Page 251 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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doctrine would be, that there was a time when he had EXTINCT. Extinguished; put out; having no survivor;
not an existence, and when he began to be, or was having ceased; being at an end (Job 17:1; Ps. 43:17).
begotten. But the Scripture doctrine is, that he had a EXTORTION. The act or practice of wresting
strict and proper eternity. I see no evidence that he was anything from a person by force, duress, menaces,
in any sense a derived being—deriving his existence
and his divinity from the Father.... A derived being authority, or by any undue exercise of authority, or by
cannot in any proper sense be God; and if there is any any undue exercise of power; illegal exaction; illegal
attribute which the Scriptures have ascribed to the compulsion to pay money, or to do some other act
Saviour with peculiar clearness, it is that or proper (Webster) (Ps. 109:11; Is. 16:4; Eze. 22:12; Mt. 23:25;
eternity (Re. 1:11, 17; Jn. 1:1). Lk. 18:11; 1 Co. 5:11). The Hebrew word (gohshek)
“Christ is God in human nature. The form is that of translated “extortion” in Eze. 22:12 is normally
man; the spirit is that of God. He walks and eats and translated “oppression” (Eze. 18:18; 22:7, 29). The
sleeps as a man; he thinks and speaks and acts like Greek word frequently translated “extortion” (harpax) is
God. He was born as a man, but the angels adored him translated “ravening” in Mt. 7:15. [See Defraud, Steal.]
as God. As a man he ate; yet by a word he created food EXTREME UNCTION. The ritual performed by a
for thousands, as if he were God. Like a man he slept
on a pillow while the vessel was tossed by the waves; Roman Catholic priest for someone approaching death.
like God he rose, and rebuked the winds and they were The person makes his last confession of sins and takes
still. As a man he went, with affectionate interest, to the Catholic Eucharist. The priest anoints the dying
the house of Martha and Mary. As a man he person with oil, makes signs, and pronounces blessings.
sympathized with them in their affliction, and wept at This last rite is thought to help prepare the person for
the grave of their brother; like God he spoke, and the heaven. Of course, there is no biblical teaching for such
dead came forth to the land of the living. As a man he a practice. It is another of the Roman Catholic Church’s
traveled through the land of Judea. He was without a false beliefs and has no benefit whatsoever. In fact, it is
home. Yet everywhere the sick were laid at his feet, very evil and destructive in that it gives false hope to
and health came from his touch, and strength from the unsaved people who put their trust in it. [See Death,
words of his lips—as if he were God. As a man he
prayed in the garden of Gethsemane; he bore his cross Fable, Gospel, Roman Catholic Church.]
to Calvary; he was nailed to the tree: yet then the EZBAI (shining, beautiful). 1 Ch. 11:37.
heavens grew dark, and the earth shook, and the dead EZBON (splendor). Ge. 46:16.
arose—as if he were God. As a man he slept in the cold EZEKIAS. The Greek form of Hezekiah (Mt. 1:9-10).
tomb—like God he rose, and brought life and
immortality to light. He lived on earth as a man—he EZEKIEL (God is strong). The O.T. prophet who
ascended to heaven like God. And in all the life of the wrote the book by his name (Eze. 1:3). During his
Redeemer, in all the variety of trying situations in prophetic ministry, Ezekiel was a captive in Babylon.
which he was placed, there was not a word or action [See Gog, Prophecy.]
which was inconsistent with the supposition that he EZEL (division, separation). 1 Sa. 20:19.
was the incarnate God. ... his life is full of events which
can be explained on no other supposition than that he EZEM (strength). 1 Ch. 4:29.
was the appropriate shining forth of the divine glory, EZER. (1) help (1 Ch. 7:21). (2) union (Ge. 36:21).
and the exact resemblance of the essence of God. EZION GABER (backbone of a mighty one). Nu.
There are not two Gods—as there are not two suns 33:35.
when the sun shines. It is the one God, in a mysterious
and incomprehensible manner shining into the world EZRA (help). A priest who returned from captivity in
in the face of Jesus Christ.” [For more on the deity of Babylon to help rebuild the temple in Jerusalem (Ezr.
Christ see Jesus Christ.] 7). Ezra is a shortened form of the Hebrew name
EXPRESSLY. To speak in direct terms; plainly (1 Sa. Azariah (Jehovah has helped), which appears in Ne.
20:21; 1 Ti. 4:1). 10:2.
EZRI (my help). 1 Ch. 27:26.
Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible & Christianity 251