Page 167 - Daniel
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the  justification  for  the  injunction  in  the  first  place.  No  doubt  the
               Scriptures do not record all the conversation between King Darius and
               these officials. It is probable that they had justified the law as a means
               by which all the peoples in the kingdom would be forced to recognize
               Darius  as  their  ruler  and  present  their  petitions  to  their  deities  in

               Darius’s name. There was little in this that would be offensive to a pagan
               who  worshiped  many  gods,  and  it  could  have  been  a  useful  device  to
               expose anyone who was rebellious against the king.

                  Yet now that the trap was sprung on Daniel, the king immediately saw
               through the conspirators’ scheme. Instead of being angry with Daniel as
               Nebuchadnezzar  had  been  with  Daniel’s  companions  in  chapter  3,  the
               king realized that he himself had made a mistake and attempted in vain
               to find a legal loophole by which Daniel could be delivered. But those
               assembled before the king reminded Darius of what he already knew: the

               law could not be changed according to their customs and beliefs. As the
               representative of the gods, the king would have to enforce his decree.
               There was no alternative but to issue the command that Daniel be cast
               into the lions’ den.

                              DANIEL CAST INTO THE LIONS’ DEN (6:16–17)

                  6:16–17 Then the king commanded, and Daniel was brought and cast
                  into the den of lions. The king declared to Daniel, “May your God,
                  whom you serve continually, deliver you!” And a stone was brought
                  and laid on the mouth of the den, and the king sealed it with his own

                  signet and with the signet of his lords, that nothing might be changed
                  concerning Daniel.

                  The  king’s  command  was  carried  out  and  Daniel  was  thrown  to  the
               lions—but not before Darius made this remarkable statement to Daniel:
               “May your God, whom you serve continually, deliver you!” The idea is
               that the king was saying, “I have tried to save you but have failed. Now
               your  God  must  save  you.”   Daniel’s  personal  piety  and  faithfulness  to
               God had made an obvious impression on Darius, giving the king some
               hope that Daniel’s God might come to his rescue. Goldingay believes that

               little can be read into the king’s statement regarding whether or not he
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