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               4:10-17;  9:31;  Ne.  1:4).  (5)  Fast  when  something  is   “fault” in Ja. 5:16 is paraptoma, which refers to “a side-
               earnestly  desired  from  God  and  the  answer  has  not   slip, lapse, deviation, or  error (Strong). Elsewhere it is
               come through prayer alone (1 Sa. 1:6-7). (6) Fast when   translated  “fall”  (Ro.  11:11),  “offence”  (Ro.  4:25),
               in mourning for loved ones or the defeat of God’s people   “trespass”  (Mt.  6:14),  and  “sin”  (Ep.  1:7). Many  new
               (2 Sa. 1:12). (7) Fast when new ministries  are launched   translations (such  as the  NIV  and  NASV)  erroneously
               and  when  men  go  forth  to  proclaim  God’s  Word  and   read  “sin”  instead  of  “faults” in  Ja. 5:16 because they
               battle  spiritual  enemies  (Ac.  13:2-3;  14:23).  (8)  Fast   follow the Westcott-Hort Greek text which replaces  the
               when  involved  in spiritual ministry  (2 Co. 6:5; 11:27).   word  paraptoma with  hamartia, the Greek  word  most
               (9) Fast during times  of special repentance, confession,   commonly used for sin in the N.T. This, of course, gives
               and revival (Joel 1:14-15; 2:12; 2:15; Ne. 9:1-2).   support  to  the  false Catholic idea  of  confessing  one’s
                  What Is a Biblical Fast? A biblical fast is  to focus  one’s   sins to a man instead of directly to God. [See Sin.]
               attention  wholly  toward  God,  abstaining  from  lawful   FAVOUR.  (1)  Blessing;  grace;  kindness  (Ge.  18:3;
               pleasantries,  to  the  end  of  resolving  certain   39:21; Ru. 2:13). In the New Testament the Greek word
               extraordinary  spiritual  needs.  It  incorporates   the   translated  “favour” is  also  translated  “grace,” “benefit,”
               following:  (1)  Abstinence  from  food  and  normal   and “gift.” (2) Support; accept (Ps. 35:27). [See Grace.]
               physical pleasures (Da. 10:3; 1 Co. 7:5). (2) Prayer (Mt.   FAVOURABLE. To  be pleased with; set affection upon
               17:21). (3) Confession of sins  (Da. 9:3-6). (4) Service   (Ps. 77:7).
               toward  God  (Is.  58:6-8).  [See  Repentance,  Revival,   FAVOURED.  Form;  countenance;  appearance  (Ge.
               Sanctification.]                                  29:17; 41:3; Da. 1:4).
                  FATHER.  (1)  One  who  begets;  head;  first.  Father   FAVOURED,  ILL.  Bad  looking;  sickly  (Ge.  41:3-4).
               refers  to the compassionate, protecting, disciplining role   [See Ill.]
               of a male parent toward his  family. This is  a picture of
               God the Father. In all senses  the word “father” is applied   FEAR  OF  GOD.  That  fear,  reverence,  awe,  and
               to God. He is  the Chief of the family; He has  begotten us   esteem for  God’s  holiness  and  power, which  results in
               through His Spirit; and He is  the loving guardian of His   careful obedience to God’s  will (Ge. 20:11; De. 6:2, 13,
               children  (Mt.  5:16,  45;  6:1-32;  7:11;  11:25;  12:50;   24; Pr. 1:7; 8:13; Ps. 33:8; 34:9; 36:1). “In  the main  it
               13:43;  28:19;  Ga. 4:4-7).  (2)  One who leads another   implies  a right state of heart toward God, as  opposed to
               person to Christ (1 Ti. 1:2; 2 Ti. 1:2; Tit. 1:4; Phile. 10).   the alienation of an unconverted man” (William Arnot).
               (3) As  a religious  title, the Lord Jesus  Christ forbade the   The  fear  of  God  has been  defined  as  “an  affectionate
               use  of  “father”  (Mt.  23:9-10).  The  Roman  Catholic   reverence  for  God  by  which  the  child  of  God  bends
               Church disobeys Christ by calling priests  “father.” (4) A   himself humbly  and carefully  to his  Father’s  will.” The
               reference  to   ancient  church  leaders,  who  are  often   fear  of God  is  mentioned at  least 24 times  in the New
               spoken of as  the “church fathers.” We do not prefer this   Testament  (Mt. 10:28;  Lk.  1:50; 12:5; 18:2, 4; 23:40;
               language  because  the  Bible  does   not  use  such   Ac. 9:31; 10:2, 22, 35; 13:16, 26; Ro. 3:18; 2 Co. 7:1;
               terminology.  Furthermore,  a  number  of  these  men—  Ep. 5:21; Col. 3:22; He. 10:31; 12:28; 1 Pe. 1:17; 2:17;
               such  as Clement,  Origin,  and  Jerome—were  heretics.   Re. 11:18;  14:7; 15:4;  19:5). To  fear  God is  to glorify
               The  Bible titles for  church  leaders  are pastor,  bishop,   and worship Him as  the eternal creator  (Re. 14:7). The
               and  elder—not  father. [See  Clergy, Holy,  Laity,  Pastor,   fear of the Lord (1) is  the beginning of knowledge (Pr.
               Pope, Rabbi, Reverend, Roman Catholic Church.]    1:7); (2) is to hate evil (Pr. 8:13); (3) prolongeth days
                                                                 (Pr.  10:27);  is   strong  confidence  (Pr.  14:26);  is   a
                  FATHOM. [See Weights and Measures.]            fountain of life (Pr. 14:27); is  riches  and honor and life
                  FATLING.  An animal fattened  to offer  to God  or  to   (Pr.  22:4).  The root  problem  with  the  wicked  is  that
               eat  on  a  special  occasion  (2  Sa.  6:13;  Ps.  66:15;  Lk.   they do not fear God (Ps. 36:1; Ro. 3:18).
               15:23).                                             Some deny that actual fear  is  intended by  this  term,
                  FATS. Wine-vats (Joel 2:24; 3:13).             but there is  a genuine fear that man must have for God
                  FATTED. Fattened (Lk. 15:23).                  (Ex.  20:18-21;  De.  2:25;  1  Sa.  11:6-7;  2  Ch.  17:10;
                  FAULT.  An  erring  or  missing;  a  failing;  hence,  an   20:29; Is. 2:10, 19, 21; Jon. 1:16; Mt. 10:28; Lk. 12:5; 2
               error  or  mistake;  a  blunder;  a  defect;  a  blemish;   Co. 5:11; Ph. 2:12; He. 12:26-29; Jude 3). God is  kind,
               whatever  impairs   excellence;  an  imperfection;  any   loving, and merciful, but He is also  fearfully holy, being
               deviation  from propriety; a slight offense; a neglect of   described  as a  consuming  fire.  Godly  fear  is  a proper
               duty  or propriety, resulting from inattention or want of   and  wise  motivation  for  salvation  and  for  Christian
               prudence (Webster). Jesus  Christ had no  fault at all (Jn.   service.
               18:38; 19:4, 6). The Christian is  to confess  his  faults  to   “It  is  often  urged  that  the  actions   which  are
               his   brethren  (Ja.  5:16).  The  Greek  word  translated   stimulated by fear have no moral worth, that fear is  but

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