Page 44 - Human Umbilical Cord Mesenchymal Stem Cells
P. 44

Expanded Umbilical Cord Mesenchymal Stem Cells as a Strategy In Managing COVID-19 Illness

               there is no cure presently for this disease and vaccina-  use of autologous cell therapy products (95). Despite
               tion would not be available for several months. This   and in full view of the above, stem cell therapy may
               leaves a large unmet need for a safe and effective treat-  have a role in managing COVID-19 disease (3,16,59,96-
               ment for COVID-19 infected patients, especially the se-  101). The news of reports of stem cell therapy in China
               vere cases (12,13,16,17).                        with publication of the details of a case of a critically
                   Multiple treatment strategies in the pipeline in-  ill 65-year old Chinese woman infected with COVID-19,
               clude antiviral therapy (1,16,36,37), hydroxychloroquine   whose conditions improved after the infusion of MSCs
               and combinations (34,35,37,39), neutralizing antibodies   (96,97). They also reported that 7 other coronavirus
               (18-21), repurposing currently available antiviral medi-  patients in Beijing who had the stem cell therapy re-
               cations (1,16,22-28,36,37), and passive antibody trans-  sponded in a similar way (3).
               fer from convalescent patients’ sera (29,30). Other new      The newspaper also noted that this case is one
               therapies include development of blocking agents that   of many using stem cells to treat coronavirus patients
               bind to ACE2 receptor (31-33,46-49). ACE2-positive cells   in China, according to the WHO’s clinical trial database.
               are infected by the HCoV-19, like SARS-2003 (50,51). The   Zhang Xinmin, director of biological technology at the
               ACE2 receptor is widely distributed on human cell sur-  Ministry of Science and Technology in Beijing, told a
               face, especially the alveolar type II cells (AT2) and capil-  press conference on February 15 that the preliminary
               lary endothelium (52), and the AT2 cells highly express   results of stem cell experiments conducted across the
               TMPRSS2 (53).                                    country suggested the technology was “safe and effec-
                   While immunological therapy may be feasible,   tive”. Such statements should be interpreted with cau-
               the immunomodulatory capacity may be not strong   tion (45).
               enough, if only one or 2 immune factors were used, as
               the virus can stimulate a cytokine storm in the lung. Cy-  2.0 PathogenesIs of coronavIrus
               tokine storm can lead to acute respiratory distress syn-  The S protein on Coronavirus surface specifically
               drome (ARDS), acute cardiac injury, secondary infection,   recognizes the spike protein in the angiotensin I con-
               leading to generalized sepsis and multisystem failure,   verting enzyme 2 receptor (ACE2) of the exposed cell
               which may lead to death (3,17). Thus, avoiding the cy-  and after binding, the virus enters the cell thereby in-
               tokine storm may be the key for the treatment of CO-  fecting it (1,3,47-53). Unfortunately, the ACE2 recep-
               VID-19 infected patients.                        tor is widely distributed on the human cells surface,
                   Since there are a lack of effective therapies and   especially the AT2 of the lungs (52,57). ACE2 receptors
               immunological treatments may be insufficient, mesen-  are also abundantly found in the heart, liver, diges-
               chymal stem cells (MSCs), owing to their powerful im-  tive organs and kidneys. In fact, almost all endothelial
               munomodulatory ability, may have beneficial effects   cells and smooth muscle cells in organs express ACE2,
               for preventing or attenuating the cytokine storm and   therefore once the virus enters the blood circulation,
               reducing morbidity and mortality of this disease.   it spreads widely. All tissues and organs expressing
                   Cell-based therapies are being incorporated into   ACE2 could be the battlefield of the novel coronavi-
               treatment plans for a number of disease processes in-  rus and immune cells. This explains why beyond ARDS,
               cluding pulmonary (54-60), cardiovascular (61-63), he-  patients might also experience acute myocardial injury,
               patic (64-66), renal (67-69), and other conditions (60,70-  arrhythmia, acute kidney injury, shock, and death from
               76). Generally, the use of cell-based therapy has greatly   MOD syndrome (3,17). However, the cure of COVID-19
               outpaced the evidence (60,70-76). Unfortunately, this   is essentially dependent on the patient’s own immune
               led to unsubstantiated claims of miraculous outcomes   system. When the over activated immune system kills
               (77). As a result, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC)   the virus, it produces a large number of inflammatory
               has taken action against stem cell therapy clinics found   factors, resulting in severe cytokine storm (3,17). The
               to be in violation of the truth in advertising law (78).   main reason for organ damage may be due to virus-
               Subsequently, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)   induced cytokine storm caused by IL-2, IL-6, IL-7, GSCF,
               has investigated multiple stem cell clinics and published   IP10, MCP1, MIP1A, and TNFα, followed by the edema,
               new guidance (79-94). Further, the sheer volume of   dysfunction of the air exchange, ARDS, acute cardiac
               unsubstantiated claims and lack of high level research   injury and the secondary infection, which may lead to
               has led to a Health Canada policy position paper on the   death (17).

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