Page 262 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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Now, what is the spiritual application? The once-for- Word (James Crumpton, Footwashing: Church
all bath refers to the once-for-all cleansing in the Ordinance or Church Discipline? New Testament Church
Precious Blood of Calvary (Jn. 13:10-11). The disciples Discipline). [See Bible, Church, Holy, Justification,
had been washed (bathed); that is, with one exception. Ordinance, Sanctification, Tabernacle.]
You see, Judas Iscariot was never saved; he had not FOR ALL. Although; notwithstanding (Jn. 21:11).
been washed (bathed). He was a devil, a lost man all FOR BECAUSE. A redundant expression in which the
the way (Jn. 6:70). Before him lay “the blackness of two words are equivalent in meaning; the combination
darkness for ever.” His heart was harder than the nether of the two being employed to make the whole more
millstone, and his conscience was seared with a red-hot forcible (The Bible Word-Book) (Ge. 22:16; Jud. 6:22).
iron. He was not a lamb of the Lord becoming unclean,
but a dog returning to his vomit. [See Eternal Security, FOR THAT. Because; inasmuch as (Ge. 41:32; 1 Ti.
Judas.] 1:12).
The act of footwashing was symbolic of that which FOR TO. In order to (Ge. 31:18; Ex. 16:27).
ever will be necessary, the cleansing of defilement FOR WHY. Why (Ge. 47:15).
contracted by the way. We are pilgrims, and in our daily FORBEAR. To be indulgent to, or patient with. The
walk we become defiled. In Jn. 12 we are pointed to the exercise of patience; longsuffering; indulgence towards
feet of our Lord; His were anointed feet. As He passed those who injure us; lenity; delay of resentment or
through this world, He contracted no defilement. When punishment; the act of avoiding, shunning or omitting;
He went away, He was still like He was when He came: either the cessation or intermission of an act
“holy, harmless, and undefiled.” The “feet” speak of the commenced, or a withholding from beginning an act
walk. As His feet were anointed with spikenard, we are (Webster) (Ex. 23:5; Pr. 25:15; Je. 20:9; Ro. 2:4; 3:25;
reminded of the sweet savor which ever ascended from Ep. 4:2; 6:9; Col. 3:13). In commenting on the Greek
Him to the Father. In Jn. 13, the feet of the disciples word “anoche,” which is translated “forbearance” in Ro.
were washed. In contrast to their Lord, the disciples 2:4 and 3:25, W.E. Vine says: “A delay of punishment, in
were defiled, and the dirt must be removed. [See both places of God’s ‘forbearance’ with men; in the
Conversation, Walk.] latter passage (Ro. 3:25) His ‘forbearance’ is the ground,
The blood is applied once and for all, and we are not of His forgiveness, but of His pretermission of sins,
saved forever. “For by one offering he hath perfected for His withholding punishment. In 2:4 it represents a
ever them that are sanctified” (He. 10:14). The N.T. suspense of wrath which must eventually be exercised
knows nothing of a re-application of the blood. We do unless the sinner accepts God’s conditions; in 3:25 it is
not come again or anew to the fountain which has been connected with the passing over of sins in times past,
opened for sin. Sins which are contacted after being previous to the atoning work of Christ.” [See Patience,
saved—defiled feet in the way—are cleansed by the Repentance.]
washing of the Water of the Word (Ep. 5:26). FORCE. (1) Compel; constrain; rob; spoil; catch;
So, being washed (bathed) and cleansed by the take away (Ge. 31:31; De. 22:25; 1 Sa. 2:16; Jn. 6:15;
blood is a once-for-all transaction. It has to do with our Ac. 23:10). (2) Physical vigor; strength; power; ability
position in Christ. Footwashing is a daily thing. We are (De. 34:7; Job 30:18; 40:16). (3) In effect; effective
cleansed from the defilement of the daily walk. It has to (He. 9:17).
do with our fellowship with Him. When Jesus said to FORCES. (1) Military might; strength or power for
Peter, “If I wash thee not, thou hast no part with war; army; troops; armament (2 Ch. 17:2; Je. 40:7; Da.
me” (Jn. 13:8), He was referring to fellowship (1 Jn. 11:10, 38). (2) Wealth; possessions (Is. 60:5). [See
1:7-10). Military.]
In the Tabernacle there was the altar of burnt FORECAST. To devise beforehand; to plot; to
offering first. That pictures Calvary in the N.T. where we contrive (Da. 9:24-25).
receive the once-for-all cleansing in the Blood (washed FOREKNOW. The truth that God knows events
or bathed according to Jn. 13). Then, there was the before they occur and the character and choices of men
laver; at the laver the priests washed their hands and before they are born (Ac. 2:23; Ro. 8:29; 11:2; 1 Pe.
their feet in water (Ex. 30:18-21; 38:8; 40:7). This 1:2). [See Election, Eternal Security, Foreordain,
pictures the daily cleansing of defiled feet (foot washing Predestination, Presbyterian.]
in Jn. 13) by the water of the Word in the N.T. The FOREORDAIN. God’s prior knowledge of and
priests washed their hands and their feet. Jesus washed bringing to pass of events according to His will (1 Pe.
His disciples’ feet only. If the walk be right, the work 1:20). [See also Election, Eternal Security,
will be acceptable. So for us, it is the daily washing of Predestination, Presbyterian.]
the feet (cleansing in our daily walk) by the water of the
262 Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible & Christianity