Page 245 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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                  I cannot answer  every  question which  can  be raised   ETHBAAL (with Baal, Baal’s man). 1 Ki. 16:31.
               on this subject, but Eternal Security is a Bible doctrine   ETHER (riches, fullness). Jos. 15:42.
               that has satisfied  and  blessed  my  heart  for  40+  years   ETHIOPIA. An  African  country  south  of  Egypt  and
               (Jn. 3:16). The Bible plainly teaches that those who are   Israel. The Ethiopians are dark-skinned people. Ethiopia
               truly  born again will show evidence their salvation and   is  also called Cush and is  a subject of O.T. prophecy (Is.
               will continue with the Lord (Jn. 10:27-28; 1 Co. 15:1-2;   11:11; 18:1; 20:3-5; 43:3; 45:14; Je. 46:9; Eze. 29:10;
               Col. 1:21-23; He. 6:4-9; 10:38; 1 Jn 3:3). The individual   30:4-5;  38:5;  Zep.  3:10;  Na.  3:9).  The  book  of  Acts
               who falls away shows  that he did not belong to  the Lord   records the  conversion  of  a  ruler  from  Ethiopia  (Ac.
               in the first place (He. 12:5-8). Salvation is  to be placed   8:26-39). In Eze. 38:5, Ethiopia is named as  one of the
               into  an eternally new  position  in Jesus  Christ. The old   allies  of  the great  northern  military  power  which  will
               flesh  cannot  be redeemed; it  can  only  be condemned   attack  Israel  in  the  last  days  during  the  Great
               and  crucified.  The  believer’s new  position  in  Christ  is   Tribulation.  It  is interesting  to  note  that  Ethiopia  has
               that our old man is  dead with Christ and we have risen   become a communist nation and has  been aligned with
               to new  life in  Christ.  The law  of  God  can  no longer   the Soviet Union. [See Gog, Great Tribulation.]
               condemn  us.  Study  Romans  1-8  very  carefully,  for  it
               holds  the  key  to understanding  salvation  properly,  as   ETHNAN (gift). 1 Ch. 4:7.
               well  as  the  proper  place  of  sin  and  the  law  in  the   ETHNI (my gift) 1 Ch. 6:41.
               Christian’s life.  Salvation  requires  perfection,  and  the   EUBULUS (prudent). 2 Ti. 4:21.
               only perfection that we can  ever  have is that which we   EUCHARIST (thanksgiving).  A  name  commonly
               receive  as  a  gift  from  Jesus   Christ  because  of  the   applied  to  the  Roman  Catholic  mass.  Sometimes
               propitiation He purchased on Calvary. Even one sin will   eucharist  is   used  to  refer  to  the  Lord’s   Supper  in
               keep me out  of heaven, but, praise God, I do not  have   general, even among Protestants. [See Mass.]
               any sin in Christ. He has taken it all away forever.   EUNICE  (victorious). Timothy’s  mother  (2  Ti. 1:5).
                  Those who do not believe in eternal security  like to   She was  a believer and taught Timothy the Word of God
               present  various real-life or  imaginary  situations  which   (Ac. 16:1; 2 Ti. 3:15). [See Timothy.]
               they  think prove their  point. One person wrote to  me   EUNUCH.  A  castrated  male  (2  Ki.  20:18;  Is. 39:7;
               and mentioned a well-known evangelist, James  Robison,   56:3-4; Je. 38:7; Mt. 19:12). The term also applies to an
               who once was  a fiery fundamentalist-type preacher but   officer  in  a  general  sense  (Da.  1:3;  Ac.  8:27).  The
               now has become a charismatic and has accepted Roman   Hebrew  word  for  eunuch,  saris,  is  also  translated
               Catholic charismatics  as genuine Christians. The reader   “chamberlain” (2 Ki. 23:11; Es. 1:10) and “officer” (Ge.
               asked, “Are you saying that he’s  still saved and is  going   37:36;  1  Sa.  8:15;  1  Ki.  22:9;  2  Ki.  8:6).  The  term
               to heaven or, because his salvation is  permanent, he still   “eunuch” as used in Matthew 19:12 refers  to one who  is
               has  a chance to repent?” The answer is  that I don’t have   either  castrated  or  otherwise,  either  forcefully  or
               any revelation from  God about a certain person’s  eternal   willingly, foregoes  a sexual relationship in life. The Lord
               condition, and I have never tried to figure such things out.   uses this practice to illustrate His point about virginity
               That is God’s business. Let me also say that  though this   and abstinence. He describes three types of  “eunuchs”:
               man  has   accepted  certain  charismatic  doctrines  and   (1) Some  are born  without  the  ability  to  have sexual
               practices  that I believe are unscriptural, it is  the gospel   relationships  or  to procreate.  (2) Some are made this
               itself that saves  a man, not what a person believes  about   way  by  man, referring  to  those who  are  castrated  or
               tongues or healing or ecumenism or many other  things,   otherwise  mutilated.  (3)  Some  willingly  forgo  a
               as  important  as  these  issues  are.  [See also  Adoption,   legitimate  sexual  relationship in  marriage  because  of
               Assurance, Atonement, Blood, Born Again, Consolation,   their devotion to  the Lord and His service. The Apostle
               Gospel, Grace, Helmet, Hope, Justification, Propitiation,   Paul develops this theme in 1 Co. 7:26-35.
               Mercy, Redemption, Repentance.]                     EUPHRATES (bursting,  sweet,  the  good  river).
                  ETERNITY. Eternal in  duration. The Bible speaks  of   Together with the Tigris, the Euphrates  forms  the region
               eternity  as  that  which  is  not  subject  to the  limits of   of  Mesopotamia,  which  means  “the land  between  the
               earthly  existence  (Ps.  41:13;  90:2;  Is.  57:15).  [See   rivers” (Ge. 2:14; Da. 10:4). This land is  called Shinar in
               Eternal  Security,  God,  Heaven,  Hell,  Jesus   Christ,   Genesis 10:10 and was still called Shinar in Daniel’s day
               Revelation.]                                      1,600  years after the Tower of Babel (Da. 1:2). It is  here
                  ETHAN (ancient). 1 Ki. 4:31.                   that  the  ancient  city  states   originated  under  the
                  ETHANIM  (strong, flowing). Seventh  month  of  the   leadership  of Nimrod and Asshur as recorded in Genesis
               Hebrew  sacred  calendar  (1  Ki. 8:2),  corresponding to   10-12. Archaeology has unearthed many of these cities,
               parts  of September and October. The time of early rains   including  Babylon, Erech (Uruk), Nineveh, Calah, and
               (Potts). [See Calendar.]                          Ur,  Abraham’s   birthplace.  The  Tigris  and  Euphrates

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