Page 9 - SoulWinning Crash Course
P. 9


                                                      THE BASICS

                                         DEFINITION OF SOULWINNING

                To a New Testament believer, "soul-winning" is attempting to win souls to
                Jesus Christ by explaining to lost people how to be saved.  According to 1
                Thessalonians  2:16,  we  are  to  "speak"  to  people  "that  they  might  be
                saved."    This  is  mainly  done  through  personal,  one-on-one  witnessing,  in
                distinction from street and pulpit preaching.  (Though street-preaching can

                and should often lead to personal, one-on-one witnessing.)  Soulwinning can
                be done almost anywhere, but the main focus in this book is on systematic
                door-to-door  soulwinning.    In  Acts  20:20-21,  Paul  said  he  "testified"  and
                "taught" people how to get saved "from house to house."

                                         REASONS FOR SOULWINNING

                Proverbs 11:30  "The fruit of the righteous is a
                tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise."

                Should we be unwise?

                Ephesians 5:15-17 "See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but
                as wise,  Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.  Wherefore be
                ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is."

                Mark  16:15    "And  he  said  unto  them,  Go  ye  into  all  the  world,  and
                preach the gospel to every creature."

                Why?  Because...

                2 Peter 3:9  "The Lord is...not willing that any should perish, but that all

                should come to repentance."
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