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of an evangelist, history demonstrates that the gifts of the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create
evangelist, pastor, and teacher have often rested upon evil: I the Lord do all these things” (Is. 45:5-7).
the same individuals ... However, there are those whom (2) The parallelism tells us that this is the meaning.
God calls to an entire lifetime of evangelism” (Dean There is a parallel, a feature common to Hebrew poetry,
Fetterhoff, Dynamics of Evangelism; Faris Daniel between the first and second clauses in this verse. “I
Whitesell, Basic New Testament Evangelism). [See form the light, and create darkness” is the first half of
Apostle, Great Commission, Gospel, Missions, Pastor, the parallel. This clause contains a contrast between
Prophecy.] light and darkness. “I make peace, and create evil” is the
EVE (life-giving). The first woman, Adam’s wife. She second part of the parallel. This clause, too, contains a
was deceived by the devil and disobeyed God (Ge. 2:24; contrast—between peace and evil. The evil is in the
3:1-16; 2 Co. 11:3; 1 Ti. 2:13). [See Adam, Evolution, sense of trouble and the lack of peace.
Inspiration, Marriage.] (3) The Hebrew word tells us that this is the
EVEN NOW. Just now (De. 31:21). meaning. While this Hebrew word for “evil” (ra) is used
EVEN SO. Just so (Ex. 25:9; Lk. 10:21). many times of moral evil, it is also frequently used for
EVENTIDE. Evening (Jos. 7:6). trouble. The same word is translated “adversity” (Ps.
EVERLASTING. [See Eternal.] 10:6), “affliction” (Ne. 1:3), “calamity” (Ps. 141:5),
“distress” (Ne. 2:17), “displease” (Nu. 11:1),
EVERLASTING CONSOLATION. Eternal comfort, “grief” (Jon. 4:6), “harm” (Ge. 31:52), “hurt” (Ge.
encouragement, consolation, and blessing (2 Th. 2:16). 26:29), “misery” (Ec. 8:6), “sorrow” (Ge. 44:29),
This unspeakably wonderful thing is a gift of God’s “trouble” (Ps. 27:5), “wretchedness” (Nu. 11:15).
grace through the atonement of Jesus Christ. This term (4) Further, the English word “evil” in past centuries
describes the eternally secure, know-so salvation the carried a much broader meaning than it does today. In
true believer has in Jesus Christ. [See Eternal Security, old English usage, “evil” was a perfect and fitting
Gospel, Justification, Hope.] translation of the Hebrew word ra, which, as we have
EVERY WHIT. Completely; whole (De. 13:16; Jn. seen, carried a wide significance, referring both to
7:23; 13:10). moral evil as well as to adversarial evil. Consider the
EVI (desire). Nu. 31:8. following passages in which “evil” is plainly used in the
EVIDENCE. A written document or contract (Je. sense of adversity and distress rather than of
32:10-14). wickedness. See Ge. 19:19; 37:2; 44:34; 47:9; Ex. 5:19;
EVIDENCE - CHRISTIAN. [See Adam, Apostasy, 33:4; Le. 26:6; Nu. 14:27; De. 31:17; 2 Sa. 15:14;
Apostate, Bible, Bible Versions, Canon, Cloud, Daniel, 17:14; 19:7; 1 Ki. 5:4; 17:20; Es. 7:7; Job 2:10-11;
Evolution, Fable, False Prophet, False Teaching, Flood, 5:19; 30:26; 42:11; Ps. 121:7; Pr. 1:33; 15:15; Ec. 5:13;
Foolish Questions, Fundamentalism, Heresy, Heretic, Je. 1:14; Eze. 5:17; Lk. 16:25. Even the Lord is said to
Inspiration, Isaiah, Jesus Christ, Jonah, Preservation, have “repented of the evil which he thought to do unto
Prophecy, Red Sea, Resurrection, Sargon, Separation, his people” (Ex. 32:14; 2 Sa. 24:16). Obviously the Lord
Star, Timothy, Tyre, Zidon.] was not thinking of committing moral evil upon His
EVIDENTLY. Openly; manifestly (Ac. 10:3). people; He was going to bring trouble and judgment
upon them. The term evil is frequently used in this way:
EVIL. In the N.T. the Greek terms for evil are used 2 Sa. 12:11; 17:14; 24:16; 1 Ki. 9:9; 14:10; 21:21, 29;
primarily in three ways: (1) That which is wicked in 22:23; 2 Ki. 6:33; 22:16, 20; 2 Ch. 7:22; Ne. 13:18).
character (Mt. 7:17; Ro. 3:8; 1 Co. 5:13; Ep. 5:16); (2) There are many other terms associated with evil in the
that which is destructive or injurious (Ac. 16:28; 28:5; 2 Bible which do not refer to wickedness. These include
Ti. 4:14; Re. 16:2). (3) that which is troublesome (Is. “evil beasts” (Ge. 37:33), “evil report” (Nu. 14:37), “evil
45:7). place” (Nu. 20:5), and “evil diseases” (De. 7:15), “evil
Does God Create Evil? Is. 45:7 says, “I form the light, tidings” (Jos. 23:15), “evil time” (Ps. 37:19). These
and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the terms, of course, do not speak of moral corruption, but
Lord do all these things.” This verse teaches us that God of injury and trouble and adversity. From this usage we
is in ultimate control of everything that happens in His can see that the term “evil,” both in Hebrew and in old
universe. The word “evil” here is not used in the sense English, is a broad term, and we must be careful to
of sin, but of trouble. How do we know this is true? define it by its context, not by a preconceived meaning.
(1) The context tells us that this is the meaning. The (4) Ja. 1:13 tells us that God is not the author of evil
context of Is. 45 is God’s testimony of His sovereign in the sense of sin and lust. Sin arises from man’s fallen
power. “I am the Lord, and there is none else ... I form heart, not from God (Ja. 1:14-15; Mt. 15:19-20). Thus
Is. 45:7 cannot be speaking of moral evil. The thrice
Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible & Christianity 247