Page 374 - Daniel
P. 374
measure is three and a half years, dating from the breaking of the
league and the suspension of the daily offering to the destruction of
the monster by the revelation of Jesus Christ. Our Lord ministered on
earth three and a half years, and the Antichrist shall enact his Satanic
ministry for the same length of time. 41
The “time, times, and half a time” of Daniel 7:25 are normally taken
to be three and a half years or forty-two months of thirty days each,
following the custom of the Jews. This would be only 1,260 days. The
duration of the great tribulation as forty-two months is confirmed by
Revelation 11:2 and 13:5, which is considered equivalent to the “time,
times, and half a time” of Daniel 7:25 and 12:7. Why then were thirty
days added to the 1,260 days? The numbering of these days is to begin
when “the regular burnt offering is taken away and the abomination that
makes desolate is set up.” If that is the inception that marks the
beginning of the period, perhaps the end point is the future cleansing
and rededication of the temple area, and resumption of sacrifices, that
will occur at the beginning of the millennial kingdom (cf. Ezek. 43:18). 42
This question of the meaning of the number of days is further
complicated by verse 12 that states that there is a special blessing for the
one “who waits and arrives at the 1,335 days.” This is still another forty-
five days beyond the limit of verse 11.
Although Daniel did not explain this duration, it is obvious that the
second coming of Christ and the establishment of His millennial
kingdom requires time. The 1,260-day period—or precisely forty-two
months of thirty days each—can be regarded as culminating with the
second advent itself. This is followed by several divine judgments such
as the judgment of the nations (Matt. 25:31–46) and the regathering and
judgment of Israel (Ezek. 20:34–38). These great judgments beginning
with the living on earth and the purging out of unbelievers who have
worshiped the beast, although handled quickly, will require time. By the
end of the 1,335 days, or seventy-five days after the second advent,
these great judgments will have been accomplished and the millennial
kingdom formally launched. Those who attain to this period are
obviously those who have been judged worthy to enter the kingdom
because they are called “blessed.”