Page 4 - UNC MC NPAS Guide for external applicants 4.2021
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NPAS Guide for External Applicants 3
Application and Verification Process: External Candidate
1. Submit Application
Complete the online application in iNFOR. Include the following as attachments to the application:
• 1 letter of recommendation from a professional nursing colleague
• An expanded resume to include:
o Work history
o Educational preparation
o Professional involvement (e.g. committees, workgroups)
o Performance improvement activities
o Educational projects and presentations
o Publications
o Research
o Awards & recognitions
o Relevant continuing education
o Professional certifications
o Course/skill certifications (e.g. BLS, ACLS, PALS)
o Professional organization/society memberships (e.g. ANA, Sigma Theta Tau)
The expanded resume and letter of recommendation from a nursing colleague will serve as evidence of
meeting the Standards and Behaviors of the desired role. The NPAS committee uses this evidence in the
verification process.
2. Screening of Applications
Nurse Employment (NE) or Human Resources (HR) Recruitment will screen completed iNFOR applications
based on the minimum requirements for the job class including professional certification and educational
preparation (see Requirements for CN III and CN IV above).
If the application meets the minimum requirements, the recruiter will reach out to the candidate via
phone to complete an initial screening.
3. Participate in Interviews
NE/HR recruitment will schedule interviews for the position. In addition to interviews with hiring
managers and the recruiter, a staff panel interview is required for CN IV applicants and optional for CN III
applicants. The hiring manager will determine if a staff panel interview is needed for CN III positions.
4. NPAS Verification
After a final candidate is selected by the hiring manager, the hiring manager will submit the applicant’s
expanded resume and letter of recommendation to the NPAS Committee for verification.
The NPAS committee will review the submission and verify the candidate meets the Standards and
Behaviors of the position for which they are applying.
UNC Medical Center Nursing Professional Advancement Committee 3.2021