Page 82 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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                  perished  in the Master’s service” (Burgon  and  Miller,   because they  must  allegedly  be recovered after  having
                  The  Traditional  Text  of  the  Holy  Gospels  Vindicated,   been corrupted for 1,500 years.
                  1896, pp. 32, 33).                               Thus,  modern  textual  criticism  is   built  upon  the
                  Not  only  do   Vaticanus  and  Sinaiticus  disagree  in   premise  that  the  original  text  of  the  New  Testament
               thousands  of  places  with  the  vast  majority  of  other   needed to be restored in the 19th century.
               Greek manuscripts, they disagree with one another in as   If this  goal is  true, then divine preservation is false. In
               many  or  more  places!  There  are  3,036  differences   fact,  most  standard  works  on  textual criticism  do not
               between the Vaticanus  and the Sinaiticus in the Gospels   even  mention divine preservation. Following are a few
               alone,  not  counting  minor  errors   such  as  spelling   examples:
               (Herman Hoskier, Codex B and Its Allies, Vol. II, p. 1).
                  In  spite  of  these  facts,  Vaticanus (B)  or  Sinaiticus   The  New  Testament  in  the  Original  Greek
                                                                      (Introduction) by Westcott and Hort (1881)
               (Aleph), either  individually  or  together, are the source   The  Text  of  the  New  Testament  by  Kirsopp  Lake
               of  most  of  the  omissions  and  glaring  changes in  the   (1900, 1949)
               modern versions. We have already  listed a few of these   Introduction  to  the  Textual  Criticism  of  the  Greek
               that touch on  the doctrine of Christ’s  deity  and  of  the   New Testament by Eberhard Nestle (1901)
               Trinity.                                            The Canon and Text of the New Testament by Casper
                  Biblical  “common  sense”  informs  us  that  these   Rene Gregory (1907)
               manuscripts  owe  their  amazing  survival  solely  to  the   The  Text  and  Canon  of  the  New  Testament by
               fact that they  are so corrupt. John Burgon, who calls B   Alexander Souter (1912)
               and  Aleph  “TWO  FALSE  WITNESSES,”  observes:  “We   The  Text of  the Greek  Bible by  F.G. Kenyon  (1936,
               suspect  that  these  two  Manuscripts  are  indebted  for   1975)
               their  preservation,  SOLELY  TO  THEIR  ASCERTAINED   New  Testament  Manuscript  Studies by Parvis   and
               EVIL  CHARACTER;  which  has  occasioned  that  the  one   Wikgren (1950)
               eventually  found  its  way,  four  centuries   ago,  to   a   The  Text  of  the  New  Testament  by  Bruce Metzger
               forgotten  shelf  in  the  Vatican  library:  while the  other,   (1968)
               after  exercising the ingenuity  of  several generations of   The Text of  the New Testament by Kurt and Barbara
               critical  Correctors,  eventually  (viz.  in  A.D.  1844)  got   Aland (1981)
               deposited in  the waste-paper  basket  of  the Convent  at   Modern  textual  criticism’s  theories  are  strange  and
               the foot of Mount Sinai. Had B and Aleph been copies  of   unscriptural.
               average  purity,  they  must  long since  have  shared  the   While not all of the following principles  are held by
               inevitable fate of books which are freely used and highly   any one textual critic, these are standard principles that
               prized; namely, they would  have fallen  into  decadence   have  been  promoted  by  prominent  textual  critics   at
               and  disappeared  from  sight”  (Burgon,  The  Revision   various stages in its history.
               Revised,  p.  319;  see  also   pp.  30-31).  If  these  two
               witnesses  were put on a witness stand in a court of law,   Note:  The theories of  modern  textual  criticism  are
               they  would  be  rejected.  Not  only  do  they  disagree   examined more thoroughly in Faith vs. the Modern Bible
               together  against  the  vast  majority  of  other  witnesses,   Versions and  in  The  Modern  Bible  Version  Question-
               but they also disagree with one another as  much as they   Answer Database, available from Way of Life Literature.
               disagree with the majority!                         Modern  Textual  Criticism  Principle:  In  matters  of
                  (For a study of the Papyri see the book Why We Hold   textual  criticism  the Bible  is to be treated like any other
               to the King James Bible, which is available from Way of   ancient book.
               Life Literature.)                                   No special consideration is  to be made concerning its
                  Modern textual criticism’s goal is unscriptural.  claims of  inspiration  and  preservation. “The principles
                  Constantine Tischendorf  stated  the  goal  of  modern   of criticism explained in the foregoing section hold good
                                                                 for  all  ancient  texts   preserved  in  a  plurality  of
               textual criticism as  “the struggle to REGAIN the original   documents.  In  dealing  with  the  text  of  the  New
               form of the New  Testament”  (Metzger, The  Text  of the   Testament  no  new  principle  whatever  is   needed  or
               New Testament, p. 126). This implies, of course, that the   legitimate”  (Westcott  and  Hort,  The  New  Testament  in
               original form of the New Testament had been lost prior   the  Original  Greek, vol. 2, Introduction  and  Appendix,
               to the 19th century when Tischendorf lived.       1881). The Bible cannot be treated like any other book,
                  The very title of Bruce Metzger’s  popular book -- The   because  it  alone  has   the  divine  and  supernatural
               New  Testament’s  Transmission,  CORRUPTION,  AND   element, which holds true not only for its origin but also
               RESTORATION  --  describes  modern  textual  criticism’s   for  its  history. Other  books  were not  written  by  divine
               principle that the Scriptures were not divinely preserved,   inspiration  or  preserved  by  divine  providence.  Other

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