Page 252 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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FABLE. In the O.T., “fable” refers to a fictitious story FAITH, THE. The expression “the faith” frequently
(Ju. 9:7-15; 2 Ki. 14:9). In the N.T., “fable” refers to refers to the Christian faith; the body of truth delivered
false teachings (1 Ti. 1:4; 4:7; 2 Ti. 4:4; Tit. 1:14; 2 Pe. to us in the New Testament Scriptures (Ac. 6:7; 16:5;
1:16). There are many fables which have been taught as Ro. 14:1; Ga. 1:23; Jude 3). [See Doctrine.]
doctrine through the centuries. Roman Catholicism is FAITH HEALING. [See Charismatic, Healing.]
full of fables—Mary the Queen of Heaven, the Papacy, FAITHLESS. Unbelieving; incredulous (Mt. 17:17;
the Roman Catholic Priesthood, Purgatory, the Mass. Mk. 9:19; Jn. 20:27).
The cults teach many fables—Joseph Smith and his
golden plates, Mary Baker Eddy and her mind-science FALL. (1) To drop; to descend (Ge. 49:17; Ex. 21:33;
doctrines, Ellen G. White and the doctrine of De. 22:8; Mt. 15:14). (2) Come upon; be given over to;
Investigative Judgment. Modernism is also full of fables come under the power of (Ex. 15:16; Le. 19:29; 2 Sa.
—man and the Bible evolved, Jesus Christ was not 24:14). (3) Happen to (Ru. 3:18). (4) Ruin; destruction
virgin born, there were three or more Isaiahs, the (Pr. 16:18; 29:16; Is. 8:15; Ro. 11:11). [See also Fall,
Pentateuch was written late in Israel’s history, the The.]
Gospels were not written during the lives of the FALL, THE. The rebellion of Adam and Eve against
Apostles. There are also many fables commonly believed God’s command (Ge. 3). Because of this rebellion they
in the area of Bible versions. For example, the Westcott- fell from God’s favor and from their position of
Hort theories are fables. In fact, practically the entire authority over the earth. All men are affected by Adam’s
field of modern textual criticism is a fable. [See Adam, fall (Ro. 5:12-21; 1 Co. 15:21-22,25-49). Through Jesus
Apostasy, Apostate, Bible, Christian Science, Church, Christ, God has provided salvation from the Fall. Results
Doctrine, Ecumenical Movement, False Teaching, Foolish of the Fall were (1) evil thoughts (Ge. 3:7; 6:5; Je. 17:9;
Questions, Heresy, Inspiration, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mk. 7:21-22), (2) fear (Ge. 3:8), (3) excuses (Ge.
Jonah, Modernism, Mormons, New Evangelicalism, 3:11-13), (4) pain in child bearing (Ge. 3:16), (5) the
Prophecy, Revelation, Roman Catholic Church, ground cursed (Ge. 3:17-18), (6) sorrow and labor (Ge.
Separation, Seventh-day Adventism, Timothy, Unity, 3:19), (7) banishment from God (Ge. 3:22-24), (8)
Westcott-Hort.] death (Ge. 2:17). [See Adam, Gospel, Grace, Jesus
FAIN. Gladly; with pleasure (Lk. 15:16). Christ, Labor, Sin, Suffering.]
FAINT. (1) To be physically weak (Ge. 25:29; 1 Sa. FALLEN NATURE. Man’s sinful nature. [See Adam,
14:28; Mt. 15:32). (2) To be discouraged; lose Cain, Carnal, Evil, Fall, Flesh, Gospel, Heart, Law,
confidence (De. 20:3; Pr. 24:10; Lk. 18:1; 2 Co. 4:16; Natural Man, Noah, Old Man, Salvation, Sin.]
Ga. 6:9; He. 12:3, 5). FALLOW GROUND. Untilled ground (Je. 4:3; Ho.
FAIR. (1) Beautiful (Ge. 6:2; 12:1; 1 Sa. 17:42; 1 Ki. 10:12).
1:3; Es. 1:11; 2:7; Song 1:15, 16). (2) Calm; clear (Job FALSE PROPHET. A person who claims to speak
37:22). (3) Enticing; kindly (Pr. 7:21; 26:25). messages from God, but who teaches false doctrine (De.
FAIR SHOW. To make a display; to show off; 13:1-11; Je. 23; Mt. 7:15; 2 Pe. 2:1). The Bible gives
pretentious boastings (Ga. 6:12). This refers to the several tests to determine if a prophet is of God: (1) His
Galatian legalizers who boasted in ritualistic obedience predictions must come to pass (De. 18:21-22). Any
rather than in simple faith in Jesus Christ. [See False failure of a prophecy to come to pass would designate a
Teaching, Heresy, Pride.] false prophet. Bible prophets never failed in their
predictions. (2) He must not lead people to false gods
FAITH. The N.T. mentions three kinds of faith: (De. 13:1-3). Even if a prophet’s predictions are
demonic faith (Ja. 2:19), dead faith (Ja. 2:17-26), and accurate, if he preaches a god other than the very Lord
saving faith (Ep. 2:8-9). Saving faith is described in Jesus Christ of Scripture, he is false. (3) His message
Romans 4:9-25 and Hebrews 11. Faith comes through must line up with the Bible (Is. 8:20). (4) He must seek
hearing the Word of God (Ro. 10:17). Truths such as to turn people from sin (Je. 23:22). (5) He must bring
creation and salvation must be received by faith (He. forth good fruits in line with the Bible (Mt. 7:15-23).
11:2). Without faith it is impossible to please God (He. (6) He must not teach heresy (2 Pe. 2:1). [See Apostasy,
11:6). [See Believe for a more detailed study.] [See also Apostate, Balaam, Church, Doctrine, Fable, False
Healing.] Teaching, Foolish Questions, Heresy, Heretic, Micaiah,
Prophecy, Separation, Sporting, Timothy.]
252 Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible & Christianity