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               a  form  of  selfishness,  and  that  therefore  no  fruit   Flattery,  Flattering  Titles,  Guile,  Hypocrisy,  Sincere,
               produced by it, however well it may look to  the eye, can   Sleight, Subtil, Unfeigned.]
               be truly acceptable to God. This  is true; but it is  only  a   FELIX (happy). Ac. 23:24; 24:24.
               half truth, and half truths  are often the most dangerous   FELLER. One who  hews or  knocks down  trees  (Is.
               of errors. What is  the other half of the truth? Although   14:8).
               fear in itself and by itself cannot produce truly good or
               spiritually right action, it yet performs  a vital function in   FELLOES.  Exterior  part  of  the  rim  of  a  wheel,
               keeping the soul awake. Fear  rings  the alarm bell and   supported by the spokes (1 Ki. 7:33).
               rouses the conscience. It blows  the trumpet of warning.   FELLOWS. Companions (Jud. 11:37; Ps. 45:15).
               It  creates   pause  and  opportunity  for  all  better  and   FELLOWSHIP. Sharing; communion. The Christian is
               nobler things to make themselves heard. It allows  a man   brought into fellowship with God and the household of
               to become aware fo  the realities, and  when  he is  once   faith  through  Jesus  Christ  (1  Jn.  1:3;  2  Co.  1:9-10).
               placed  in  contact  with  them  the  best  things   begin.   Maintaining  fellowship  requires   separation  from  evil
               Everything  depends  on  being  made earnest,  sensitive,   and confession of sin (1 Jn. 1:5-9; 1 Co. 10:20-21; 2 Co.
               lifted  into a sense  of  the  eternal verities.  The  highest   6:14;  Ep.  5:11).  [See  Church  Discipline,  Love,
               principles, righteousness  and love, are often in the best   Separation, Unity.]
               of  men  forgetful  and  fickle.  They  are  ensnared,   FEMINISM.  A  movement  which  denies,  to  various
               oppressed, and  bewildered many a time, and  need  the   degrees, the Bible’s teaching on the nature and created
               keen  influence  of  fear  to  being  them  to  themselves   position  of  the  woman.  [See  God  for  commentary  on
               again” (The Biblical Illustrator).                “Almighty God.”] [See also  Anglican Church, Episcopal,
                  “God claims fear  as  a Father—reverence, no doubt,   Lutheran,  Methodist,  Presbyterian,  Timothy,  Women
               mainly—honor,  awe  in  the  realizing  of  His infinitude;   Preachers, World Council of Churches.]
               but something else. For God as  a Father judgeth. Did He   FEN. Swamp (Job 40:21).
               not  judge  and  condemn  all  sin  He  could  be no true   FENCED. Fortified; defended (Nu. 32:17; De. 3:5).
               Father. Love must hate sin and show its  hatred. Father is   FERTILE  CRESCENT. The  territory  which  stretches
               no  weak,  soft,  indulgent  word.  It  means   love,  and   along the Euphrates  river and down into  Palestine. It is
               because  it  means   love  it  means   right,  and  undying   the  fertile  land  bordering  the Syrian  desert  from  the
               opposition to evil. The Father judgeth without respect of   northeast to the northwest.
               persons. There is no  other  Father  than  the Father  who
               judgeth. If I  believe  in  a  Father  that  judges,  that  will   FERVENT.  (1)  Ardent;  earnest;  excited;  glowing;
               certainly  rouse  me  up—it  will  waken  my  slumbering   vehement  (Ro. 12:11; 1 Pe. 1:22; 4:8). (2) Burning (2
               energies, it will cause me to look well to  the state of my   Pe. 3:10, 12).
               heart and life; but the word Father will always keep the   FESTIVAL.  A  holiday  or  religious  celebration.  [See
               thought  of  judgment  from  overwhelming  me”  (The   Feasts.]
               Biblical  Illustrator).  [See Anger, Day  of the Lord, God,   FETTERS. Bonds  or chains  which bind prisoners  (Ju.
               Holy, Humble, Judgment, Pride, Vengeance.]        6:21; Ps. 105:18; 149:8).
                  FEASTS.  Jewish  holy  days  prescribed  in  the  O.T.   FIDELITY. Faithfulness; steadfastness (Tit. 2:10).
               There were seven feasts—Day of Atonement, Firstfruits,   FIGURATIVE.  Symbolical;  typical.  [See  Allegorical,
               Passover,  Pentecost,  Sabbath,  Tabernacles,  Trumpet,   Poetry, Type.]
               Unleavened Bread, (Le. 23).                         FILLET. To fasten (Ex. 27:17; 38:28).
                  FEED  WITH  THY  ROD.  This  expression  in  Micah   FILLING OF THE SPIRIT. [See Holy Spirit.]
               7:14 “signifies  both  to feed  and  to rule. The shepherd
               invariably carries  a staff or rod with him when he goes   FILTH.  Dirt;  that  which  soils;  waste;  corruption;
               forth  to  feed  his  flock.  With  this  staff  he  rules  and   pollution (Is. 4:4; 1 Co. 4:13; 1 Pe. 3:21).
               guides  the  flock  to  their  green  pastures,  and  defends   FILTHINESS. That which defiles; dirtiness; foulness;
               them from their enemies. With it, also, he corrects  them   corruption;  pollution; impurity  (2  Ch. 29:5;  Ezr. 6:21;
               when  disobedient,  and  brings  them  back  when   9:11; Pr. 30:12; Is. 28:8; Eze. 22:15; 24:13; 2 Co. 7:1;
               wandering” (The Land and the Book).               Ep.  5:4;  Ja.  1:21;  Re.  17:4).  In  Ep.  5:4  this  term  is
                  FEIGN. To  devise; to  pretend; to impersonate (1 Sa.   particularly  connected with  that which  is immoral and
               21:13; 2 Sa. 14:2;  1  Ki. 14:5-6;  Ne. 6:8;  Ps.  17:1; Je.   sexually impure. Elsewhere it is a general description of
               3:10;  Lk.  20:20;  2  Pe.  2:3).  [See  Beguile,  Cunning,   anything  that  is  morally  and  spiritually  unclean.  [See
               Cunning  Craftiness,  Deceit,  Dissemble,  Dissimulation,   Immoral, Sin.]
               Doubletongued,  Entice,  False  Teaching,  False  Witness,   FILTHY COMMUNICATION. This  phrase in Col. 3:8
                                                                 refers  to any sort of immoral and improper language. It

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