Page 14 - Mesenchymal Stem Cell-Derived Exosomes as an Emerging Paradigm for Regenerative Therapy and Nano-Medicine
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Life 2021, 11, 784                                                                                 14 of 26

                                                       Table 2. Cont.

               Disease             Cell Source       Exosome Content        Mechanism of Action      Reference
                                                                            Reduce apoptosis of
                                                                         cardiomyocytes, AIFM3/p53
          Myocardial Infarction   Mice BMMSC             miR-210                                        [76]
                                                                               and PI3K/Akt
                                                                             signaling pathways
                                                                           Enhanced neurological
                Stroke             Rat BMMSC             miR-133b           recovery, stimulated        [77]
                                                                        neurogenesis and angiogenesis
                                                                           Stimulated neurogenesis
                Stroke              hBMMSC               Not given                                      [78]
                                                                             and angiogenesis
                                                                        Suppressed 6-OHDA-induced
                                Human dental pulp
           Parkinson’s disease                           Not given              apoptosis in            [82]
                                    stem cells
                                                                           dopaminergic neurons
           Age-related macular   Retinal pigment                          Inhibition of caspase 3 and
                                                       αB crystallin                                    [84]
             degeneration         epithelial cells                            PARP activation
                              Mouse macrophage cell
           Parkinson’s disease                           Catalase         Reduced Oxidative stress      [85]
                                                                             β-amyloid peptide
           Alzheimer’s disease      hADMSC              Neprilysin                                      [86]
            SH-SY 5Y human                                                     Reduction of
                                 murineADMSC             Not given                                      [88]
           neuroblastoma cells                                               neuronal apoptosis
           Amyotrophic lateral   murineADMSC          miR21, miR222,    Apoptosis-inhibiting pathway,   [87]
               sclerosis                                 miRlet7a           cell cycle progression
                                                                           Increased proximal renal
           Acute kidney injury      hBMMSC                IGF-1R             tubular epithelial         [92]
                                                                              cell proliferation
                                                                         Induced de-differentiation of
           Acute kidney injury      hBMMSC                mRNA                 mature cells,            [93]
                                                                           triggered proliferation
                                                                          Upregulated anti-apoptotic
           Acute kidney injury       hMSC                Not given       genes Bcl-xL, Bcl2 and BIRC8   [96]
                                                                           in tubular epithelial cells
                                                    let7- a, miR-148b-3p,  Downregulation of apoptotic
                                                    375, 410, 451, 485-3p,
         Renal proximal tubular                                            genes, SHC1 mediated
                                    hBMMSC            495, 522, 548c-3p,                                [97]
             epithelial cells                                                  inhibition of
                                                      548c-5p, 561, and   EGFR-Ras-ERK pathway
                                                                         Supress expression of NOX2,
          ischemia/reperfusion      hWJMSC               Not given                                      [98]
                                                                            ROS level reduction
                Renal                               miR-15a, miR-15b and
          ischemia/reperfusion      hWJMSC                miR-16         Downregulation of CX3CL1       [99]
                                                                         Increase in TGF-β1 and IL-10
         Chronic kidney disease     hCBMSC               Not given           levels, decrease in       [100]
                                                                               TNF-α levels
                                                                          Inhibition of hepatocellular
          Chronic liver fibrosis  murineBMMSC             Not given         apoptosis, inhibition of     [98]
                                                                            proliferation of LX-2
                                                                        Inhibition of EMT, inactivation
             Liver fibrosis          hUCMSC               Not given                of the               [103]
                                                                          TGF-β1/Smad signalling
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