Page 382 - Daniel
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               Cooper, David L. The 70 Weeks of Daniel. Los Angeles: Biblical Research
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               Criswell, Wallie Amos. Expository Sermons on the Book of Daniel. Vol. 1.

                  Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1968.

               Cross, Frank Moore. The Ancient Library of Qumran and Modern Biblical
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               Culver, Robert D. Daniel and the Latter Days. Chicago: Moody, n.d.

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               Darby, John Nelson. Studies on the Book of Daniel. London: G. Morrish,

               Davies, Philip R. Daniel. Sheffield, England: Sheffield Academic Press,

               Deane, H. The Book of Daniel. The Layman’s Handy Commentary Series.
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               __________. Daniel: His Life and Times. New York: A. Randolph, 1888.

               Dehaan, Martin Ralph. Daniel the Prophet. Grand Rapids: Zondervan,

               Desprez, Philip F. Daniel and John. London: C. K. Paul, 1878.

               De Vaux, Roland. Ancient Israel, Its Life and Institutions. Trans. John
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               Dougherty, Raymond Philip. Nabonidus and Belshazzar. Yale Oriental

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               Driver, Samuel Rolles. The Book of Daniel. The Cambridge Bible for
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                  Profane. Ed. David G. Hogarth. London: Murray, 1899.
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