Page 348 - Daniel
P. 348

Although  all  expositors  must  use  their  judgment  in  determining  the
               identification of this king, what will be completely different about the
               world  religion  at  the  end  time  will  be  (1)  the  total  subjugation  of  all
               previous  religions;  and  (2)  the  worship  of  the  world  ruler  without
               reference to any other divine power except that of Satan. For this world

               ruler to acknowledge something as supreme while already claiming to be
               God clearly indicates that “the god of fortresses” is not a person but the
               power to make war, symbolized by the term fortress.

                  Examining  all  other  passages  relating  to  the  end  time,  it  becomes
               evident that the final world ruler’s sole confidence is in military power,
               personified as “the god of fortresses.” In other words, he is a complete
               materialist in contrast to all previous religions and all previous men who
               claimed  divine  qualities.  This  is  blasphemy  to  the  ultimate,  the
               exaltation of human power and attainment. He is Satan’s masterpiece, a

               human being who is Satan’s substitute for Jesus Christ, hence properly
               identified  as  the  Antichrist.  In  keeping  with  his  complete  materialism,
               his  activities  are  characterized  by  warfare  and  honoring  those  who
               honor him. Those cooperating are given subsidiary rule expressed in the
               statement, “He shall make them rulers over many and shall divide the
               land for a price”—that is, he will reapportion territories in keeping with

               his desire for conquest. There is no record that Antiochus divided lands
               among those who defected to him, and nothing of this sort is indicated
               in  the  passages  that  report  his  briberies  (1  Macc.  2:18;  3:30ff.).  This
               would be an important omission if Antiochus Epiphanes is the subject of
               this prophecy. Taking Daniel 11:36–39 as a whole, it is apparent that the
               revelation  provides  an  incisive  analysis  of  the  combination  of
               materialism,  militarism,  and  religion  that  will  characterize  the  final

               world ruler.
                  This portion of Daniel, in the light of contemporary trends, becomes

               an  illuminating  prophetic  commentary  on  the  ultimate  end  of  these
               present  forces  in  the  world  that  will  unite  the  political,  religious,  and
               materialistic  philosophies  of  our  day  in  one  man  who  is  Satan’s
               nomination  for  king  of  kings  and  lords  of  lords.  The  apex  of  this
               development will be reached in the last half of Daniel’s seventieth week,
               the three and a half years of the great tribulation, immediately preceding
               the second advent of Jesus Christ. However, his world government will
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