Page 45 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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epistle was written, were accustomed to mention the men forsook me’ (2 Timothy 4:16). So that if Peter
real place. (c) It would be hardly consistent with the were Bishop of Rome he enjoyed an immunity which
dignity of an apostle, or any grave writer, to make use was not accorded to Paul, and is guilty of having
of what would be regarded as a nickname, when forsaken the great apostle. And, finally, in this very
suggesting the name of a place where he then was. (d) Epistle, written from Rome immediately before his
if Rome had been meant, it would have been hardly martyrdom, Paul says, ‘Only Luke is with me’ (2
respectful to the church there which sent the Timothy 4:11). This is conclusive. So Paul had written
salutation, to have given it this name. Peter mentioned to Rome, he had been in Rome, and at the end he
the church with respect and kindness; and yet it would writes from Rome, and not only never once mentions
have been scarcely regarded as kind to mention it as a Peter, but declares, ‘Only Luke is with me.’”
‘Church in Babylon,’ if he used the term Babylon, as he While it is possible that Peter visited Rome briefly at
must have done on such a supposition to denote a some point, the biblical record testifies conclusively that
place of eminent depravity. (e) The testimony of the he was not the bishop of the church at Rome.
Fathers on this subject does not demonstrate that Rome
was the place intended. So far as appears from the BABYLON IN THE BOOK OF REVELATION. God
extracts relied on by Lardner, they do not give this as foretells the rise of another Babylon in the last days
historical testimony, but as their own interpretation; before Christ returns. This last-days Babylon will be the
and, from anything that appears, we are as well embodiment of all the evil and rebellion of men
qualified to interpret the word as they were. (f) In throughout history (Re. 14:8; 17:5; 18:2, 10, 21). Thus,
regard to the objection that Babylon was at that time the O.T. Babylon was both a historical city and kingdom,
destroyed, it may be remarked that this is true so far as and was also a prophetic symbol for the future Babylon.
the original splendour of the city was concerned, but The final Babylon will be destroyed by Christ. “Babylon
still there may have been a sufficient population there is repeatedly used by the prophets in a symbolic sense.
to have constituted a church. The destruction of
Babylon was gradual. It had not become an utter Two Babylons are to be distinguished in the Revelation:
desert in the time of the apostles. In the first century of Ecclesiastical Babylon, which is apostate Christendom,
the Christian era a part of it was inhabited, though the headed up under the Papacy; and Political Babylon,
greater portion of its former site was a waste. All that which is the Beast’s confederated empire, the last form
time, there is no improbability in supposing that a of Gentile world-dominion. Ecclesiastical Babylon is “the
Christian supposition that the word Babylon refers to great whore” (Re. 17:1), and is destroyed by political
Rome, rests nearly all the evidence which the Roman Babylon (Re. 17:15-18), that the beast may alone be the
Catholics can adduce that the apostle Peter was ever at object of worship (2 Th. 2:3-4; Re. 13:15). The power of
Rome at all. There is nothing else in the New political Babylon is destroyed by the return of the Lord
Testament that furnishes the slightest proof that he in glory” (Scofield). [For a study on Rome as the Harlot
ever was there. The only passage on which Bellarmine
relies to show that Peter was at Rome, is the very of Revelation 17 see Mother of Harlots.] [See Apostasy,
passage now under consideration. He does not pretend Babel, Church, Egypt, Great Tribulation, Prophecy,
to cite any other evidence from Scripture than this; nor Roman Catholic Church, Separation, Timothy, Unity.]
does any other writer.” BACA, VALLEY OF (weeping). A valley near
That Peter was not the pastor or “bishop” at Rome is Jerusalem, and the valley of Rephaim, whose exact
evident from a study of Paul’s epistles (the following is locality is uncertain (Young) (Ps. 84:6).
by Henry Hudson from Papal Power: Its Origins and BACKBITE. To speak against someone in order to
Development): hurt them; to speak deceitfully; to slander (Ps. 15:3; Pr.
“In A.D. 58 Paul wrote to the Romans, but does not 25:23; Ro. 1:30; 2 Co. 12:20). [See Busybody, Evil
mention Peter. In Romans 1:11, he wants to impart Speaking, Gossip, Slander, Talebearer, Tattler,
special gifts, and in Romans 1:15 he is ready to preach Whisperer.]
there. He sends greetings to twenty-seven persons, but BACKSLIDE. The term backsliding is used frequently
none to Peter. In 61 Paul is conveyed a prisoner to
Rome, and certain brethren go to meet him, but not in the O.T. to describe Israel’s spiritual condition (Je.
Peter. At Rome Paul writes to the Galatians, and 3:6, 8, 11, 12, 14, 22; 8:5; 31:22; 49:4; Ho. 4:16; 11:7;
mentions Peter, but not as being there or as having 14:4). It is also used in a general sense in Pr. 14:14.
been pontiff there for twenty years [as the Roman Though not used in the N.T., it is a term commonly
Catholic Church claims]. The Epistles to the Ephesians, applied to the Christian who moves away from a close
Philippians, Colossians and Philemon were all written fellowship with Christ. The following study is from
from Rome; but while others are mentioned as sending James Smith, 100 Bible Lessons:
messages, or as being associated with Paul, Peter is What is backsliding? (1) It is turning away from God
never once mentioned. From Rome also Paul’s last
letter is written (the Second Epistle to Timothy). He in one’s heart and loving forbidden things (Pr. 14:14; 1
says, ‘At my first answer no man stood with me, but all Ki. 11:9). (2) It is leaving one’s first love for Christ (Re.
Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible & Christianity 45