Page 34 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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               measures of meal, “till the whole was  leavened.” Leaven   Mother  of  Harlots, Presbyterian, Prophecy, Revelation,
               in  Scripture stands for  sin  and  error  (1  Co. 5:6;  Ga.   Roman  Catholic  Church,  Separation,  Timothy,  World
               5:9). Thus  the parable tells us  that the error which was   Council of Churches.]
               introduced by false teachers even during the days of the   APOSTATE.  One  who  turns  away  from  the  true
               Apostles will  gradually  increase  through  the centuries   Christian  faith  to  follow  false  teachings.  Though  the
               until  the  entire  religious  system  is  leavened.  The   word  apostasy  is   not  used  in  the  English  Bible,  the
               ultimate fulfillment of this is in Revelation 17.   Greek word  apostasia appears  in  two passages.  In  Ac.
                  The apostasy  began during the lives  of the apostles   21:21 apostasia is  translated “to forsake,” and  refers  to
               and has steadily  increased  through the centuries. John   forsaking the law  of  Moses. In  2  Th.  2:3  apostasia is
               wrote, “Little children, it is  the last time: and as  ye have   translated  “falling  away,”  and  refers   to  the  great
               heard  that  antichrist  shall  come,  even  now  are  there   apostasy from the N.T. faith which will occur throughout
               many  antichrists;  whereby  we know  that  it is the last   Christendom before Christ’s  return. Other passages use
               time”  (1  Jn.  2:18). John  taught  that  there  will  be  a   different terms  to  describe this same phenomenon. See
               future antichrist, singular; but he is preceded by many   2 Ti. 3:1-13; 1 Ti. 4:1-3; 2 Pe. 2:1—3:16; 2 Jn. 7; Jude
               antichrists,  plural.  We  believe  the  antichrist,  singular,   4-19.  [See  Adam,  Anglican  Church,  Apostasy,  Bible,
               refers  to  the  man  of  sin  who  will  rule  the  end-time   Church,  Doctrine,  Ecumenical  Movement,  Episcopal,
               kingdom described in Da. 9-11; Mt. 24:15; 2 Th. 2:3-12;   Fable, False Prophet, False Teaching, Foolish Questions,
               and  Re.  13.  The  antichrists,  plural,  refer  to all  who   Fundamentalism,  Heresy,  Inspiration,  Lutheran,
               reject apostolic truth in  favor  of satanic deception and   Methodist,  Modernism  Mother  of  Harlots,  New
               man-made tradition. Thus  the “antichrist” is  both a man   Evangelicalism,  Presbyterian,  Prophecy,  Revelation,
               and a system; it is both one man, and many men. It is  in   Roman  Catholic  Church,  Separation,  Timothy,  Unity,
               this  latter  sense that the popes throughout  history  are   World Council of Churches.]
               identified with antichrist.                         APOSTLE (sent forth). The term “apostle” means  one
                  Another  passage which teaches the same truth  is  2   who is  sent, or  a messenger. There are three usages  of
               Th.  2:7-8.  “For  the  mystery  of  iniquity  doth  already   the term “apostle” in the N.T. (1) The Lord Jesus Christ
               work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken   (He. 3:1). Jesus was  sent from God the Father  into  the
               out of the way. And then shall that Wicked be revealed,   world  to  provide  redemption  for  mankind.  (2)  The
               whom  the  Lord  shall  consume  with  the  spirit  of  his   twelve  men  who  were  chosen  by  Christ  to  lay  the
               mouth,  and  shall  destroy  with  the  brightness  of  his   foundation of the church (Lk. 6:13-16; Ep. 2:20). After
               coming.”  In  the  days of  the  Apostles the “mystery  of   Judas  betrayed the Lord  and hung himself, the eleven
               iniquity” was already working, and it   will culminate in   remaining Apostles  selected  a man  to replace him (Ac.
               the promotion  of the man of sin, the Wicked One, the   1:15-26). Later  we find  that Paul was selected  directly
               Antichrist, who  will assume the throne of this  world for   by Christ to  be an apostle (1 Co. 15:7-9; 2 Co. 12:11-12;
               a brief span. We are told that the culmination of this  will   Ga. 1:1). (3) Christian workers  in general  (2  Co. 8:23;
               not occur until just prior to  the return of Christ, because   Ac.  14:14;  Ph.  2:25).  The  Greek  word  translated
               the Wicked One will be destroyed “with  the brightness   “apostle” (apostolos) is also  translated “messenger” and
               of  his  coming.”  The  “mystery  of  iniquity”  is  that   “minister,”  and  is  used  to  refer  to  Christian  workers
               program  of  evil  whereby  the  devil  is   attempting  to   other  than  the Twelve. Christian  workers  were sent  by
               corrupt the churches  of Jesus  Christ by sowing tares and   the Lord from the churches to particular ministries..
               apostasy.  It  is  associated  with  “Mystery  Babylon  the   Marks  of  the  Twelve  Apostles:  (1)  They  were  chosen
               Great” in Revelation 17.                          personally by Christ (Acts  22:14; Lk. 6:13-16; Ga. 1:1).
                  We see the  direct  fulfillment  of  these prophecies in   (2) They had seen the resurrected Christ (Ac. 22:14; 1:22;
               “Christianity” today. It is evident in heretical bodies such   1  Co. 9:1; 15:7-9).  (3) They  received  their message by
               as  the  Roman  Catholic Church  and  the  liberal World   direct  revelation  from  God  rather than  being  taught  by
               Council of Churches denominations, none of which are   men  (Acts  22:14; Ga.  1:11-12). (4)  They  could impart
               founded  directly  and  exclusively  upon  the  apostolic   spiritual  power  and  gifts  to  others  (Ac.  8:17-19;  2  Ti.
               Faith or the apostolic  church pattern. It is  also evident in   1:6).  (5)  They  had  special  signs  to  authenticate  their
               the ecumenical movement, which  is calling for  unity  in   message (2  Co. 12:12;  Ac. 2:43;  4:33; 5:12).  (6) They
               diversity  at  the expense of  Biblical truth  and which  is   had the same authority as  O.T. prophets (2 Pe. 3:2). (7)
               breaking down  the  walls  of  separation  between  truth   They wrote Scripture (2 Pe. 3:15, 16).
               and  error.  [See  Apostate for  Greek  word  study.]  [See   Are There Apostles in This Special Sense Today? For the
               also  Anglican,  Apostate,  Church,  Doctrine, Ecumenical   following reasons  we know there are not apostles  today
               Movement,  Episcopal,  False  Teaching,  Fable,  Foolish   in the same sense as  the twelve chosen by Christ in the
               Questions,  Heresy,  Inspiration,  Lutheran,  Methodist,   early churches: (1) No one today  qualifies  to be such an

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