Page 384 - Daniel
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               Gowan, Donald E. Ezekiel-Daniel. Abingdon Old Testament
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               Grayson, A. Kirk. Assyrian and Babylonian Chronicles. Reprint ed. Winona
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               Green, Joel B. How to Read Prophecy. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity,

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               Hartman, Louis F., and Alexander A. Di Lella. The Book of Daniel. The
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               Heath, Alban. The Prophecies of Daniel in the Light of History. London:
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               Heaton, Eric William. The Book of Daniel. Torch Bible Commentaries.
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               Herodotus. Histories. Vol. 1. Trans. Henry Carey. New York: Harper,

               Hinkley, Willard H. The Book of Daniel. Boston: New-Church Union,

               Hoehner, Harold W. “Between the Testaments.” The Expositor’s Bible

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               Hoffmann, Johannes Friedrich. Antiochus IV Epiphanes. Leipzig:
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               Horn, Siegfried H. Seventh-Day Adventist Bible Dictionary. Washington,
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               Hughes, Philip Edgcumbe. Interpreting Prophecy: An Essay in Biblical
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