Page 125 - Mesenchymal Stem cells, Exosomes and vitamins in the fight aginst COVID
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Table 4: The laboratory results of the critically severe patient. Red: the value was above the normal. Blue: the value was below the normal. NA: Not Available

                                                                        Reference range   Jan 24   Jan 30   Jan 31   Feb 1   Feb 2   Feb 4   Feb 6   Feb 10   Feb 13

                                          C-reactive protein (ng/mL)        < 3.00    2.20     105.50     NA   191.00    83.40     13.60     22.70     18.30     10.10

                                          Absolute lymphocyte count (× 10  per liter)   1.10-3.20   0.94     0.60     0.35     0.23     0.35     0.58     0.87     0.73     0.93
                                          White-cell count (× 10  per liter)   3.50-9.50   4.91     6.35     7.90     7.08     12.16     12.57     11.26     10.65     8.90
                                          Absolute neutrophil count (× 10  per liter)   1.80-6.30   3.43     5.43     7.28     6.63     11.33     11.10     9.43     9.18     7.08

                                          Absolute monocyte count (× 10  per liter)   0.10-0.60   0.38     0.25     0.17     0.13     0.35     0.61     0.52     0.48     0.56
                                          Red-cell count (× 10  per liter)   4.30-5.80   4.69     4.68     4.66     4.78     4.73     4.75     5.16     4.69     4.53
                                          Hemoglobin (g/L)               130.00-175.00   145.00    147.00    145.00    146.00    142.00    145.00    155.00    145.00    137.00

                                          Platelet count (× 10  per liter)   125.00-350.00   153.00    148.00    169.00    230.00    271.00    268.00    279.00    332.00    279.00
                                          Absolute eosinophil count (× 10  per liter)   0.02-0.52   0.02     0.02     0.02     0.02     0.02     0.05     0.15     0.14     0.14
                                          Absolute basophilic count (× 10  per liter)   0.00-0.06   0.02     0.01     0.02     0.02     0.02     0.06     0.10     0.03     0.04

                                          Total bilirubin (μmol/L)        5.00-21.00   7.00     23.00     21.70     19.80     14.20     15.80     16.50     12.50     8.70

                                          Albumin (g/L)                   40.00-55.00   41.70     32.30     29.70     29.90     31.60     33.00     32.20     30.10     29.10

                                          Aspartate amino transferase (U/L)   15.00-40.00   14.00     33.00     48.00     57.00     39.00     34.00     23.00     25.00     19.00
                                          Fibrinogen (g/L)                 2.00-4.00   2.44     4.24     NA   NA   4.73     NA   3.12     3.84     3.73

                                          Procalcitonin (ng/mL)             < 0.10    0.11     0.12     NA   NA   NA   0.10     0.18     0.15     < 0.10

                                          Creatine kinase isoenzymes (ng/mL)   < 3.60   0.90     0.12     NA   5.67     4.24     NA   0.88     0.90     0.61

                                          Creatine kinase (U/L)           50.00.310.00   168.00    231.00     NA   513.00    316.00     NA   47.00     83.00     40.00

                                          Glomerular filtration rate (ml/min)   > 90.00   81.30     68.00     89.60     99.00    104.00    92.50    108.10    97.10     94.10

                                          Potassium (mmol/L)        3.61     2.74     3.00     3.42     3.47     4.18     4.36     4.69     4.61

                                          Sodium (mmol/L)         138.50    132.60    129.50    132.80    136.90    135.80    133.80    134.10    137.70

                                          Myoglobin (ng/mL)        53.00     80.00     NA   138.00    77.00     NA   62.00     60.00     43.00
                                          Troponin (ng/mL)                 < 0.056    0.10     0.07     NA   0.05     0.05     NA   0.02     0.04     0.04
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