Page 11 - SoulWinning Crash Course
P. 11

be rewarded for the souls we've won. (1 Thessalonians 4:15-17)

                             WHEN AND HOW OFTEN TO DO SOULWINNING

                Acts  5:42  says  of  the  apostles:  "And  daily  in  the  temple,  and  in  every
                house, they ceased not to teach and preach Jesus Christ."  (And that was
                right after the Jewish priests BEAT them and commanded them NOT to teach
                in Jesus' name! What's our excuse?!)  Soulwinning should be a way of life,
                not just a "chore" or a "special event" that you do every once in a while.  We
                should "be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you
                a reason of the hope that is in you..." (1 Peter 3:15)

                Look  for  opportunities  to  witness  to  people  everywhere  you  go.    Be
                proactive.  If you will be creative and think on your feet, you can CREATE
                opportunities to share the gospel.  If someone asks "How you doing?" you
                can  say  "I'm  doing  GREAT;  I'm  SAVED!    How  'bout  you?"    There's  a
                window  to  witness.    (If  there's  no  time,  give  them  a  gospel  tract.)    If
                someone asks "Where are you going?" say "I'm going to heaven!  Where are
                you going?"  If someone says "What's your name?" say "Who cares?  I've

                got a NEW name written down in glory according to Revelation 2:17 cuz I've
                been born again!  How 'bout you?"

                Be  "soul  conscious."    Think  of  people,  not  as  irrelevant  strangers,  but  as
                SOULS that Jesus wants.

                                      PREPARATION FOR SOULWINNING

                                               BE SAVED YOURSELF!

                Know your own testimony of salvation.  If you can't remember how you got
                saved, how can you tell others how to be saved?  If you remember it well,
                your own testimony can be used at times to make a gospel presentation more
                personal and heartfelt.

                                               LEARNING THE BIBLE
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