Page 29 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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sacramental gospel which adds the works of the church are spirit forces, devils and angels, who operate in the
to the free salvation in Jesus Christ. world, but these are created beings separate from the
Women priests: As of 1993, 17 of the 30 independent elements of this world. [See Devils, God, Idolatry, Satan,
Anglican communions around the world had approved Soul.]
ordination of women priests. The Episcopal Church in ANISE. The aromatic seed of a plant of the parsley
the United States, which approved women’s ordination family, the oil of which is used in medicine, cooking and
in 1976, has 1,070. The Episcopalians ordained the first liqueurs for its licorice-like flavor (Random House) (Mt.
Anglican female bishop in 1989. The “mother church” in 23:23).
England gave final approval for the ordination of ANNA (grace). The aged widow who rejoiced in the
women priests in 1993. baby Jesus when He was first brought to the temple (Lk.
Syncretism and Universalism: Speaking in Bahrain on 2:36-38).
November 3, 2001, George Carey, the Archbishop of ANNAMMELECH (2 Ki. 17:31). See Idolatry.
Canterbury, the head of the worldwide communion of ANNAS (grace of Jehovah). Lk. 3:2; Jn. 18:13; Ac.
Anglican churches, called Mohammed “a great religious 4:6; Lu. 3:2.
leader whose influence on millions has been for the
good.” To the contrary, Mohammed has influenced ANNIHILATION. The false idea that Satan and the
multitudes to follow a false gospel to eternal hell. Carey unsaved will be utterly consumed in the lake of fire. In
said that “interfaith dialogue is not an option but a reality, the Bible teaches that Satan and the unsaved will
necessity.” Carey spoke commendably of the writings of suffer eternal conscious torment (Mt. 25:46; Re.
modernist John Hick and did not condemn Hick’s claims 14:9-11; 20:10, 15). Groups which hold the view of
that Christians should stop claiming that Jesus Christ is annihilation include the Seventh-day Adventists and the
the only Lord and Saviour and that there is only one Jehovah’s Witnesses. [See Death, Hell, Jehovah’s
God and one faith. Carey belittled and condemned Witnesses, Seventh-day Adventism.]
fundamentalists or “dogmatists,” as he called them, who ANOINT. To pour or rub with an ointment. In the
carry “banners pronouncing that ‘Jesus is the answer’” Bible there are many different kinds of anointings: (1)
and who refuse to dialogue with other religions. He said Anointing the head of a guest as a token of hospitality
Christians, Jews, and Muslims worship the same God (Lk. 7:46; Ps. 23:5). (2) Anointing the head of the high
and that Muslims and Christians are brothers. The title priest (Ex. 29:7; 40:13). This symbolizes the anointing
of Carey’s message was “How Far Can We Travel of the Holy Spirit upon the Lord Jesus Christ, our Great
Together?” The Bible answered that almost 2,000 years High Priest (Ac. 4:27; 10:38; Mt. 3:16). (3) Anointing
ago. “Be ye not unequally yoked together with the sons of Aaron (Ex. 30:30; 40:15). This symbolizes
unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness the Holy Spirit’s anointing of Christians (2 Co. 1:21; 1
with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light Jn. 2:27). (4) Anointing on the offerings (Ex. 29:2; Le.
with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with 2:4). This symbolizes Jesus anointed by the Holy Spirit.
Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an See verses listed under #2 above. (5) Anointing the
infidel? And what agreement hath the temple of God head of a king (1 Sa. 9:16; 15:1; 16:3,12; 1 Ki. 1:34).
with idols? . . . Wherefore come out from among them, This symbolizes God’s choice of the man and the Holy
and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the Spirit’s anointing for service. (6) Anointing to heal the
unclean thing; and I will receive you” (2 Co. 6:14-17). sick (Ja. 5:14). This is symbolic of the Holy Spirit’s
The Lord’s Apostles, who started the first churches, did healing ministry. The same Greek translated “anoint” is
not dialogue with idolaters; they preached the blessed translated “unction” in 1 Jn. 2:20. [See Healing, High
Gospel to them. Ecumenists dialogue because they have Priest, Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ, Unction.]
no truth to preach. [See Pastor, Deacon, Ecumenical, ANON. Immediately; directly (Mt. 13:20).
Episcopal, Women Preachers, World Council of ANTHOTHIJAH (answers of Jehovah). 1 Ch. 8:24.
Churches.] ANTHROPOLOGY. The doctrine relating to man.
ANIAM (sighing of the people). 1 Ch. 7:19. [See Creation, Heart, Sin, Soul, Spirit, Justification.]
ANIM (fountains). A town of Judah (Jos. 15:50). ANTICHRIST. A N.T. word used in two senses: 1 Jn.
ANIMAL. [See Beast.] 2:18 speaks both of present antichrists and a future
ANIMISM. The belief that natural phenomena and Antichrist. (1) The term antichrist refers in general to
objects, as rocks, trees, the wind, etc., are alive and Satan’s working in the world whereby he resists the
have souls (Webster’s Deluxe Unabridged Dictionary). preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ and particularly
The Bible says God created the world; but God is not the attacks the deity of Christ (1 Jn. 2:18-33; 4:1-3; 2 Jn.
world. The inanimate creation is not living soul. There 7). This evil work is as old as the world, but began in a
special way in the days of the Apostles and is carried on
Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible & Christianity 29