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                  FALSE  WITNESS.  The  law  of  Moses  condemned   and  temperance  of  the  godly,  and  a  watching  and
               bearing false witness  (Ex. 20:16; 23:1;  Le. 6:3;  19:11,   chastising  of our  flesh, taken  up  for  present  necessity,
               12, 16; De. 5:20). If a man brought false witness against   whereby  we  are  humbled  before  God,  and  withdraw
               another  in  an  attempt  to  wrongly  convict  him  of  a   from the flesh those things  with which it is  cherished, to
               crime,  the  false  witness  was  to  be punished  with  the   the end that it may the more willingly  and easily  obey
               same  punishment  which  he  tried  to  bring  upon  his   the Spirit. The fasts  wherein the Jews  fasted from meat,
               neighbor (De. 19:16-20). God hates false witnesses  (Pr.   and not from wickedness, pleased God nothing at all, as
               6:16-19). The false witness  will not escape punishment   we may  see  in  the books  of  the  Prophets.  ... All fasts
               (Pr.  19:9). A  false witness is  a  great  destroyer  and  a   ought  to proceed  from a free and  willing  spirit”  (The
               great  evil  to   society  (Pr.  25:18).  False  witness   is   a   Second Helvetic Confession, 1566, XXII).
               product  of  the  wicked,  fallen  heart  (Mt.  15:19).   Warnings  about  Fasting. (1)  Fasting  is  not  for
               Examples  of  false  witness:  Against  David  (Ps.  27:12);   salvation  (Lk.  18:9-14).  (2)  Fasting  must  not  be  for
               Naboth (1  Ki. 21:13); Jesus  Christ  (Mt. 26:59-61; Mk.   show (Mt. 6:16-18). (3) Fasting is  not to be a religious
               14:54-59); Stephen  (Ac. 6:11-13); Paul (Ac. 16:20-21;   ritual  (Lk.  18:12).  (4)  Fasting  is   unacceptable  and
               17:5-7; 24:5; 25:7-8). [See Deceit.]              ineffectual  without  a  right  relationship  with  God  (Is.
                  FAME. Public report; tidings; renown  (Ge. 45:16; 1   58:3-9; Ze. 7:5-6). (5) Biblical fasting is  not for physical
               Ki. 10:1; Mt. 4:24).                              health. We cannot say whether or not fasting is  good for
                  FAMILIAR.  Close;  well-acquainted;  intimate  (Job   the health, but we do  know that the Bible never speaks
               19:14; Ps. 41:9).                                 of  fasting  in  this  context. (6)  Fasting is not  to  be an
                  FAMILIAR  SPIRIT.  A  person  controlled  by  an  evil   ascetic  practice  (Col.  2:20-23).  The  ascetic  punishes
               spirit  which  professes to be a  medium with  the dead.   himself  in  a vain  attempt  to know  God, to find  favor
               God condemns those who deal with familiar spirits (Le.   with God, or to attain spiritual power. The Christian has
               19:31;  20:6;  De.  18:11;  1  Sa.  28:7;  Is.  8:19).  [See   all of this freely in Jesus Christ (Col. 2:1-23). (7) Fasting
               Devils, Satan, Witchcraft.]                       does not necessarily guarantee that one’s prayers  will be
                  FAMILIARS. Associates; friends (Je. 20:10).    answered  (2  Sa. 12). (8)  Fasting is a personal  matter.
                                                                 Fasting  is  important  and  useful  in  Christian  life  and
                  FAMILY. [See Child Training, Divorce, Home.]   service, but it is not something by which we are to judge
                  FAMISH. Starve; be hungry (Pr. 10:3).          the  spiritual  condition  of  others.  God  does  not
                  FAN. An instrument for winnowing grain, by moving   COMMAND fasting; He COMMENDS it.
               which the grain is  thrown up and agitated, and the chaff   The  Importance  of  Fasting.  (1)  The  importance  of
               is separated and blown away (Is. 30:24; Mt. 3:12).   fasting is  seen  in the number  of positive references in
                  FANNERS. Winnowers (Je. 51:2). [See Fan.]      the Old  and  New  Testaments (Ju. 20:26;  1  Sa.  1:6-7;
                  FAR  SPENT.  In  great  part;  almost  passed  away;   7:6;  31:13;  2  Sa.  1:12;  1  Ki. 21:27;  2  Ch.  20:3;  Ezr.
               almost finished (Ju. 19:11; Ro. 13:12).           8:21-23;  Ne.  1:4;  9:1-2;  Es.  4:16;  9:3;  Ps.  35:13-14;
                  FARE. (1) Welfare; prosper (1  Sa. 17:18). (2) Price   69:10-11; Is. 58:6-8; Je. 36:9; Joel 1:14; 2:12, 15;  Jn.
               (Jon. 1:3). (3) Farewell; goodbye (Ac. 15:29).    3:5;  Da.  9:3;  Mt.  4:2;  6:17-18;  9:14-15;  17:21;  Mk.
                                                                 9:29; Lk. 2:37;  Ac. 13:2; 14:23; 1  Co. 7:5;  2 Co. 6:5;
                  FARED  SUMPTUOUSLY.  Lived  in  luxury  and    11:27).  (2)  Fasting  is  one  of  the  ways   whereby  a
               pleasure (Lk. 16:20).                             minister of Christ approves  himself (2 Co. 6:4-10). (3)
                  FARTHING. [See Money.]                         The  Lord  Jesus  Christ  made  a  definite  promise  about
                  FASHION.  (1)  Shape;  form;  pattern  (Ge.  6:15;  Ph.   fasting  (Mt.  6:17-18).  (4)  The  Lord  Jesus  said  very
               2:8). (2) Manner (Mk. 2:12).                      plainly  that His  disciples  would fast after  His departure
                  FAST. (1) Completely  (Ge. 20:18; Ju. 4:21; 15:13).   (Mt.  9:14-15).  (5)  God’s   choicest  servants  have
               (2)  Close;  near  (Ru.  2:8,  21).  (3)  Abstinence (2  Sa.   practiced  fasting  throughout  the  centuries.  (6)  Prayer
               12:21; Mt. 6:16). [See Fasting.] (4) Closed; tight; firmly   with  fasting  is  the  only  spiritual  practice  which  is to
               fixed;  retain  (2 Ki. 6:32; Job  2:3;  38:38; Pr. 4:13;  Ac.   interfere  with  the  physical  aspect  of  the  marital
               27:41; 1 Co. 16:13; Ph. 4:1). (5) Quickly; speedily (Je.   relationship  (1  Co. 7:1-5). (7)  Fasting is necessary  for
               48:16). [See Fasting.]                            breaking  down  certain  demonic  strongholds  (Mt.
                  FASTING. Biblical fasting  is the freewill practice of   17:18-21).
               abstaining from food and/or  the pleasantries of life for   When Should We Fast? (1) Fast when sorely  tempted
               the  purpose  of  devoting  oneself  to  God  and   (Mt. 4:2).  (2)  Fast  when  wisdom  is  earnestly  desired
               concentrating on spiritual goals, particularly the goal of   (Da. 9:3). (3) Fast when help and protection are needed
               defeating spiritual enemies  and overcoming the lusts  of   (Ezr.  8:21-23;  2  Ch.  20:3;  Je.  36:9).  (4)  Fast  when
               the flesh.  “Fasting is nothing else  than  the  abstinence   victory is desired in seemingly impossible situations  (Es.

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