Page 78 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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pure one, and if it came from Egypt, the likelihood that Mark 9:24 -- “Lord” is omitted in both Sinaiticus
it is corrupt is multiplied greatly. (Aleph) and Vaticanus (B)
Second, the “Antiochian text” has the best claim to Mark 16:9-20 -- These verses are omitted in Aleph
purity. Asia Minor was where the apostolic churches and B, thus ending Mark’s gospel with the
were located; it is where Greek was spoken natively. disciples in fear and confusion, with no
Egypt, on the other hand was a hotbed of anti-christ resurrection and glorious ascension.
heresy and Gnostic fanaticism. “The use of such Luke 2:33 -- “Joseph” is changed to “the child’s
designations as ‘Syrian,’ ‘Antiochian,’ and ‘Byzantine’ for father” Aleph, B
the Majority Text reflects its general association with ---- 23:42 -- “Lord” changed to to “Jesus” in Aleph
that region. I know of no reason to doubt that the and B, thus destroying this powerful reference
to Christ’s deity.
‘Byzantine’ text is in fact the form of the text that was
known and transmitted in the Aegean area from the John 1:18 -- “the only begotten son” changed to
“the only begotten God” in Aleph and B. John
beginning. In sum, I believe that the evidence clearly Burgon proved that this reading, which appears
favors that interpretation of the history of the text which in only five Greek manuscripts, could be traced
sees the normal transmission of the text as centered in to the heretic Valentinus, who denied the
the Aegean region, the area that was best qualified, Godhead of Jesus Christ by making a distinction
from every point of view, to transmit the text, from the between the Word and the Son of God. In the
very first. The result of that normal transmission is the Received Text there is no question that the
‘Byzantine’ text-type. In every age, including the second Word is also the Son and that both are God. The
and third centuries, it has been the traditional Word is God (Jn. 1:1); the Word was made flesh
text” (Wilbur Pickering, The Identity of the New and dwelt among us (Jn. 1:14); the Word is the
Testament Text, ch. 5). Son (Jn. 1:18). By changing Jn. 1:18 to “the
only begotten God,” Valentinus and his
Third, the ancient Greek manuscripts most favored followers broke the clear association between
by modern textual criticism are Egyptian. This includes the Word and the Son.
Vaticanus, Sinaiticus, Alexandrinus, Ephraem Syrus, ---- 1:27 -- “is preferred before me” omitted in
Freer Washington, the Beatty Papyri, and the Bodmer Aleph, B
Papyri (Pickering, Identity of the New Testament Text, ch. ---- 3:13 -- “who is in heaven” omitted by Aleph and
6). B
Fourth, the Vaticanus and Sinaiticus contain many ---- 6:69 -- “the Christ, the Son of the living God” is
readings that denigrate the full deity of Jesus Christ and changed to “the Holy One of God” in Aleph and
give evidence that they are representatives of B
manuscripts that were corrupted by heretics. Consider ---- 9:35 -- “Son of God” changed to “Son of man” in
the testimony of nineteenth-century Presbyterian Robert Aleph and B.
Dabney: ---- 9:38 -- “Lord, I believe. And he worshipped
“The Sabellian and Arian controversies raged in the Him” omitted in Aleph, thus removing this
3rd and 4th centuries and the copies now held in such powerful and incontrovertible confession of
high repute among scholars were written in the 4th Christ as God
and 5th centuries. THE HOSTILITY OF THESE Acts 2:30 -- “according to the flesh, he would raise
DOCUMENTS TO THE TRINITARIAN DOCTRINE up Christ” omitted in Aleph and B, thus
IMPELS THE MIND TO THE CONCLUSION THAT destroying this clear testimony that Christ
THEIR OMISSIONS AND ALTERATIONS ARE NOT himself fulfills the promise of David
MERELY THE CHANCE ERRORS OF TRANSCRIBERS, ---- 20:28 -- “church of God” changed to “church of
BUT THE WORK OF A DELIBERATE HAND. When we the Lord” in Aleph and B; the Traditional Text
remember the date of the great Trinitarian contest in says plainly that it was God who died on the
the Church, and compare it with the supposed date of cross and shed His blood, whereas the
these documents, our suspicion becomes much more Alexandrian text allows for the heretical view
pronounced. ... The so-called oldest codices agree with that Jesus is the Lord but that he is not actually
each other in omitting a number of striking testimonies God. Jehovah’s Witnesses, for example, follow
to the divinity of Christ, and they also agree in other in the footsteps of ancient 2nd century heretics,
omissions relating to Gospel faith and practice” (Robert claiming Jesus as Lord but not as God.
Dabney, “The Doctrinal Various Readings of the New Romans 14:10 -- “judgment seat of Christ” changed
Testament Greek,” Southern Presbyterian Review, April to “judgment seat of God” in Aleph and B, thus
1871). destroying this plain identification of Jesus
Following are some examples: Christ with Jehovah God (Isaiah 45:23)
1 Corinthians 15:47--“the Lord” omitted in Aleph, B
78 Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible & Christianity