Page 5 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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Why Do You Need the Way of Life Bible Encyclopedia?

                  The  Way  of  Life  Encyclopedia  of  the  Bible  &   Jesting,  Natural  Man,  Old  Man,  Perverse,
               Christianity  is  unique.  It  is  is  based  upon  the  King   Presumptuous,  Pride,  Rebellion,  Repentance,
               James  Bible  and  is  written  from  a  dispensational,   Stiffhearted,  Stubborn,  Transgression,  Trespass,
               Baptist perspective. The studies are thorough, practical,   Unclean,  Ungodly,  Superfluity  of  Naughtiness,
               devotional,  and  designed  to  be  used  by  preachers,   Unrighteous, Vile, Winketh, World.
               teachers, and  homeschoolers, as  well as  to  provide  a
               Bible-institute  level  education  to  the  diligent  Bible   4. You need  it  to  study  extra-biblical Christian
               student.                                          terms. There are  many  words that we  hear  at church
                                                                 and  in  Christian  circles  that are  not Bible  words  and
                  We make no apology for believing that the Bible is   are not in most Bible dictionaries but they can be found
               the divinely-inspired Word of  God in every detail and   in  the  Way  of  Life  Encyclopedia.  (Examples  are
               that the  King  James Version  is an accurate  translation   Apostate, Catechism, Christmas, Denomination, Faith
               of  the  preserved  Word  of  God,  which  is  the  Greek   Promise, and Rapture.)
               Received  and  Hebrew  Masoretic  texts. In  an  hour  in
               which  the  black  and  white  of  truth  and  error  is   5. You need it to study various issues relating to
               exchanged for the gray of uncertainty and relativism, it   morality  and practical Christian living. (Examples
               is our desire that the reader not find the slightest hint of   are  Adultery,  Capital  Punishment,  Child  Training,
               doubt in this volume.                             Cremation,  Dancing,  Divorce,  Employment,  Home,
                                                                 Homosexuality, Modesty, Pacifism, Polygamy, Wine.)
                  1. You need it to find the meaning of the words in
               the Bible. If  you don’t understand the meaning of  the   6. You need it  to  study  Old Testament  types  of
               words of  the Bible, you don’t understand the Bible. An   Christ. (Examples are Ark, Day of  Atonement, Boaz,
               effectual  Bible  student  must  have  a  good  dictionary   Brass  Serpent,  Cain,  Candlestick,  Coat,  High  Priest,
               handy and must take the time to look up every word he   Joseph,  Melchizedek  ,  Offerings,  Passover,
               doesn’t  understand.  During  a  recent  conference,  I   Tabernacle.)
               asked  people  to  raise  their  hands  if  they  knew  the   7. You  need  it  to  find  the  meaning  of  Bible
               meaning of the word “mystery” in the Bible, and only a   customs  and  ancient  culture.  (Examples  are
               few people could raise their hands.               Agriculture,  Calendar,  Camel,  Cosmetics,  Idolatry,
                                                                 Military,  Money,  Music,  Olive,  Phylactery,  Weights
                  2. You  need  it  to  understand  out-of-use  words
               and phrases from the King James Bible. Most Bible   and Measures, Witchcraft.)
               dictionaries do not define  these  words. (Examples are   8. You  need  it  to  study  Bible  Prophecy.  The
               Abusers  of  Themselves  with  Mankind,  Blood    Encyclopedia contains the equivalent of  an entire Bible
               Guiltiness, Conversation, Die  the  Death, Nephew, Set   Institute  course  on  prophecy.  (Examples  are
               Them At One, Superfluity of  Naughtiness, Taken with   Allegorical, Antichrist,  Covenant,  Daniel, Day  of  the
               the Manner.)                                      Lord,  Dispensationalism,  Double  Fulfillment,  Gog,
                                                                 Great  Tribulation,  Kingdom  of  God,  Judgment,
                  3. You  need  it  to  do  topical  studies,  to  study
               doctrine. Practically every doctrine of  the Bible can be   Revelation, Second Coming, Seventy Weeks.)
               researched  with  this  Encyclopedia.  There  is  an   9. You need it to study proper names in the Bible.
               extensive  system  of  topical  cross  references.  The   An  extensive  list  of  Bible  names  is  included  with
               student  can  study  the  full  range  of  a  Bible  topic  by   definitions and  key  references.  (Examples  are  Aaron,
               following the suggested cross references from entry to   Benjamin, Cain, Gamaliel, Joshua, Lot, Mesopotamia.)
               entry. For example, consider the cross references listed
               after the entry on CHURCH -- See Apostle, Baptism -   10. You  need  it  to  study  Bible  places  and
               Immersion,  Baptism  -  Infant,  Baptist,  Church   geography.  (Examples  are  Caesarea,  Ephesus,
               Discipline,  Deacon,  Diotrephes,  Footwashing,  Lord’s   Euphrates, Hazor, Jordan River, Merom.)
               Supper,  Missionary,  Ordination,  Pastor,  Separation,   11. You need it to do research into the Christian
               Timothy, Unity. And the following cross references are   denominations  and  movements.  The  history,
               listed  after  the  entry  on  SIN  --  Adam,  Carnal,   doctrinal  position,  and  present  status  of  major
               Concupiscence, Fall, Fault, Filthiness, Flesh, Froward,   denominations  and  movements  are  included.
               Gospel, Grace, Heart, Impenitence, Impudent, Iniquity,   (Examples are Anglican, Assemblies of  God, Brethren,

               Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible & Christianity                                         5
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