Page 6 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
P. 6

Pentecostal-Charismatic  Movement,  Eastern         (Examples are  Catabaptist, Inquisition, Manichean,
               Orthodoxy,  Episcopal,  Evangelical,  Fundamentalism,   Paulicians,  Pedobaptism,  Protestant,  and  Roman
               Lutheran,  Mennonite,  Methodist,  Presbyterian,  and   Catholic Church.)
               World Council of Churches.)
                                                                   15. You need it to do research into the subject of
                  12. You need it to do research into cults and false  Bible  versions.  This  Encyclopedia  is  a  virtual
               groups  and  to  examine  prominent  false  doctrines.   handbook  on  Bible  Versions.  (See,  for  example,
               (Examples  are  Adam,  Annihilation,  Christ’s  Deity,   Apocrypha, Bible  Versions, Erasmus, Masoretic  Text,
               Christian Science, Daniel, Eternal Security, Inspiration,   Preservation of Scripture, Received Text.)
               Jehovah's Witnesses, Jonah, Modernism, Mormonism,
               Moses,  Neo-orthodoxy,  Red  Sea,  Roman  Catholic   16. You need it  for  preaching and teaching. The
               Church, Sabbath, Seventh-day Adventism, Soul Sleep,   doctrinal material in this Encyclopedia is presented in a
               Tongues Speaking, Unitarian.)                     practical  manner  with  outlines  that  can  be  used  for
                                                                 teaching and preaching. They can be used in the pulpit,
                  13. You  need  it  to  study  church  polity.  The  Sunday  Schools, Bible  Colleges  and  Institutes,  home
               Encyclopedia  is a  practical manual for  church  leaders   schools,  family  devotions,  prisons  and  jails,  nursing
               and  missionaries.  (See,  for  example,  the  studies  on   homes, etc. (Consider, for  example, the outline for the
               Apostle,  Baptism,  Church  Discipline,  Deacon,   study on ANGELS: I. Do Angels Exist? II. What is the
               Evangelism,  Footwashing, Lord's Supper, Ordination,   Origin of  Angels? III. Divisions of  Angels into  Good
               and Pastor.)                                      and  Evil. IV. What Are  Angels  Like? V.  How  Many
                                                                 Angels Are There? VI. What Do Angels Do? VII. What
                  14. You  need  it  to  study  church history.  Many  Can  Christians Learn  from Angels? VIII. The  Angels
               entries relating to church history are included.
                                                                 Associated with the Seven Churches in Revelation 2-3.

               6                                                      Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible & Christianity
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