but by changing “Son” to  “God” in verse   above all  other  Greek uncials or  minuscules. Consider
               18, this direct association is broken.            this   important  testimony  by  John  Burgon,  who
                  The  Sinaiticus  (Aleph)  codex was   discovered  by   dedicated  much  of  his   life  to  the  study  of  Greek
               Constantine  Tischendorf  at  St.  Catherine’s  Monastery   manuscripts  and who personally  analyzed the Vaticanus
               (Greek Orthodox) at  Mt. Sinai. He discovered the first   in Rome:
               part in 1844 and the second in 1859. Like Catholicism,   “When  we  study  the New  Testament  by  the light  of
               the Greek Orthodox Church has  a false gospel of grace   such Codexes  as B Aleph D L, we find ourselves in an
               plus  works and  sacraments  and  holds  the unscriptural   entirely  new  region  of  experience;  confronted  by
               doctrine of venerating relics. St. Catherine’s  Monastery   phenomena not only unique  but even portentous.  The
               has one entire room filled with skulls!             text has undergone apparently AN HABITUAL, IF NOT
                                                                   SYSTEMATIC,  DEPRAVATION;  has  been  manipulated
                  The Sinaiticus  was written by  three different scribes   throughout  in  a   wild  way.  Influences  have   been
               and was corrected later by several others. (This was the   demonstrably  at  work  which  altogether  perplex  the
               conclusion of an extensive investigation by H.J.M. Milne   judgment.  The result  is simply  calamitous.  There are
               and  T.C.  Skeat  of  the  British  Museum,  which  was   evidences of persistent  mutilation,  not only  of  words
               published  in Scribes and Correctors  of Codex Sinaiticus,   and clauses, but of entire  sentences. The substitution of
               London, 1938.) Tischendorf counted 14,800 corrections   one   expression  for  another,  and  the   arbitrary
               in  this  manuscript  (David  Brown,  The  Great  Uncials,   transposition  of  words,  are  phenomena   of  such
               2000).  Dr.  F.H.A.  Scrivener,  who   published  A  Full   perpetual  occurrence,  that  it  becomes evident at  last
               Collation of the Codex Sinaiticus  in 1864 testified: “The   that  which  lies before  us is not  so much  an ancient
                                                                   copy,  as an ancient recension of the Sacred Text.  And
               Codex  is   covered  with  alterations   of  an  obviously   yet not by any means a recension in the  usual sense of
               correctional  character--brought  in  by  at  least  ten   the word as an authoritative  revision; but only as the
               different  revisers,  some  of  them  systematically  spread   name  may  be  applied  to  the  product  of  individual
               over  every  page,  others   occasional,  or  limited  to   inaccuracy or caprice, or tasteless assiduity on the part
               separate  portions   of  the  Ms.,  many  of  these  being   of one or many,  at a particular time or in a long series
               contemporaneous  with  the  first  writer,  but  for  the   of years. There are reasons for inferring,  that we have
               greater part  belonging to the sixth or seventh  century.”   alighted on five  specimens of what the  misguided piety
               Thus  it is evident  that scribes in bygone centuries did   of  a  primitive age is known  to have been  fruitful  in
               not consider the Sinaiticus  to represent a pure text. Why   producing.  ...  THESE  CODEXES  ABOUND  WITH  SO
               it should  be so revered  by  modern  textual  critics  is a   MUCH LICENTIOUSNESS OR  CARELESSNESS AS TO
                                                                   SUGGEST THE INFERENCE, THAT THEY ARE IN FACT
               mystery.                                            INDEBTED  FOR  THEIR  PRESERVATION  TO  THEIR
                  A  great  amount  of  carelessness  is  exhibited  in  the   HOPELESS CHARACTER. Thus it would appear that an
               copying and correction. “Codex Sinaiticus  ‘abounds  with   evil  reputation ensured their  neglect in ancient times;
               errors  of  the  eye  and  pen  to  an  extent  not  indeed   and has procured that they should survive  to our own,
                                                                   long  after  multitudes  which  were  much  better  had

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