Page 43 - Human Umbilical Cord Mesenchymal Stem Cells
P. 43

Pain Physician: March/April 2020: 23:E71-E83

               2.  Institute appropriate safeguards to avoid negative consequences from unscrupulous actors.
               3.  With proper informed consent from patients or proxy when necessary, and subject to accumulation of data in
                   that cohort, allow the procedure to be initiated in critically ill patients who are not responding to conventional
               Key words: Coronavirus, COVID-19, cytokine storm, multiorgan failure, expanded umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells

               Pain Physician 2020; 23:E71-E81

               1.0 IntroductIon

                   COVID-19 was initially concentrated in two regions   deaths, and the MERS-CoV originating in Saudi Arabia
               of China.  It has now moved to multiple other countries,   with approximately 2,500 cases and 800 deaths, still
               including Italy with Europe becoming the new epicen-  causing sporadic cases. The new COVID-19 virus seems
               ter. The novel coronavirus 2019-nCoV (COVID-19) has   to be very contagious and has quickly spread globally.
               reached pandemic proportions across the world  after   The clinical spectrum of COVID-19 varies from as-
               originating in Wuhan (1-9) with a reported mortality of   ymptomatic or pauci-symptomatic forms to clinical
               2.3% (4) and 4.3% in hospitalized patients in China (5).   conditions characterized by respiratory failure requir-
               This led to extensive measures being undertaken in the   ing mechanical ventilation and support in the ICU, to
               United States with declarations of emergency and in-  multiorgan and systemic manifestations such as sepsis,
               terruption of daily lives (10). As of March 18, 2020, the   septic shock, and multiple organ dysfunction (MOD)
               World Health Organization (WHO) has reported almost   syndromes (4-7,13). In one of the first reports on the
               220,000 confirmed cases of COVID-19 globally. There   disease, Huang et al (17) showed about one-third of the
               have been 9,000 deaths while 85,000 patients have re-  patients with pneumonia (13, 32%) required ICU care,
               covered. In the United States (US), the Centers for Dis-  and there were 6 (15%) fatal cases. In the United States,
               ease Control and Prevention (CDC) has counted almost   Arentz et al (8) published characteristics and outcomes
               10,000 COVID-19 cases with over 200 deaths (11). In the   of 21 critically ill patients with COVID-19 in Washington
               US, several million are at high risk including the approx-  State with descriptions of clinical presentation, charac-
               imately 1.3 million people are living in nursing homes.   teristics, and outcomes of incident cases of COVID-19
               Current models  regarding COVID 19  estimate hospi-  admitted to the intensive care unit. Among 21 cases,
               talizations of 4.8 million, 1.9 million patients requiring   comorbidities were identified in 18 cases (86%), with
               admission to intensive care units (ICUs), and 960,000   chronic kidney disease and congestive heart failure be-
               would require mechanical ventilation (12,13). However,   ing the most common. Initial symptoms included short-
               the United States has approximately 4,900 acute care   ness of breath (76%), fever (52%), and cough (48%),
               hospitals, an estimated maximum of 550,000 staffed   with mean onset of symptoms prior to presenting to
               beds  and 95,000 ICU beds  with maximum of  200,000   the hospital of 3.5 days, and 17 patients (81%) were
               mechanical ventilation units (12). Health care expendi-  admitted to the ICU less than 24 hours after hospital
               tures are expected to skyrocket, along with economic   admission. Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)
               strain on many sectors of the economy (14,15). There   was observed in 15 of 15 patients requiring mechanical
               have been numerous publications with widespread pre-  ventilation and 8 of 15 (53%) developed severe ARDS
               cautions for prevention, identification, and treatment   by 72 hours. As of March 17, 2020, mortality was 67%
               of these patients (16-45).                       and 24% of patients have remained critically illness and
                   On February 11, 2020, the WHO Director Gen-  only 9.5% have been discharged from the ICU. This case
               eral, Dr. Ghebreyesus, announced that the disease by   series provided additional data for United States popu-
               new CoV was a “COVID-19” which is the acronym of   lation with high rate of cardiomyopathy, the causation
               “coronavirus disease 2019” (13). In the past 20 years,   of which may be either overwhelming critical illness or
               2 coronavirus epidemics have occurred with a large-  a direct cardiac complication, being investigated to bet-
               scale epidemic beginning in China and involving over   ter characterize this risk.
               20 countries leading approximately 8,000 cases and 800   As the medical profession has recognized quickly,

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