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               and  recommended  for  repeated  transcription”  (Burgon,   consideration? Why, for example, can Kurt and Barbara
               The Revision Revised, pp. 278-287).               Aland  say  of  a “great  many” of  the uncials that  “since
                  That  being  said,  it  is  evident  that  Burgon  turned   they  offer  nothing more than a Byzantine text  ... they
               Hort’s  Syrian  recension  theory  on  its  head  and   are  in  consequence  quite  irrelevant  for  textual
               demonstrated  that  if  such  a thing  actually  occurred  it   criticism” (The Text of the New Testament, p. 104)? They
               would  provide  devastating  evidence  AGAINST  Hort’s   do so on the ground that this  text was  allegedly created
               Alexandrian  text. If  churches actually  met  together  in   in  the  4th  century  by  means   of  a  recension,  thus
               the 3rd  or  4th  centuries to revise the New  Testament   allowing them to treat the thousands of Traditional text
               text so as to purge away  any impurities  that had crept   manuscripts  merely  as  so many  copies of  one  alleged
               in,  they  would  surely  have  had  the  resources   and   and, in their eyes, inauthentic revision. Without such  a
               understanding  to accomplish  such  a  task.  They  lived   theory, they have no reason to despise the witness of the
               only a short time from the passing of the apostles. They   majority  of manuscripts. “But  it is clear  that with  this
               would have had the testimony of the apostolic churches   hypothesis  of a ‘Syrian’ text,--the immediate source and
               themselves, because they  still existed. They would have   actual prototype of the commonly received  Text of  the
               had  the  testimony  of  countless  treasured  manuscripts   N.T.,--stands  or falls their entire Textual theory. Reject it,
               that have long since disappeared from the record. They   and the entire fabric is observed to collapse, and subside
               would have had an intimate knowledge of the devises  of   into  a shapeless ruin” (Burgon, The Revision Revised, p.
               heretics  that  had  operated  in  the previous century  or   294).
               two. For scholars  of the 19th and 20th centuries  to claim   Modern  Textual  Criticism  Principle:  The  shorter
               that  they  are  better  able,  with  the  pathetically  slim   reading  is to be preferred, because corruption by addition
               manuscript  evidence  that  has   survived  from  those   is more likely than corruption by omission.
               earliest  centuries, to discern the apostolic text than  the   This  rule was  stated  by  Westcott  and  Hort  in  their
               majority  of  churches  in  the 3rd  and  4th  centuries  is   Introduction to the New  Testament in the Original  Greek,
               simply ridiculous.                                but  it  was invented  by  Johann Wettstein, a  Unitarian,
                  Some  contemporary  textual critics have abandoned   and  Johann  Griesbach,  a  modernist.  It  has not  been
               the idea that the Received Text was created through one   proven by  actual textual evidence; it is merely a theory
               historical revision, replacing this with the theory  that it   designed  to  support  the  shorter  Alexandrian  text.  In
               was  created over  a long  process. But whereas the first   fact, the evidence points in the other direction, as  stated
               idea  has  no historical  evidence,  the  second  is  absurd   by B.H. Streeter: “The notion is  completely refuted that
               upon  its  very  face.  Zane Hodges wisely  observes: “No   the regular tendency of scribes  was  to choose the longer
               one has yet explained how a long, slow process spread   reading.  ...  The  whole  question  of  interpolations  in
               out  over  many  centuries  as  well  as   over  a  wide   ancient MSS has  been set in an entirely new light by the
               geographical  area,  and  involving  a  multitude  of   researches of Mr. A.C. Clark, Corpus  Professor  of Latin
               copyists, who often knew nothing of the state of the text   at  Oxford.  ...  in  The  Descent  of  Manuscripts,  an
               outside  of  their  own  monasteries  or  scriptoria,  could   investigation  of the manuscript  tradition  of  the Greek
               achieve this  widespread uniformity out of the diversity   and Latin Classics, he proves conclusively that the error
               presented  by  the  earlier  [Western  and  Alexandrian]   to which scribes were most prone was  not interpolation
               forms  of text ... An  unguided process  achieving relative   [addition] but  accidental  omission” (Streeter, The  Four
               stability  and  uniformity  in  the  diversified  textual,   Gospels: A Study of Origins, 1930).
               historical, and cultural circumstances  in which the New   Everyday  experience demonstrates  the truth  of this.
               Testament  was  copied,  imposes  impossible  strains  on   When copying something, it is easier to omit things  than
               our  imagination”  (Hodges,  “The  Implications   of   add things. And when  heretics  are tampering with  the
               Statistical  Probability  for  the  History  of  the  Text,”   text,  it  is   easier  to  get  away  with  omissions   than
               Appendix C  in  Wilbur  N.  Pickering, The Identity  of the   additions.
               New Testament Text, 1980 edition, p. 168). Indeed.  The vast  majority of extant  manuscripts  throughout
                  If modern textual criticism’s  principle of a Recension   the church age have the “longer  readings” that are left
               were  true,  it  would  destroy  the  doctrine  of  Bible   out of or questioned in the modern versions, such as  the
               preservation in any conceivably practical sense, because   “long” ending to Mark 16.
               it  would  mean  that  the  apostolic  text  was,  for  all   Modern  Textual  Criticism  Principle:  The  hard reading
               practical purposes, discarded for 15 centuries!   is to be preferred to the easy reading.
                  If modern textual criticism’s  principle of a recension   This  was one of Johann Bengel’s principles  as  stated
               is  rejected, the entire superstructure falls  to  the ground.   in his  Greek New Testament, p. 420. It is  another theory
               Why  do the modern textual critics  reject the Traditional
               or  Majority  Text  out  of  hand  and  give  it  no  serious

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