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               is  mentioned in the context of “fornication, uncleanness,   FIRMAMENT. The expanse of space surrounding the
               inordinate affection, and evil concupiscence” (Col. 3:5),   earth, which includes everything between the earth and
               all of which have to do with that which is  immoral and   the stars (Ge. 1:6-8, 14). [See Heaven.]
               unclean  and  unlawfully  lustful.  The  term  “filthy”  in   FIRST  BEGOTTEN.  (1)  The superior  status of  the
               Scripture  describes  anything  that  defiles   and  makes   firstborn  son  (Ex.  12:29;  De.  21:16-17).  (2)  Israel’s
               unclean. [See Evil Speaking, Filth, Jesting.]     preeminence  before  God  (Ex.  4:22).  (3)  Christ’s
                  FILTHY LUCRE. [See Lucre, Money.]              resurrection  as  the  first-born  from  the  dead  and  the
                  FINANCES.  [See  Gold,  Lucre,  Money,  Offerings,   beginning and head of the new creation (Ps. 2:7; 89:27;
               Stewardship,  Tithe.]  [Lack  of  finances  as  a  trial  see   Ac. 13:33; 26:23; Ro. 8:29; 1 Co. 15:20,23;  Col. 1:15,
               Suffering.]                                       18; He. 1:6; Re. 1:5,18). “The Greek word for firstborn
                  FINE. (1) Excellent quality;  pure; goodly  (Ge. 18:6;   (prototokos)  is  a  most  important  one  to  lay  to heart,
               41:42; 2 Ch. 3:8). (2) Refine; purify (Job 28:1).  indicating,  as  it  does,  the  fact  of  His divine  personal
                  FINER. To refine (Pr. 25:4).                   dignity  and  precedence.  This  is  the explanation  of  the
                                                                 same word  in  Col.  1:15, ‘the firstborn  of  all  creation’;
                  FINING. Refining (Pr. 17:3; 27:21).            which does  not for a moment mean that our Lord was a
                  FIRE - BAPTISM. [See Baptism - Fire.]          creature, but that He is the head, object and heir of all
                  FIRE  -  CHILDREN  PASSING  THROUGH.  [See     creation.  The  very  next  verse declares that  ‘all  things
               Molech.]                                          were created  by  him,  and  for  him’”  (William Newell,
                  FIRE - JUDGMENT BY. 1 Corinthians  3:13 speaks of   Revelation).  [See  Jesus  Christ,  Only  Begotten,
               fire which shall try  every Christian’s  work. I believe the   Resurrection.]
               fire is  the Holy Scriptures by  which men will be judged.   FIRST WATCH. [See Watch.]
               (1) Scripture is  likened to  fire (Je. 23:29). (2) Scripture   FIRSTFRUITS. An O.T. feast in which the firstfruits  of
               will be the judge (Ps. 96:13; Jn. 12:48). (3) Scripture is   the  harvest  were  to   be  waved  before  the  Lord  and
               complete (Re. 22). (4) Scripture is sufficient  to perfect   prescribed sacrifices  were to be offered  (Ex. 23:16-19;
               the man  of  God  (2  Ti. 3:16, 17).  (5) Scripture is the   Le.  23:9-14).  It  depicts the  following:  (1)  Christ,  the
               mind  of  God  (1  Co.  2:9-16). (6)  Scripture  is  capable   firstfruits   from  the  dead  (1  Co.  15:20,  23).  (2)
               (Acts  20:32; 2 Pe. 1:4-11). We do  not have to wait for   Christians, the firstfruits of the Spirit (Ro. 8:23; 11:16;
               the  judgment  seat  of  Christ  before  we  can  know  the   Ja. 1:18). (3) The first Christians  of a particular location
               mind of God. We have His  judgments  today in the Bible,   (Ro. 16:5; 1 Co. 16:15). (4) The firstfruits  of the Jewish
               and it is this same Book which will test our work in that   restoration  at  the  beginning  of  Christ’s  kingdom  (Re.
               day. WHAT SHALL BE REVEALED? (1) The character of   14:4).  [See  Day  of  Atonement,  Offerings,  Passover,
               our work for Christ will be revealed. The fire will try the   Pentecost, Tabernacle, Trumpet, Unleavened Bread.]
               work to demonstrate “what sort it is.” Was the work hot,   FIRSTLING.  First  born  (Ge.  4:4;  Ex.  13:12-13;
               cold or lukewarm (Re. 3:15, 16)? Was it faithful (1 Co.   34:19-20; Le. 27:26; Nu. 3:41; 18:15, 17; De. 12:6, 17;
               4:2)?  Was  it  abounding  (1  Co.  15:58)?  Was  it  self-  14:23; 15:19; 33:17; Ne. 10:36).
               denying  (Lk.  9:23)? Was it  pure  (2  Co.  7:1)? Was  it   FISH GATE. [See Gate.]
               loving (1 Co. 13)? Was  it done in the fear of God (He.
               12:28;  1  Pe. 1:17)?  (2)  The  motives  of  our  work  for   FISHERS.  Fishermen  (Is.  19:8;  Je  16:16;  Mt.
               Christ  will  also  be  revealed  (1  Co.  4:5).  The  hidden   4:18,19). [See Fishing.]
               things and  the  counsels  of  the  heart will be  tested  in   FISHING.  Some  little  known  Bible  facts  about
               that day. The Bible warns that there are many devices  in   fishing: (1) God made fish, and obviously intended that
               a man’s  heart, but it is  only the counsel of the Lord that   man  be involved  in fishing (Ge. 1:20-21, 26, 28; 9:2).
               shall stand (Pr. 19:21). The Pharisees did great religious   (2) Solomon knew a lot about fish; could it not be that
               works, but they did them not for the glory of God but to   he was a fisherman  (1 Ki. 4:33)? (3) There was  a gate
               be seen of men (Mt. 6:5; 23:5). [See Judgment.]   in Jerusalem called the “fish gate,” “which doubtless  led
                  FIREBRAND.  Firebrand  is  translated  from  three   to  a  fish  market”  (Concise)  (2  Ch.  33:14;  Ne.  3:3;
               Hebrew words: (1) A stick for stirring fire (Is. 7:4; Am.   12:39).  Where  there  are  fish  gates and  fish  markets,
               4:11). (2) Brands;  sparks (Pr. 26:18). (3) A  torch  (Ju.   there are fishermen! (4) Man can learn things from fish.
               15:4; 7:16) (Compact).                            “... the fishes of  the sea shall declare unto thee”  (Job
                  FIREPAN. A vessel for carrying hot coals (Ex. 27:3).  12:8).  This  passage  might  indicate  that  Job  was  a
                                                                 fisherman.  (5)  Men  will  fish  in  the Millennium  (Eze.
                  FIRKIN. [See Weights and Measures.]            47:9-10). (6)  Above  all,  we  are  to be  fishers  of  men
                                                                 (Mk. 1:17).

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